Best I'll Ever Be

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music



Fan Fiction

Well the ending is almost coming...The second to the last of my stories...And it is Calvin's turn.And this time I am pairing him with Quiao Quiao or Joanne Zhang.There are rumors that they are together for reel and real.Well if Calvin likes her and if they like each other,I'm all for it.....

Calvin is looking so fine lately and I think I am loving him more and more...Love his sense of humor and the stability in his personality.And it seems like nowadays he is the one closest to Jiro,and you can see that they really trust and support each other.I think of all the members in the Fahrenheit,he trust Calvin the most,didn't he said that Calvin is like a pet dog,lovable ,cute and harmless.


"Best I'll Ever Be" by Sister Hazel

Oh I miss you
I miss being overwhelmed by you
And I need rescue
I think I'm fading away
But I keep thinking
That you'll wake me up with a whisper in my ear
I keep hoping that you'll sneak in my room

So I wait and I wait
And I run old scenes through my tired head
Of the days that we laid by the school
And said forever
Was that the best I'll ever be

Oh I miss you
I miss talking all night long with you
And I need this to
Find a way to your home
Oh my love can you hear me
Have I been hoping loud enough
Wishing hard enough
Can you see me when I'm asleep all alone... alone

So I wait and I wait
And I run myself in the same old circles
I sit and I stare
And I run old scenes through my tired head
Of the days that we laid by the school
And said forever
Was that the best I'll ever be

Can't keep my hands from shaking
Stumbling through the wreckage again
But you're gone

So I wait and I wait
And I run myself in the same old circles
I sit and I stare
And I run old scenes through my tired head
Of the days that we laid on our backs
And said forever
Was that the best I'll ever be
Was that the best I'll ever be
Was that the best I'll ever be

The sun has started to come out now.Calvin put on his sunglasses as to avoid the glare.He left early morning from the city on the way to home.He was never home for almost a year now.But today he needs to go home for a lot of reasons.He has been wanting to go home but quite hesitant and confused.But he guess the fate have decided for him,since he needs to go home for some business things with his family.

His parents passed away last year and he only have his brother there who opted to stay there and managed the family business.He decided to move to the city and face the challenges there instead of the quiet humdrum of their old town.The city look so exciting and inviting with their bright lights and the never ending sounds.People all over,on the streets and everywhere,there you will never feel all alone.

But a year after of living in the city ,now he has a different view of the bright lights and neon lights.And with all the people all around,how come he felt so alone and so lonely.He missed her ,and he wants so much to reach out for her,to call her and listen to her voice once again.
Joanne,he wondered if she have moved on and have found somebody new.He tried looking for her replacement but failed.This time he realized that there will be only one Joanne in his life.

Calvin slowed down the speed as he entered the city.The town almost looked the same except from some new building popping out from some vacant lots.Now the little town seems so much bigger and larger.The lifeless town is now bigger.

He passed the big store on the corner,where his parents used to own and run,now it is his brother who runs it,and it is now a lot lot bigger.They are planning to build a big supermarket by the other end corner. They have started building it and he is here today to sign some papers.He is not really that interested anymore but his brother is adamant that he be part of it,be a part owner since it the legacy that their parents have left them.

A few more blocks and he ended up in a residential area and stopped at their old house.The house still stood erect with all its memories.The home that he always knew.Nobody lives there now,but they still kept it .His parents have given it to him being the oldest.His own brother have a new house with his own family,a bigger and in a better and exclusive neighborhood.

He open the door and the house looked so spotless and clean.His brother knew he was coming and must have kept it clean and tidy for him.He took his luggage upstairs to his room as he opened the window there to let the fresh air come.He looked out at the window,Joanne bedroom is just across his room for they are neighbors.He wondered if he is home right now.

It is Saturday,she should be home.Joanne opted to stay in their town and teach in their elementary school.She loves kids and he remembers how she is so patient with them.Her parents are still alive but they are old now.They are one of her reason why she cannot be with him to live in the city.

He went downstairs and checked the kitchen and was surprised that the fridge is full of food and provisions.He is not even staying long and his brother have stock it ,as if he is gonna be here forever.he took an orange juice and pour himself in a glass as he went around looking at each nook and cranny.Memories filled his thoughts.

Pictures abound in the display table.The one that caught his eyes most is his picture with Joanne in his side.They are both laughing and making faces as his arms is around her shoulder,and the picture of them in their senior prom,he was dressed in a tuxedo and Joanne in a beautiful peach gown.they are a picture of a perfect couple then.

His attention shifted when he heard a knock on the door,as he went to answer it.There she is the girl in the picture is right before his very eyes.She is more beautiful that he remembered her.All grown up and a lady now.Where did all the time flew by,as he stared at her in disbelief.

"Joanne,Hi,How are you?" Calvin said

"Hello Calvin,I heard from your brother Arron that you are coming home today.So I brought you something,just in case you get hungry.I made some dimsum and baked some buns." Joanne said.

"Please do come in.And thank you for all of this.I am quite hungry now.Why don't you share it with me?" Calvin said,feeling quite awkward after their last meeting,when he walked away so angry with her.

"No thank you,I have just finished breakfast.I have to go my parents will be up soon and I have to attend to them.It is nice seeing you once again Calvin." Joanne said as she walked out after putting everything in the table.

"Nice seeing you too.And thank you for all of this." Calvin said.He wants to stop her and talk to her once more ,catch up where they have left off,but she have to attend to her parents.

"I'll see you around." Joannes said."Are you staying a little longer?"

"I don't know,it depends how long it will take,but likely only this weekend and I have to go back ,I can't stay long.I have a job waiting." Calvin said.

'Well just in case good bye Calvin.It is really nice seeing you again." Joanne said as she walked away.

Calvin stood there and watched her until she was gone from his view.His heart is achy once she was gone.

The phone rang and it is his brother Arron,wanting to see him and waiting in his house.Calvin grabbed some of the buns and drove to Arron's place.

It didn't take long.All the papers are ready to be signed,and with the lawyer present everything that he have set to do on this trip is all done.They went to inspect the new site of the supermarket and they went tot he old store as more memories flooded him.The old stores made him missed his parents even more.If they are only still alive,he will tell them how much they missed them being away from them for so long.

He met his sister in law Hebe and the children.Arron is the youngest but he got his life in order now more than him.He is still single and doesn't know what will become of him.He envy his brother for his simple ,quiet and happy life.

He was back in the old house after having dinner in Arron's home.he walked around and looked at Joanne's house and wondered if she is still awake.Tomorrow he is leaving back to the city and he just wants to talk to her before he leaves,really talk to her.He knows now that she will be the only one for him and he won't be happy if she is not by his side.

Calvin get out and knock on the next door.Joanne was there as she open the door for him.

"Calvin?" Joanne said with a question in her eyes.

"Joanne can I talk to you" Calvin said."I hope I am not bothering you and your parents."

"No,it is alright.They are already in bed.Please do come in." Joanne she let him in and have him seated int he sofa.

"The business is all done and I will be leaving tomorrow." Calvin said."But I just have to talk to you and let you know how I feel about you and how I feel about us." Calvin started as Joanne is all eyes to him.

"Joanne I still love you and seeing you today confirmed more that I will never be happy without you in my side.I love you and I just knew that you will be the only girl for me." Calvin said.

"Oh Calvin,I still feel the same way about you.I have never
forgotten you.You are always in my heart.And I am sorry that we have to part ways the last time angry and bitter with each other." Joanne said as her eyes tears,and Calvin took her in his arms and kissed her lips.How he missed her.

"I love you,Joanne ,I am sorry for not understanding you,for staying here and be with your parents.I understood you now and I don't mind staying here with you,as long as I have you by my side." Calvin said.

"Really,you don't mind staying here?" Joanne asked as she stared at him.

"No,as long as I wake up every morning besides you.So will you marry me?" Calvin asked.

"Oh yes Calvin ,I'll marry you.I have waited for you forever to ask me." Joanne answered."I'll marry you and will be proud to be your wife." as she smiled at him.

Calvin pulled her in a hug and then kissed her full in the mouth ,as they share they passion for each other.Calvin and Joanne have finally found each other to love and to hold...forever.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
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JoJomontano #9
this is so cool