Paparazzi {Bebu}

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music
Fan Fiction



I am almost there on my hundred mark...And this time a Bebu story,and I am using Lady Gaga's song Paparazzi.I am not that crazy with lady gaga but I happen to like some of her music.

And yes this time ,it is Arron and Hebe team up,I know there are a lot of Bebu fans out there.And yes still awaiting and dreaming for their team up.We fans must be seeing something,that the management doesn't see.They almost team up in Pi Li MIT but Hebe got sick and hopefully Arron's next project will have Hebe on it.The dream thing will be when all the Fahrenheit and SHE will be in one big drama.I am sure that will be a big hit....the biggest ever with Bebu,Jirlina ,and Chunella ,and will find Calvin a partner in Qiao Qiao/Joanne anyway there are rumors about them getting together...

Paparazzi by Lady Gaga

We are the crowd
We're c-coming out
Got my flash on it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so magical
We'd be so fantastical

Leather and jeans
Your watch glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
'Cause you know that baby I

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah cause you'll know
I'm staring between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes

Shadow is burnt
Yellow dance and return
My lashes are dry
But with teardrops I cry
It don't have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
'Cause you know that baby I

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

Real good
(We dance in the studio)
Snap, snapped
(That on the radio)

Don't stop boy, rewind
We'll blast it but we'll still have fun!

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

The alarm clock went on as Arron ,turned around and hit it off to stop the nagging sound.He took a deep breath,another day,he has been counting the days when he will graduate and get out from school.School has been pretty tight lately.

He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower in a few minutes he all done up,dressed in a jeans and a tee shirt as he put his socks on.He opened his closet and found the right shoes for his outfit.He took his sunglasses on the table and the car keys and his cell phone.

He can smell the breakfast as he walked down the stairs and passed on the hallway.It is scrambled eggs and bacon filling the hallway.

"Good Morning Mom." as he greeted her Mom all busy in the kitchen.

"Good Morning.Arron your brother left already he have an early start for his game practice." his Mom said.

"He took the car?" Arron said."And what am I gonna use now?"

"No,your Dad dropped him off but he is riding with you back home,so don't forget him this afternoon." his Mom said.

"Alright.I have to go now." Arron said after sipping to his orange juice."Bye mom." as he kissed his Mom goodbye.

He got the car and started backing up from the driveway and then he saw this girl again outside their gate.He have been seeing her every morning for almost a month now.She would stand outside their house and just be there looking at him ,not saying anything.He can also see her in the afternoon when he come back from school.

Her presence lately has been freaking him out.What with all the craziness in the world,he does not know what this girl is capable of.He wonder how come he can also find her in school,she will look at him but have said nothing and have kept her distance,and that baffled Arron even more.

Nobody seems to notice her presence except him.At first he thought that she was there for his brother for he is a popular basketball player,and he thought that she is one of his fans in school,but lately he have notice that she have been coming around because of him.Arron wondered what she wants from him.Although he himself is very popular in school and a lot of girls have a crush on him,but he never have this kind of craziness thrown at him.

He finally arrived in school,as he went straight in his class.The girl in the gate long forgotten during the course of the day.He remembered her again when it is time to go home.Jiro his brother made him wait him for another hour or so for his practice,for the league games is coming up soon.

Arron decided to hang out outside to wait for his brother.And then she saw her again,sitting in one of the bleacher on his way out,looking at him.Her sight scared him again.Her eyes looking straight at him.

He sat on one of the bench outside4 as he his Ipod and listened to his music,and then Arron was transported in a world of his own with his music as he closed his eyes.His music stopped and Arron opened his eyes,and the girl is right in front of him staring down at him.This is the closest that this girl got to him,as they looked at each other eyes.,she smiled at him.

"Hi ,I am Hebe and you are Arron right?" she said.

Arron just nodded his head,unable to say something.

"I am glad to meet you.You might have seen me around quite often." Hebe said."I am a new girl in school and I just live by your neighborhood.I want to be friends with you,if you don't mind."

Arron looked at her.This girl is too direct and too bold for Arron and this scared him."I am sorry,I don't make friends that way and I don't want to be your friend." Arron said,as he got up and walked away without looking back.

Hebe stood there rooted in her place.Did she come up too strong for him.She thought he is nice,just like her friend Yalun.He looked like him,and even dressed like him.It took her a while to realized that Arron is not Yalun her friend who she lost a year ago from his battle with cancer.

Seeing Arron made her happy,as if her friend is coming back to life.It took her a while to have the guts to walk to him and try to make friends with him,only to be spun and be rejected.tears welled in her eyes,as she was embarrassed at the rejection.Arron can never be Yalun,for Yalun is good,and kindhearted,he will never reject or embarrassed in front of all this people.He is so mean and cruel..

That afternoon,Arron didn't see Hebe outside their house nor the following day and the day after.It alarms Arron that he have been so mean to her and the embarassment that he have done to her.He have been feeling guilty for what he have done.Somehow he have been wanting to say sorry to her but he never have the chance for he can only see her from a distance.

Eversince that day,Hebe has been on Arron's mind,it must be the guilt or something as he started to find out things about her.He even checked out her place in their neighborhood.Her face haunt her like an image that never went away.He just know that he have to say sorry to her then maybe this thoughts of her will go away from his mind.

One afternoon as Arron was waiting for his brother practice for the game again.He saw Hebe walking out from the library as he followed her out.

"Hebe,can I talk to you?" Arron asked.

Hebe looked back and was surprised to see Arron as she frown.She wondered what does he wants now.She stopped and looked at him and waited for him what he is about to say.

"I am sorry about the other day.I never meant to embarrassed you,it is just that you scared me that day." Arron said."I have seen you around and outside the house and it freaks me out when you approach me."

"I am sorry I never meant to scare you." Hebe said.

"You still want me to be your friend,although I have a mean streak in me?" Arron asked.

"Do you want to?" Hebe asked.

"Yes,I want to be your friend and I want to get to know you more." Arron said.

"Then we can be friends.I really want to get to know you Arron." Hebe said.Arron looked at her and nodded.he looked more beautiful as he stared at her.he was thankful that he have enough courage to apologize to her as he smiled.

Few months after,Arron hummed his tune as he smiled.He checked himself in the mirror for the last time before heading out from his room.His phone rang and Hebe picture flashed on the screen.

"Hello Babe,I am leaving right now.I'll be there in a seconds.I love you." as he hung up and ran all the way down to the stairs.

"Mom,I am leaving,Hebe is waiting for me." Arron said as he hopped in his car.

Arron stopped in front of a house ,as Hebe walked out from the gate.Arron got up and open the door for Hebe to get in the car,after giving her a peck on the lips.

"Did you have a good night?" Arron asked.

"I sure did and even dream of you." Hebe said.

"Me too,I have a good night and dream of you." Arron said,as he took her hand and kissed it."You know that I love you babe.I love you a lot.and thanks for stalking me or other wise I could have miss you in my life."

"I never thought you'll say that.I love you too Arron.And thanks for finding your love and for finding a friend in you." as she looked at him.Arron stopped as he gave Hebe a kissed on her they shared and enjoy their life together....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
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JoJomontano #9
this is so cool