Goose Dream {Jirlina}

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music

Fan Fiction

My summer days has been busy so much socializing plus work.Less time to sit down and stare at the computer.I have been missing gushing and ranting about my favorites,much less time to think and dwell about sad,and happy thoughts.

Well I have been a er for a sad songs,songs that touched.Lately I have been listening more to Korean songs,Super Junior to be exact ,maybe because it is something new to me,and Fahrenheit last album has been six months away.And I have been listening to their album everyday for more than six months.I listen to it when I drove to all my appointments and errands.I tucked away the old album and put it in my collection box already.

Not that I love Fahrenheit less now,in fact I still hardly get fast a day without thinking of Jiro.I still am crazy about him,two years and counting....He is still very much a part of my system which I can't seem to get rid off.{not that I want to}

I open the winglin today and never found any Jiro story on it in the first page.Pretty much Koreans,DBSK,Super Junior,2 PM and Shinee and the Japanese stars like Yamapi and Jin et al.I saw lot of Bebu and Chunella and Fahrenheit ,is Jirlina or Dongtian getting extinct? I hope not...

So since I can't find a new Jiro story to read,I decided to write a Jirlina satisfy myself? I guess it is about time to update my stories and put Jiro back on board {if i still have a reader?}.I think I should do that,I wonder where are the old writers are?

Today the source of my inspiration is the song Goose's Dream.I said to myself that must be quite a song to have a goose name on it.And when I found the English subbed on it and saw the MV,I was touched.I first heard the song on Youtube when Kyuhyun and Jonghyun sang the song in a concert.Their voices plus the song and the music equals to a greatness....


Goose's Dream

I.. I had a dream.
Even if it was a shabby dream that was dumpped and tored.
But I've kept it deep inside my heart like a treasure.

Sometimes, somebody laughed at me behind my back.
I should stand it. I could stand it for the day.

You always said with anxiety.
"An empty dream is a poison.
This world has already fixed like a novel's ending.
It can't be back. This is a "reality".
Oh Yes, I, I have a dream. I believe the dream.
Watch at me please.
In front of the cold wall named "reality"(Destiny),
I can face it with full confidence.

Someday I'll over the wall.
I can fly high above the sky.
Even this heavy world can't chain me.
At the end of my life,
The day when I'll make a smile,
I hope it to be with you. by carnival Kyuhyun and Jonghyun version.

The sun shines mightily as it spreads his heat all over the vast land.The farm looks a blanket of greens as the leaves of rice grains sway with the winds that seems to sway and cool down the living things below.The farm spoke of life,a pure simple life.

Selina hold on to the hat that covers her head from the scorching heat and blaze of the sun.She walked slowly but in a steady rhythm with a lunch bag in her hand.Selina stared at the vast fields which has been a part of her life.She loves it here,her parents have ingrained in her the love for the farm.This is their living and yes this their life.

She finally caught sight of a the small nipa hut in the middle of the field.The refuge for all the workers who toils at the farm.The hut looks empty at the distance.They must be still working in the farm,although she have not seen a soul within the distance.They must be working on the other end today.Good enough so she can set up the lunch before they come over.The foods felt heavy on her hands as she transferred it on another hand.

She wiped her forehead from the perspiration on her forehead and fan herself with the hat.She started fixing the wooden table in the middle with the food that she brought with her.And then took a pitcher of water from a nearby pump.Soon enough,she can hear their voices,as she made her way o the hut.

Selina smiled at the sight of Jiro.He stood tall through them all.He smiled at the sight of her,as they looked at each other.The group of men smiled at them,as they stared at each other.

"So what do we have for lunch today?" Jiro asked,as soon as he reached Selina and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Something that you like a lot.A chicken curry with lots of vegetables." Selina said with a smile."I cooked a lot for all of us,so don't be shy." as she offered the food to everybody.Most of the men brought their own lunch from home.But they are happy to taste Selina's cooking which is one of the best in the town.

"Come on ,let us eat.I am so hungry." Jiro said as he sat on the table with Selina by his side.

After eating lunch,the men went back to work,as Selina gathered up and clean up.Jiro stayed behind with her.

"I just got a mail for you today." as she took a big enveloped out from her pocket.

Jiro's eyes brightened up as he saw the envelope in Selina's hand.He quickly opened the letter and then whooped up with a scream and shout of joy after reading it's content.

"Oh my God,Selina,they want me to come over.They want me to come over their to audition and they want to hear me sing in person." Jiro said in a loud voice ,his voice high with excitement and emotions."They liked my voice and my song that I sent them,so they are inviting me to come over."

Selina smiled,she is not really that excited over the news.But she is happy for him."I am glad." Selina said."So when are you going to the city?"

"They want me there by next week." Jiro said."I am so excited.Finally a step towards my dream.This is the chance that I have been waiting for.Oh my God,the biggest chance of a lifetime right before my very eyes."

Selina force a smile in her face."I am so happy for you.I am sure they are going to like you." she said.

"You don't sound too happy for me." Jiro said."What is wrong?"

"No,it is just that city is too far away,and the life there is too far cry from what we have here." Selina said."Most of the people who went to the city,never came back.And most of them,never looked back.Will you be like them and get drown in the city with it's bright light and glamor that it can offer?The happy and exciting life that everybody is looking for"

"I won't be like that.I promised,I will come back for you and then I'll be here to collect you as my bride.Like I always promise you.You are a part of my dream Selina.It won't be complete without you.I love you." Jiro said,as he came to her and put his arms around her to reassure her of his love for her.

Selina's eyes teared and she can't help when a tear or two fell on her cheeks,as Jiro tried to wipe them away.Selina tried to smile at him,but the thought of losing him got the better of her,as tears came one after the other.

"I love you Jiro,always remember that.And I will be here waiting for you until you come back." Selina said.

"You will always be on my thought,and I will be faithful to you and our vows.You will be the only girl for me,and will be the only girl that I will ever love." Jiro said,as he kissed her lips to seal their promise.

Six months have passed,and Selina have not heard from Jiro,except for three letters from him.The first one to tell her that he passed the audition and that he have to go to a certain training,to get ready for his debut performance.The second letter to tell her about the success of her debut performance and that he was being offered not only an album but also an acting job in a drama series.He also restated his love and his promised to her.And the third letter just came a few days ago.He said he wants to see her and wants to talk to her.No mention about the promises and the love that he professed before.

Selina stared at the letter as she thought of him.Did his feelings changed?Did he found someone new? Somebody beautiful,y and glamorous to go with his popularity?Is she too old fashioned,too plain,and naive for him,now that he found success?Thousands of questions filled her mind,but she knew that only Jiro can answer all of that.

Will she have the strength to face him?Is it alright to face him again,knowing this time,he is going to break her heart?Tears came again,like always,since he left her.Maybe this will the last time,she is going to shed tears for him.And maybe this will be the closure that both of them needed to free from each other.

The next day,Selina woke up early.Today is the day,when Jiro said ,he will be coming to talk to her.She said her prayer for today,praying to the Mighty One above that she will have the strength that she needed to face whatever God have in store for her for today.

Jiro came that day as he wrote in his letter.It is started to get dark,when Jiro finally found the way to her house.Selina opened the door and there stood Jiro,standing tall with a smile in his face.Selina was quite surprised when Jiro lifted her up from her feet to give her a big hug with a big laugh .And when he put her down,Selina became unsteady with her feet,as she was in dazed and her mind in turmoil.Here she was thinking about the death sentence only to find Jiro,the same Jiro that she have way back then.

"You just don't know,how I missed you so much." Jiro said."This time I won't go back in the city without you.I need you there with me Selina.I just love you too much.I need you to complete me."

"Oh Jiro,I thought you came back here to break up with me.I miss you so much too.My life is so empty without you" Selina said as she cried once again.But this time ,it is the tears of happiness."I am glad you are back."

"I am back to collect my beautiful bride.Selina will you marry me?" Jiro asked."I know I will be asking a lot from you,but I can't live anymore,without you by my side."

"Oh Jiro,I love too much.Yes I'll marry you anywhere and anytime." Selina said,as she smiled and laughed.

And with that Jiro took Selina in his arms and gave her a long passionate kiss that both of them have been dreaming about.And this time they will never part.Jiro and Selina together forever.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
If you don't mind, Read this and tell me about it:
JoJomontano #9
this is so cool