You're My Everything {Jiro/Kimi}

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music


Fan Fiction

Today I have a story playing on my mind...since I saw Tank's MV with Jiro and Kimi on it{Selina's little sister.}I think they are so cute together...So today I am writing a story for is about a young love ....

You're My Everything by Santa Esmeralda

You're my everything
The sun that shines above you makes the blue bird sing
The stars that twinkle way up
in the sky, tell me I'm in love.

When I kiss your lips
I feel the rolling thunder to my fingertips
And all the while my head is in a spin
Deep within I'm in love.

You're my everything
And nothing really matters
but the love you bring
You're my everything
To see you in the morning
with those big brown eyes.

You're my everything
Forever everyday I need you
close to me
You're my everything
you'll never have to worry
Never fear for I am near.

Oh, my everything
I live upon the land
and see the sky above
I swim within her oceans
sweet and warm
There's no storm, my love.

When I hold you tight there's nothing
That can harm you In the lonely night
I'll come to you
And keep you safe and warm
It's so strong, my love.

The door bell rang,before Jiro can put the finishing touches on his painting.He has been working on this one since he woke up in the middle of the night,and his vision coming into him.He forgot breakfast and lunch altogether,and now...a disturbance when he is almost done in his Obra.The bell was persistent as he decided to open the door,so as he can continue what he was doing.

And as he opened the door,a delivery guy with a bouquet of long stemmed red roses came into view.

"A flower for Miss Kimi Ren" the delivery guy said.

Jiro scratched his head,all for a mere flower for little Kimi,he thought."I am sorry you got the wrong address.It is the next door." he said as he closed the door and turned his back to go back to his work.

He went back to his work and did the finishing touches as he stared at his work of love.It is a painting of fields of sunflowers with a backdrop of a mountain.The flowers seems to come to life with his handwork.He smiled at himself as he marveled at his work of art.And then the annoying doorbell again buzzed as he tried to clean himself from the paint that clung to his hands,arms and face.

And as he open the door,he saw little Kimi by the door with a big smile on her face.

"Are you doing anything today?" she asked as she went straight to the door and walk inside the house without much of an invitation.

"I just finished working on something.And as you can see I have paints all over me,which means that I have been working so hard,so that means you cannot bother me." Jiro said.

"Uhmm you are so annoying.I am bored and I am by myself again in the house.Mom and Dad are at work and Kyle is at his karate class." she said pouting."And they won't let me leave the house and hang out with my friends.It is just not fair." sitting on the chair where Jiro was about to sit.

"What happen to your class?" Jiro asked.

"Duh we are on summer break now.Well you'll never know for you are done with school now.I can't wait to finish school and be on my own." Kimi said.

"Yeah,you are only saying that.Look at me I still lives with my parents ,even though I am done school." Jiro said.

"Well you are different.You don't like people,you just keep to yourself.Me I want to socialize and I want to party." Kimi said."How come you still lives with your parents and you are not married yet?"

"Well for one,I cannot afford living by myself yet and second nobody wants to hook up with a starving artist like me." Jiro said."Don't tell me you are planning to get married after you finish school,you have two or three years of school yet right?" as he gathered her painting brushes and his paraphernalia on the table.

"No just one more year of school." Kimi answered."Of course not,I don't even have a boyfriend yet."

"You are way too young,even to have a serious boyfriend.And who is the one sending you flowers just now?" Jiro asked.

"Uhmm nothing ,an annoying suitors.He is so persistent,I don't even like him." Kimi said and as she smile thinking about the guy."But he is way too cute." and blushing .

Jiro noticed the color on her cheeks,as he stared at her.Little Kimi is sure is growing up,and she is not that little anymore.She have grown tall,above his shoulder and he is not even short,he is almost six feet.

Jiro stared at her and noticed the long dark flowing hair that framed her face.Little smiley eyes,nice nose and pouty pink lips.Her skin is smooth and flawless.She is wearing a tee shirt and a short that showed her long and well shaped legs.She looked so sweet and innocent,no wonder there is a persistent guy after her.Jiro swallowed his saliva as he felt some thing.He scratched his head and remind himself ,what could he have been thinking.

"Then you should give him a chance,you'll never know,if you may have liked him." Jiro said.

"No I don't think so.I like somebody else." Kimi said.

Jiro doesn't know why suddenly he felt upset that he liked somebody else."Well does he like you back?" he asked.

"I don't think so.I knew he liked somebody else before,but the girl dumped him for somebody else." she said.

"So now you got your chance." Jiro said."Why don't you go home,cause I want to take a shower.I felt so filthy and hungry too."

"Uhmm do you have anything to eat?" Kimi asked.

"I don't think so,I'll cook or look for something to eat after I shower." he said."Now why don't you leave me in peace please."

"I can cook you something.Why don't you shower and I 'll cook something.I know what you want and you are not choosy.I know you can eat anything especially if you are hungry." Kimi said.

"Alright but don't make a mess.You cook while I shower." Jiro said as he left for his room to shower.

Kimi look at the fridge as she found ham and eggs and found some left over rice.She started cooking fried rice.By the time Jiro was done showering,he can smell the aroma of ham fried rice as he walked to the kitchen in his tee shirt and jeans.

"Something smells good,and I am so hungry.Your boyfriend or husband will be lucky to have you." Jiro said.

"You think so,you think the guy that I like may also like me?" she asked with a smile as she looked at him.

"I am pretty sure,what more could he want,a pretty girl that can cook,that is a sure winner." Jiro said as he smiled at her and tap her head.He does not know why is he saying it to her,but something in his heart is hurting.

He always consider her as a younger sister.He have known her for years.They played together despite their age differences.They hang out together,teased each other and talked everything under the sun.He can tell her anything, and everything and she knew almost everything about him,and so is he except for the guy that she have been talking about just now.She never mentioned to him before.And he never knew that by her talking about the guy that she like could evoke emotions from him.

Kimi took two plates as she put some fried rice on each plates and put them on the table.Jiro took a couple of glasses and poured some iced tea on both glasses as he took a seat opposite her.Somehow the act has been done so many times before,but somehow today Jiro just realize how he felt so comfortable and so at home with Kimi.He will miss her when she started going out with her boyfriend.Suddenly he felt anger or jealousy to a guy he never met.

"Uhmmmm this is so good,one of the best." Jiro said as he make sounds eating.Kimi giggled at him.

"You are just hungry." she said."I am glad you like my cooking."

"Starving guys can't be choosers." Jiro said."Since you cooked me lunch or this is dinner?You can ask me for anything now."

"Really I can ask you anything?" Kimi said her eyes lighting up in excitement."You said anything right?"

"Yes before I changed my mind." Jiro said.

"I just want you to answer me an honest answer to my question." Kimi said her voice sounding so serious all of a sudden.

Jiro stared at her and swallowed hard,as they stared at each other,Kimi's face blushing from his stare and Jiro's heart started to pound so hard against his chest as he have the urge to hold her and kiss her.

"What do you exactly feel about me?" Kimi asked."We have been friends,neighbors and all that,but I want to know if you ever like me,like me or love me as a boy and girl should feel to each other.Because I think I love you more than a friend and an older brother."

"Kimi what are you saying,you are way too young for me.You always been like a little a sister to me." Jiro started as he stumbled for words to say.

Kimi bit her lips when she heard him say like a sister.So she will always be like sister to him and nothing else.And then Jiro noticed the tears in her eyes.

"So you only like me as a sister?" as she stood up and ran out of their house.Jiro was left in shock at the turn of events ,unable to say anything...

Days that followed and Jiro never saw and heard anything from Kimi.He missed her company,missed her voice,her never ending questions,her smiles,giggles and laughter.He wants to knock on her door and talked to her,and tell her that he also have feelings for her,but his insecurities got the better of him.

One night on his way home,he saw her with a guy going out on a date.She ignored him when she saw him.He can only stared at her back as she walked away with her date.He wants to take her away from him and claimed her as his own but then he have nothing to offer her.

He went out on a date but still her face is the one he wants to see.He wants to hear her laughter once again and see her smile.He went home early that night,his thoughts on Kimi.And as he was on his way to the door,he saw Kimi on his doorstep sitting on the floor.

"Did you have a date tonight?" Kimi asked.

Jiro nodded his head as he looked at her.She looked so young and so innocent.

"Did you have a nice time with her?" she asked.

Jiro shook his head as he sat down with her."No it is so boring.I didn't enjoy myself at all."

"Why is she ugly ,fat and a slob?" she asked.

"No,in fact she is very pretty,she is not fat,in fact she is very y and she is not a slob,she is very refined lady." he said.

"How come you don't like her?" she asked.

"Because she is not you.Because all night long,all I can think is you.I think you cast a spell on me Kimi.I think I have fallen for you already." Jiro said as he looked at her and took her hand.

Kimi looked at her and then her tears fell as she tried to smile."You really mean that? You love me too?"

"Yes I do,I tried to forget you but I can't.The more I tried,the more I keep on thinking about you.But would you like a starving artist as a boyfriend,who can't even support himself?" Jiro asked.

"I love you,no matter what.I will be here to support you in your dreams."as she took Jiro's other hand.

"But you are way too young." he said."You still have a lot of growing to do,but I will wait for you,until you are ready.I love you Kimi."

"I love you too Dadong." Kimi said and as felt Jiro's lips on her...only their own feelings mattered as Jiro and Kimi kissed and hugged ....Jiro and Kimi together at last...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
If you don't mind, Read this and tell me about it:
JoJomontano #9
this is so cool