Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Words {RuXuan}

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music
Fan Fiction


I finally got around in writing again,I have so many things on my mind.I just got back from mini winter get away,the once a year thing that we do during winter,with the whole family.It is refreshing but very tiring,and now back in the grind again.Somehow it is different when you are at the top of the mountain,and somehow it gives you a new perspective in life...Life is not at all there's to it...and more.

Leena I finally wrote a RuXuan story,I did it before I went but unable to post because I don't have time. I know you are originally a RuXuan fan but you love Jirlina just the same right?Actually I miss Jiro with Selina/Hebe,I still think ,they are the best suited for my Dadong.Too much Rainie and Jiro but the more I realized ,they don't have the chemistry,Jiro got it with Selina and maybe I am biased,because I am a Dongtian fan too,but I also can see it and feel it between Jiro and Hebe,either Selina and Hebe,I will be happy for my Dadong.Although I can see Jiro and Selina more likely,there is just too much coincidences between the two of them,everything is almost written on the wall and they still can't see it....maybe the three of them is so confused just like me...

I know there are a lot of Bebu but there was this girl,that I think that will be suited best for Arron,I saw her in the internet,I think she is from Mainland China,her name is Crystal Lui,she is very pretty and it looks like she is very popular in China,for she is the winner of the most searched face,I think,if I am not wrong.I think her and Arron will look good together....Gee I am matchmaking here.
For Calvin,somehow,I always like him with Angela.They so many things in common too and they do look good together.
Chun is given ,of course Ella I think is the girl for him,if not,Ah Sa is in the waiting.They get along fine,and Charlene seems to be a very nice girl.And Chun is easy,he will be a perfect partner in life.{If I can give my heart to him I will}

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Elton John feat with Blue

What have I got to do to make you love me?
What have I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I wake to find that you're not there?

What do I do to make you want me?
What have I got to do to be heard?
What do i say when it's all over
And sorry seems to be the hardest word.

It's sad,so sad
It's a sad ,sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad ,so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word

What do I do to make you love me?
What have I got to do to be heard?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
What have I got to do?
What have I got to do?
When sorry seems to be the hardest word.

It is starting to get dark,as the winter wind blew,as Calvin huddle his jacket closer to his body,as the cold air seems to envelope his whole body.He checked his watch,he is still gonna be on time as expected,as he the corner and saw the neon lights that flashed the name of the restaurant.He hurried his steps,so as to avoid the prolonged exposure to the severe temperature.

Selina looked around,as she sat on the corner table,waiting for Jiro.He is supposed to be here any minute now.She told him,she needs to see him tonight,and they need to see each other in a neutral ground.She took a sip on her drinks,her temper rising with each sips,and the pain higher.She was mad and hurt at the same time.It seems she is going to be waiting for no one once again, as she finished the remaining on her glasses in one shot as she asked for the waitress for another one.

How can Jiro just took for granted all his feelings for him?She knows,he told her his situation,but she thought,that once she in in his life that eventually,he will care for her,will love her,and she thought that all her love for him will be enough for both of them.She thought,that she will be strong enough for both of them,that she will be able to take anything for him.But she was wrong,she was so wrong and she doesn't think ,she can take it anymore.This will be the ultimatum for their relationship...and for him not show up and not to face the issue means only one thing....he doesn't care,he does not care at all.

Selina wipe the tears and started to gulp down her drinks.This will wash away all my pain for tonight ,she thought.I deserved more than this,she wondered what can be his excuse once again...his job like always,or could it be there is something more?

Calvin looked around for a familiar sight,but found none.he is supposed to meet his friend here,a friend from the past.He is unable to find his face among the crowd,as he went to the receptionist/hostess to ask her.But before he can say more,he was ushered to a corner table.And calvin was surprised to see a girl sitting on the table,instead of his friend.She have an empty glass in her hand.She looked up at him as their eyes locked,and both unfamiliar with each other.There was no recognition on their face,as they looked at the hostess at the mistake.

"Excuse me,there must be a mistake."Calvin said."I am supposed to meet my friend ,a guy,not a girl friend."

"Oh i am sorry,I thought,you are the one she was waiting.I just assume that you are together." the lady said."If you can just wait outside,and we'll prepare a table for you,as you can see there is a waiting time."

"It is alright,I don't think,he is coming anyway.He can have my table."Selina said as she got up.

"It is alright,I'll just wait outside." Calvin said.He noted the sway on her body as she got up from the table."Is your friend still coming?"

"No,I don't think so,but this is not first time..." Selina said as she blabbered on her words.The drink must be getting in to her,she thought.She doesn't usually drink,but tonight is different,she is feeling miserable and hurt,and she needs to numb herself.

"I don't think,you should be going home by yourself."Calvin said.He stared at her,as she noted her beautiful face,with flawless skin and full lips.She is a very attractive lady and it will be a pity if something bad happen to her along the way.

"I'll be fine.Don't worry about me.Thanks for your concern anyway." Selina said.She smiled,she doesn't really care anymore .Maybe she should stop caring and maybe she will stop hurting.She tried to get up once again ,but her knees wobbled as Calvin hold on to her before,she lost her balance.

"Thanks,I guess,I am drunk,more than I would care to admit." she said,she smiled followed by a giddy laugh.

"I think,I should take you home before anything else.Or do you have somebody that can pick you up?" Calvin said.

Selina shook her head.She doesn't want to call Jiro,he was not here,which means,he does not care at all.She couldn't call home either,her parents will kill her,and her friend,Hebe and Ella are both out of town.She was still thinking of who to call,but her mind is getting farther and farther away,and then everything is blank.

Selina felt the sun on her face,as she moved from one side to another,in order to avoid the sunlight,that went in between the blinds.She tried to open her eyes,but was unable to,for she felt such an awful headache,like it is going to split between each side.She felt nauseous at the same time.She winced as she tried to open her eyes once again.

She was surprised when she caught glimpse of her surrounding,it is not her pink room,but a plain simple color white which was painted on the wall and on the ceiling.The blanket that surrounds her body is a manly color,not that it is not warm,or comfy,in fact she feels so comfortable on the bed and blanket,that her body felt like soaking in the bed for the whole day.But she wants her pink blanket and her flowery bed.

She sat in alarm,when she realized,she was not in her bed.She has been sleeping in somebody's bed.She noted the simple decorations,meaning that she has been sleeping in a man's bedroom.The bookcase,the black leather chair and the computer table on the side.If her room suggest a girl's room,this room is a very much of a man's room.

She check3ed herself,and found that she still have her clothes from yesterday,and yes,she is still very much intact.Slowly her mind and her memory is coming back,as she remembered the man from yesterday.She wondered if he is the owner of this place.

She heard a knock on the door ,as she straighten her self up.The man from yesterday came up,he was all dressed up in his suit,ready for work.

"Good Morning,I am Calvin." he said."I took you home last night,for I don't know where to take you.You passed out before you can give me your address."

"I am sorry,I didn't mean to inconvenience you.My name is Selina,and I don't usually do this things.I hope you believe me.I am not what it seems to be." Selina said."I didn't know that a couple of drinks can knock me out.But I don't really care last night,I was so mad and hurt,that I did not think rightly."

"Don't worry,you don't have to explain,sometimes,it just happen."Calvin said."The waitress told me that you have only two drinks.Come on let us have a breakfast before you go.There is a fresh towel on the bathroom and a new toothbrush and toothpaste for your use.If you need anything ,let me know."

After an almost an hour,Selina is all washed up and fresh as she went out from the room.She found Calvin pouring out some fresh coffee to the mugs.

"There you are.Nothing like a fresh strong coffee in the morning." Calvin said with a smile."And it will take away that hang over."

"How did you know,I must have look like a mess." Selina said.

"No,in fact you look so lovely in the morning."Calvin said."What a nice sight in the morning,to wake up to."

Selina blushed at his compliment.His flowery words is getting to her."Thank You."

"So what happen yesterday?" Calvin said."What happened to the guy you have been waiting for?"

"He can't come last night.He got stuck in his job,at least that what he said." she explained."For him,it is always his job first ,before anything else.It is not his fault,I sort of force my way in,in his life ,when he is not ready yet.I thought I will be able to take it,but I am wrong.It does matter that he loves his job first more than me.He may never really love me at all,after all."

"To me it will matter,the person that I love should also love me ,as much as I love her."Calvin said ,as he looked at her eyes.Something in his eyes is telling Selina,as she felt that her color have heightened."Only then,that true love will last."

"I knew that now.Love have to be a two way traffic,not a one way street." Selina said."You sound that you just have come out of that kind of relationship too."

"Yes,you are right.In as much as I thought I love her,i finally gave up on her." Calvin said."You deserve a better guy than him,and I deserve a better girl than her..Both of us,deserved a better partner in life.Don't you think so?"

Selina smiled and laughed."Yes,you're right.Who needs this?We all deserved to be happy.We deserved the best,and I am going to meet my Man,and I am going to show him that he lost big time,for letting me go." as her voice wavered and tears threatening to fall.

Calvin came to her,as he took her in her arms."I will be here for you Selina,always remember that.And I think I am the better man for you." as he whispered in her ears,as Selina looked up at him,and smiled.

"Maybe in due time,I can be the girl for you." as they stared at each other."We'll take it one day at a time." and Selina knows and Calvin knows,that in due time ,they will eventually end up with each other.As they look at each other with a good promise for tomorrow...Selina and Calvin..belong together..RuXuan.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
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JoJomontano #9
this is so cool