Do You Know Where You're Going To ? { Jirlina }

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music



Alright,I am posting a Jirlina story,and then let me see,hopefully a Dongtian or Chunella or Ruxuan or Arronella as requested and then Dongxuan and Donglin.

Anyway,I hope you like this.....Thanks for reading




Do You Know Where You're Going To ? by Diana Ross

Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to?
Do you know?

Do you get what you're hoping for?
When you look behind you there's no open doors
What are you hoping for?
Do you know?

Once we were standing still in time
Chasing the fantasies that filled our minds
You knew how I loved you
But my spirit is free
Laughing at the questions
That you once asked of me

Do you know where you're going to ?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to?
Do you know?

Now looking back at all we've planned
We let so many dreams
Just slip through our hands
Why must we wait so long
Before we see
How sad the answers
To those questions can be

Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you
Where are you going to?
Do you know?

Do you get what you're hoping for?
When you look behind you there's no open doors
What are you hoping for?
Do you know?

Do you know?
Do you know?

Jiro looked out at the glass windows of his penthouse apartment.With glass in hand,he looked out and saw a multitudes of lights ,like a thousand stars that flickers before his eyes.He looked up and found no star up there.Here in the city,there are no stars up in the skies ,but right here below,by the tall buildings that they dwell on.

Sure,New York City is way out different from the city that he grew up to.A small town boy at heart,Jiro longed for the sight of the rolling fields that he was accustomed to,the dusty roads,the bees that buzzed around the garden of his grandma,the frogs and the crickets at night that seemed to sing a happy tune all night long,the stars at night and the moon that shines....he missed all those things.

He wants to go home to visit his ailing grandma,the only family he have left,after his grandpa is gone two years ago.His parents dies when he was very young from a car accident.His grandparents are the only family he have after that.

There is only one person,that has been the nearest in his heart,but he also lost her somewhere.He lost her because of his dreams,he does not know,but somehow,he seemed he cannot hold on to the person that mean most to him.

He looked at the girl in his bed.He felt cheated and he felt miserable.He should stop doing this,it is not him,and for the first time ,he hated himself,he hated the guy that was in the mirror staring at him.he does not know where is the anger coming from,but how he hated how he have become.My grandfather will turn in his grave if he knows what he has been doing lately,he thought.I have to see Grandma soon,before it is too late....

His phone rang.Only few people knows this number.It means ,it is really important,as he picked up the phone.There was no name on the caller ID,he wondered if it is a wrong number,but his heart is racing,he does not know why?..

"Hello,is this Jiro?" a voice from the past,the girl,he lost along the way,how he missed her voice...Selina?...

"Yes,is this Selina?" Jiro asked.

"Yes,Jiro you have to come home,your Grandma has turned into worst,"Selina said,he could sense she is crying.

"Yes,I am coming home." as he hung up and he let the tears fall for the first time after a long time.Finally he is coming home.

Selina met him in the airport.she still look the same the girl,the only girl,he ever loved.He wants to hold her in his arms and to kiss her once again,but she is with Danson, always on her side to protect her from guys like Jiro. He looked at her and then looked at him.he does not know what to say.He just smiled at them,as they drove him to the hospital where his grandmother lay.

Jiro looked at her,so old and so weak.Where did the time goes.She was the epitome of strenght and courage,the one that he always clung to when he was down and afraid.Now he got nobody ,now he needs to be strong for her.He held her hands and she must have felt it as she tried to open her eyes and smiled at the sight of him.Jiro unable to control the tears ,the sobs,the pain that was inside,locked inside,and now it is out in the open and he cannot closed the lid back.He felt a hand and then a hug as Selina cried with him as they put their arms around each other as Danson looked on.He could not do anything,it seems they always belong together.He left her and yet,she still belonged to him,she was always his ,Jiro's and not Danson's,as he walked away from the scene.

A day after,his grandmother left with a smile in her face. Happy that for the last time ,she was able to see her grandson.Happy that he was standing tall despite the pain,despite the battle.that is all she wants,she want him to fight all the adversaries that come his way.

Selina and her family,helped him with the funeral arrangement.Jiro and Selina are neighbors.They were classmates since they were in kinder ,until they were in high school.Selina attended the local college and became a teacher,for she loves kids.And Jiro went to the big time college and then went to the big city to work.

Somehow the distance,and the difference on the road that they have to take ,send them apart.The love that they promised to each other was gone and Jiro never looked back.He was too busy,too happy to took notice of what was he has been leaving behind.He lost the small town boy heart that he have and was replaced by a cold ,lonely and selfish heart.He was lost in the crowd of people and lost whatever values that he used to hang on.

He is back in the old house ,and he has been looking and digging on all the old files that his Grandma have.He found the old albums that he used to have and smiled at them.he saw files of photos that his grandma collected as he was growing up,he cried remembering all those times.

Then ,there was a knock on the door and he hastily wiped his tears away.and he looked and it was Selina.They never really talked to each other,since he came back,just anything more like general conversation.He has a lot of questions but he does not know where to start.

"I brought you something to eat for breakfast."Selina said."I know you have not eaten yet.You should eat it now while it is still hot."

"How about you?"Jiro asked."You should join me."

"No, it is okay,I ate already." Selina said.

Selina prepared the table as Jiro looked on.

"Danson will be so lucky."Jiro said.

Selina looked at him and as he avoided her eyes."Why?"Selina asked.

"He will have a beautiful and a loving wife."Jiro said,he does not want to sound bitter,but that's how he sounded.

Selina stayed quiet."I don't know about that." she later added.

"You don't have plans of marriage yet"Jiro asked.

"No,and yes,we talked about it but nothing definite."Selina said."We have to think it through."

"You still have doubts about him?"Jiro asked."The guy has been there for you forever."

"No,I have no doubts about him,I have doubts about myself.I have to make sure that he is the one I really want,before I can commit myself to him."Selina said.

Jiro was so quiet,he does not know what to say.Is she saying about me?Does she still have feelings for me,after all this time,after what I have done to her?Jiro thought ,long and hard.

"Jiro,do you like your life now?"she asked"Do you like living in the big city?"

Jiro looked at her,and he have the urge to just hold her and just be with her and then nothing matters,whether he lives in the city or in a far away land,as long as she is with him.That is all that is the matter,as long as she is there.

"It does not matter,as long as the one you love is by your side."Jiro answered."I have been unhappy living in the city because the one that I truly love is not with me.I lost her along the way." as he stared at her.

Selina bit her lips.He cannot be talking about me.He have loved somebody else.She felt stupid hoping for him,hoping he will still love her after all this time.Hoping he will fulfill his promise to her,that she will be the girl that he is going to take to the altar.She can't help but cry,knowing he loved somebody else.

"I have to go Jiro."Selina said.He does not have to see the tears ,the pain that she felt."Just call if you need anything."

"Don't you want to know the girl that I loved,and the girl that I still love?" Jiro asked,more like a whisper in her ear.

"Who was the girl that you loved?"Selina asked.

"She is the girl right in front of me."Jiro said."The girl that I only loved all this time is you Selina."

"Oh Jiro." as Selina came to him and hugged him."You loved me too.I love you,I never stopped loving you.I was holding on your promise that I will be the girl that you are taking to the altar."

"Oh Selina,you are the only girl for me,you're the only girl,I ever love."Jiro said,as he kissed her lips.

Through all this time,there is only Jiro for Selina and Selina for Jiro.Jiro and Selina belong together forever.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
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JoJomontano #9
this is so cool