Where Are you Christmas? {Chunella}

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music


Fan Fiction


And now for my Chunella Christmas fan fiction......To all the Chunella fans out there ...sorry for the delay....

I wonder if Chun is going home for the holiday.It seems like ,he will be working for the holiday.They will be having concert on New Year's Eve in Beijing.That is a er...not having your loved ones during the holiday.

I love the fact,that Chun,love and respect his Dad a lot.You can see the affection between the Father and Son,his Dad being there in the highlights of his career.I always have a soft spot for a guy who love and respect their parents.I'm sure his Dad is so proud of him.

Anyway Chunella's story will touch parents and children relationship,which seem to be lacking in the present time,esp in the Western world.I hope my kids will love me as much,when the time comes..anyway they say Christmas is the time for healing and reconciliation of broken relationship, we only have to take the first step to it...and the rest will follow...




Where Are you Christmas by Faith Hill

Where are you Christmas?
Why can't I find you?
Why have you gone away?
Where is the laughter ?
You used to bring me.
Why can't I hear music play

My world is changing
I'm rearranging
Does that mean Christmas changes too?

Where are you Christmas?
Do you remember
The one you used to know?
I'm not the same one
See what's the time's done
Is that why you have let me go?

Christmas is here
Christmas is here
If you care ,oh

If there is love in you heart and your mind
You will feel Christmas all the time

I feel you Christmas
I know I've found you
You never fade away
The joy of Christmas
Stays here inside us
Fill each and every heart with love

Where are you Christmas
Fill your heart with love

http://www.you tube.com/watch?v=G9GIG-a5S_g

Ella stood in the mirror as she examine herself.Another year ,another holiday.Somehow this year ,she is less enthusiastic than the previous years.Maybe because there is not much to celebrate this year.

She put the last detail in her wardrode,as she went to the drawer and took out her jewelry on the drawer.She suddenly stared at the strand of pearl that she was about to wear,and her memory of her family,her Mother came back.She pushed the thoughts away,it is not going to help them if they will remember,much less better to be forgotten.A tear escaped from her eyes as she wiped them away.

It is not of my own choosing ,that they are strange from each other.They will not understand her,if she choose this path in her life.If she does not want to be like them.She heard a movement in the room and there he was Chun standing so tall and so handsome,how can she resist such beauty and such charm.

"Darling,there are people waiting downstairs."Chun said as he put his hand on her shoulder and put the other one on her cheeks.He noticed the sadness in her eyes and the tears,as he pulled her in a hug."I am sorry,I know this must be hard for you."as he whispered in her ear.

Ella forced a smile."I'm alright.I just missed them,that is all." and then she took Chun's hand "Come on we don't want our guest to be kept waiting."

They went downstairs as their friends,their ever faithful friends who stood by their side through all the scandal and shame.They were eight couples of them,their friend and collegue from the business.Selina with Jiro,Hebe with Arron and Calvin with Genie.Chun made sure that they are not going to be alone this Christmas.He wants her to be happy.She knows he will do everything to make her happy.

They told stories of Christmas long ago,they exchanged jokes and they shared a meal together.But somehow through it all ,it does not seem Christmas to Ella.Christmas should be with your family ,with your love ones.Chun squeezed her hands to catch her attention for she is drifting once again.And she looked at him and smiled.

She got up and got herself a drink from the bar,as she looked outside.She felt Chun's arms around her,and his lips on the nape of her neck.

"A penny for your thoughts."Chun said."You seem to be drifting somewhere over there."

"I am sorry,it is just I missed my family,my Mom,Dad and my brothers and sister.I always spend my Christmas with them,and we have this long standing tradition.I am the oldest and I used to organized and plan for the holiday, I wondered if they have anything planned this year." Ella said.

"I am sorry for taking you away from those tradition."Chun said,sounding so hurt and apologetic at the same time."I never meant it to happen this way.I never knew that our relationship is something that they will frown upon.But I promised you one of this days,I will make a decent woman out of you.Just give me time,that is all I ask of you."

"I know,I trust you,and I love you,I would not be here if I don't."Ella said."Merry Christmas " as she kissed him full on the lips and Chun kissed her back.

"Hey you two lovebirds,do you want to join us or we are just going to leave you alone."Jiro said in a chuckled

Ella smiled.."No we are coming ." as she took Chun's hand and was about to go inside.

"Ella wait,why don't we go there to your house tomorrow, maybe they will be more accepting and forgiving since it is holiday."Chun said.

"Are you sure about this?"Ella said."They might not be that nice to you when you meet them."

"I'll take anything." Chun said."I just want them to know that my intention for you is decent and real.We might have taken the different route than the traditional one but the ending will be the same."

Ella hugged Chun tightly and cried."Thank you Chun,thank you darling.I love you."

"I love you too,I love you Ella more than you'll ever know." Chun said

The next morning,and it is Christmas day,Ella and Chun drove all the way to her parents house.Both of them are nervous as they walked to the gate and knocked on the door.

And then as the door opens,there stood her Mom who are just too happy to see her eldest daughter with the man she loves.
"Ella,I am glad you came." as she hugged her tight,missing her all this time as tears rolled in her eyes.Ella was also in tears as her Dad came over and gave her a big hug and then her two brothers and her youngest sister,all came to welcome her back home,as Chun stood on the side and watched them together.He was so happy for Ella as he smiled and the then he felt a hand on her shoulder as Ella's Dad gave him a pat on her shoulder.

"Merry Christmas Son,thank you for bringing her back home and welcome to the family." as he gave him a fatherly hug.Chun smiled and felt her heart swelled with happiness.Sometimes it only takes one step for happiness, for reconciliation and healing.As long as there is love in one's heart then everything is possible....

And finally Chun and Ella happy and blessed with gift of love and family and friends...as the baby in the manger smiles....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
If you don't mind, Read this and tell me about it: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/118209/is-happily-ever-after-exists-mblaq-mir-se7en-seungho-you-fictional-rain
JoJomontano #9
this is so cool