Easy Like A Sunday Morning {Calbe}

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music


Fan Fiction

Now for my Calbe story.I'm almost tempted to do this a J/H story....even now the urge is so strong......
Love the story line but I don't know if I will succeed....
Gee I need an inspiration....But Calvin really fits on this one too...cause he have this carefree attitude..
Or I might do it two ways......Jiro fits the rugged no cares in the world personality.....
Let us see what will happen....
And I am posting my Jirlina after this....I don't know those two just keep playing on my mind......Maybe something is going on between the two....ha..ha... just the thought....or more like a wishful thinking.They said if you really want something ,really want it so bad then think and concentrate and believed then your wish will come true...


Easy Like A Sunday Morning by Lionel Richie

I know it sounds funny but i just can't stand the pain
Girl I'm leaving you tomorrow
Seems to me girl you know I've done all I can
You see I beg,steal and I borrow

Yeah hooo Why I'm easy I'm easy like a Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy ,easy like a Sunday morning

Why in the world when anybody put chains on me
I paid my dues to make it
Everybody wants me to be,what they want me to be
I'm not happy when I tried to fake it
No ohooo

Yeah hoooo Why I'm easy I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy easy like a Sunday morning

I wanna be high,so high
I wanna be free to do,know the the things I do alright
I wanna be free,just me
Oh alright

Yeah,hooo Why I'm easy,I'm easy like a Sunday morning
Thats why I'm easy ,easy like a Sunday morning

Cause I'm easy ,easy like a Sunday morning

http://www.you tube.com/watch?v=Z9ZeBog2yFM

The sunlight cut across the glass windows and some of the rays seeped in between the slant of the blinds as it hit Calvin's eyes.He looked at the clock and it says 7 o clock. He forgot for a while where he was.He felt the warm body next to him as her arms wrapped around him.It feels good to have somebody in the early morning winter.He kissed her head and he smelled the sweet scent of a flowery shampoo.She always smells so good,he thought as he smiled.

He got up and ran to shower,he have an early appointment today,he have to close the deal pretty soon.It is taking longer as he thought.There is a pressure from the main office already,and he needs to come back,there is a lot of things going on in the main office,and he was just sort of the fix up guy when something goes wrong.

Hebe woke up and she missed the next body to her.She looked at the clock,she have to get ready for office soon.Calvin is in the shower,as she lay back and think.

They have been together for a month now,and she feels that whatever she felt for him is more than a roll in the hay.She does not usually do this.This is the first time that she ever agreed to this kind of set up.No commitment ,just enjoy each other kind of relationship,and no hard feelings when one goes.Somehow ,she knew after this ,she will never be the same again.but she have to act the part,that nothing really matters,that she is only here for the good times.It is good while it lasted.She bit her lips.Her time is almost up,that she knows.She will worry and cry enough later.She will have a lot of time for that later.

"I'm done.Your turn."Calvin said.As it brought her mind to the present and she quickly dashed to shower.Her eyes started to get teary,so she have to run away from him.She let the tears run freely in the bathroom as she showers.

When she came out,she was beaming and smiling,no trace of the tears the came earlier.

"Today is the day right?" Hebe said."Hope you land the deal today."

"They already said yes and I just want it in ink." Calvin said."And if I got it ,we will paint the town red." as he kissed her full in the lips.

Hebe smiled after the kiss.She will missed those kisses dor sure

"Don't worry,you'll get them."Hebe said."You'll ready to go?"

"Yeah ,just about "as he grabbed his case and put his other arm on Hebe.

By lunch time,Calvin got the signed contract in his hand as he called the main office of the done deal and they want him back tomorrow in there.Calvin called Hebe and told her to come home early and told her to see her in the apartment.

"Hebe,I got the contract,it is a done deal."Calvin said."Why don't you take the remaining of the day off and let us celebrate."

"Uhmm,I don't know.."Hebe said."But it's kinda of boring here today and slow."

"Come on,spend time with me before I go" Calvin said."What do you say?"

"Alright,I will just follow you in the apartment,let me think of something."Hebe said.

"I'm expecting you."Calvin said."I'll be waiting."

"Alright,see you later." Hebe said.

And then the thought of Hebe came to him.What is it now with her.She knew that this is only a temporary thing,not like that he lead her on.She knew what she is getting into.He likes her,but he does not ,he can not commit,not with her ,not with any other girl.

He went to his place,and started packing his things,Hebe have still some things there,clothes and toiletries.She can still stay here ,even when he was gone.The apartment is paid till the end of the month.But he does not think she will stay here after he was gone.She got her own place that she shared with her friend Selina.She'll probably leave tomorrow.Maybe I can stay with her for another night,hell I deserved a little break after this,he thought.

After an hour,Hebe came and saw him packing his things.her heart breaks seeing the apartment almost empty.This is a special place for her,their love nest.She have all their beautiful memories together here.And it looks like,he does not care,he does not really care at all.She knows it is gonna be like this,but one can only hope.

"So what is your plan Mr. Hotshot?"Hebe said as she smiled at him."Any place round here you want to go.?"

"Not really,I just want to spend some time with you,before I go."Calvin said.He was surprised at himself for saying that.Is she getting to him?No,nobody can get to him...no one..."Unless you want to go somewhere else."

"Not really,i just want a quiet moment with you."Hebe said.

"Yeah,I want a quiet and relaxing place."Calvin said."After today,I just want a quiet place to think."

"What is there to think?"Hebe said."It's pretty much it,isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess so,it is pretty much it."Calvin agreed.

They drove to the nearby beach,it is almost empty.The cold weather is here,and they were frozen to their bones.They put their coats as they walk hand in hand.Nobody is talking just enjoying the view,the calming presence of the ocean and the relaxing splashing sounds of the waves.

They sat on the sand as Calvin lays his head in Hebe's lap and stared at her beautiful face.Am I a fool to let her go out of my life?Calvin thought.He hold her hand and she was cold but not a word about it.She just takes in everything that was thrown her way.

"Hebe,did you ever love somebody,really love somebody that when she left,you thought you died already,that you think you never want to continue anymore?" Calvin asked.

"I knew I loved somebody but the extent of it I don't know."Hebe answered.

"You are lucky,I guess you will never experienced it,for you always have your emotions under control.I envy you,at least it will spare you from all the pain."Calvin said,as he got up.

"We have to go ,you are cold already." as they walked back.

That night,they made love for the last time.Hebe lays awake after, looking at him she cried.Hebe felt his arms closed to her tightly as he kissed her on the head.

In the morning when Hebe woke up ,Calvin was gone as he left a note on the table.

Dear Hebe,
Thank you for everything.You are an amazing girl.
Sorry if I did not wake you up.I am not very good in good byes.If I say goodbye I might say or promise something that I never mean.Maybe when I'm ready someday ,I might find you again.
But for now,this is only I can give.
Take care of yourself


Hebe read the letters and cried.Yes she felt the way he felt.She feel like dying now and not wanting to go on.But she will get by,she knows she will.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
If you don't mind, Read this and tell me about it: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/118209/is-happily-ever-after-exists-mblaq-mir-se7en-seungho-you-fictional-rain
JoJomontano #9
this is so cool