Chapter Ninety-three: Found You

Striving With You
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Waking up with a rush, Soeun stifled a scream.

Dreaming of a nightmare, Soeun ran through a series of alleyways and warehouses. She was chasing a cloaked man carrying Soojin. As she ran through alleyways, backstreets, and dodged the random crates and vaulted several fences, it seemed that Soojin was still so far away.

After an intense chase, Soeun finally caught up to the man after he went inside a lone warehouse in the middle of a harbor. Locking the door, Soeun managed to climb and slip inside one of the open windows. Climbing inside, Soeun managed to find Soojin.

But she was too late.

Soojin was bleeding out in a pool of her own blood.

The killer was nowhere to be found.

Soojin was trying to tell Soeun something but the blood gushing from prevented her from forming intelligible words. Soeun could only cry as she held Soojin in her arms, desperately trying to keep her alive with her warmth.

Shaking with fear, Soeun jolted from the bed and swung her feet onto the ground. It took Soeun several minutes to calm down. Looking at the digital watch by the desk, she saw that it was just four in the morning.

By the time the shaking had subsided into shivers, it was already five in the morning. Soeun passed the time by drinking coffee from a thermos flask she kept by the side of her bed. Looking at her phone, Soeun checked the Google Maps application.

And suddenly an idea popped up in her mind.

She remembered that Jinsol taught her how to drive a bike. There were several bikes in the garage downstairs. Peeking out of her room, Soeun saw that there was no one in the halls outside. Putting on a jacket and a pair of boots, Soeun crept out of the hideout.

The guards’ shifts were just about to change; hence the front gate was left unattended. Quickly snatching a set of keys, the lass briskly walked down to the underground garage. Soeun was nearly caught by a guard just leaving the garage door. Quickly jumping into a utility room, she waited for the clacking of boots to go further down the hall. Once she was sure that there was no one nearby, Soeun resumed prowling down into the garage.

The bike was relatively easy to find. There was a matching number stenciled on the ignition rim with the number stenciled onto the key fob. Flipping up the kickstand, Soeun slowly pushed the bike up and out of the underground garage. It was going to be quite a tense journey, Soeun knew that if she started the bike here, she was as good as caught.

Pushing the bike more than a hundred meters, Soeun was confident that she wouldn’t be heard at this distance. Getting on the bike, she put on the helmet placed inside the outboard utility box. Switching the bike into eco mode, Soeun pushed the engine on button.

The big bike gently purred in the solemn forest. Getting on it, Soeun gently eased on the gas and the bike ever so softly inched forward. Carefully navigating through the rocky roads and the ravine, Soeun was able to reach the forest road in an hour.

At the opening of the road, Soeun gunned the engine. The big BMW bike roared and blasted through the earthen roads until it reached the asphalt roads. Leaning into the bike, Soeun made for Busan. She felt that there was something that the others had failed to uncover during the trips there.

Unknown to her, pandemonium was unfolding at the mountain safehouse. Guards were running to and from different locations. Teams were dispatched in a circular radius to look for Soeun. There were two teams rappelling down into the ravine just in case the worse had happened. During her exodus, Soeun had tripped an IR sensor that sent alarms blaring inside the safehouse.

“Where is she?” Jungeun asked Jinsol who then looked to Sooyoung for answers.

Sooyoung explained that an IR sensor was tripped about 300 meters from the safehouse. By the time guards were able to respond to the location, no one was there. Upon closer inspection it was found that there were motorcycle tire tracks. Big tire tracks like those of a BMW 1200R.

Soeun had gone out by herself. Presumably to look for Soojin, Soeun might be heading to places of interest. Places that can possibly give clues for her lover’s whereabouts. But where?

“Seoul? She might go back to the scene of the crime? To Lt. Col Shin?” Jungeun was stringing off names and locations in the vain hope that it was her daughter’s destination. Jinsol was busy, she was rallying her people and forming a search party that would look for Soeun.

A couple of minutes later, two teams of three vehicle convoys left Haseul’s and Jinsol’s estate at Gangnam. They have standing orders to find and recover Soeun who was traveling on a white BMW 1200R road bike. Each team split up at a major thoroughfare. Two teams went up and down the major expressway going north and south of Seoul. The remaining two teams split up into six individual cars

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sixmyoui #1
Still waiting for d ud HAHAHA thorrrrr jeballl
sixmyoui #2
y do i feel lyk something's going to happen ksks lyk maybe, soojin will be cold as ice ksksks lyk dat, cliche no ahahah
Chapter 95: Finally Soojin's back with the family but it is also saf that she lost her father..
Chapter 94: Finally you're back!!!
ssongjin #5
Holy sheesh author you’re back 😭
sixmyoui #6
2023 and im still here tor huhu
sixmyoui #7
Chapter 93: Balik ka na tor, uwu
sixmyoui #8
Chapter 93: Waiting huhu
Chapter 93: Aww cliffhanger 😩
Chapter 92: Finally you update author nim 😁😁😁