You okay? 괜찮아?

That Girl, That Boy

'Hey! Haneul! Ileona! (wake up)!'

Your eyes flickered open and you could see a dark figure standing in front of you. 

'Yah, Haneul! Ppalli ileona!! (wake up quickly!)'

You focused your eyes and saw a frowning boy looking at you and he was quite concerned. 


'It's not Kris, its OPPA, remember?' 

Oh yeah you smiled to yourself. You then realised where you were and remembered what had happened last night. You had fallen asleep on the couch in the  free room with your suitcase around you and you only just realised that someone had covered a blanket over you. Kris saw you staring at it.

'Oh, I wake up early so when I saw you here I brought my duvet. Your lips were blue, you know...'


You didn't want to say anything as it would mean having to tell him about the 3 es that kicked you out of your own room. 

Damn those es

He frowned and his eyebrows knitted into a funny expression. You couldn't help but find him cute when he looked like that. You then noticed he was holding a plate of breakfast for you. It was only a bacon sandwich but your stomach grumbled after seeing it. Kris laughed and handed you the plate. 

'Here, I got D.O to make some food for you this morning. I knew you'd be hungry'

Why isn't he asking about why I'm out here?

'Haneul? You do want this, right? D.O won't be pleased if I bring it back and I'm too stuffed to eat it myself' 

You smiled and took the plate off him. He still looked at you concerned but he didn't want to make anything of it.

At least she's eating something. I'll ask her about this all later.

He left to get you your uniform and brought a new set just for you before turning to leave. You noticed he was carrying your suitcase out of the room. 

'Hey oppa!? Where are you taking my case?!' 

'Just leave it in my room for the timebeing, we don't want your stuff to get nicked'

Leave my stuff in a guy's room? You frowned and Kris noticed this.

'Don't worry, you don't have to stay with us. I mean, you're allowed to since you're on our floor... but just to keep it safe, it'll be in our room'

He chuckled slightly hah she's so cute like that and left you to get changed. You didn't notice the 3 girls staring at you from outside. 





Okay, this isn't a very good chapter but Kris is back and look how lovely he is! I'm not sure who to room him with as EXO-M haven't had any interviews yet so I'll probably make it up ^^ 

Thank you so so much to everyone who's subscribed and commented! I love you all! <3 

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To anyone who wasn't aware of this: THE SEQUEL ('That Girl, Which Boy?') IS UP!!!!!


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