That Awkward Moment with Tao, When...

Wonderland With Your Biases


You were giggling with your friend, as you both walked passed a homeroom. 

“Hey, look at your girlfriend,” Jongin teased the giant panda Tao. 

Tao shot his head up immediately, and saw the smile plastered on your face, in which he fell for.

“She’s not my girlfriend…yet,” he answered, whilst Jongin and Sehun both laughed. “Yeah, yet,” the two boys laughed at their blushing buddy.

“Stop it,” Tao scowled at his friends. “Why won’t you just ask her out already?” Sehun questioned, and Tao slumped down on his chair. “Because I’m afraid that she won’t like me,” he answered with a tiny pout.

“You know, a little bird told me that you have slight a chance of rivalry. So if you don’t hurry up, she might be snatched away by another man,” Jongin said, and Tao’s eyes widened in shock.

“She’s mine!” Tao shouted loudly, and everyone in class turned to face him. “Sorry…” he apologized, and sunk down on his seat.


“Okay, bye,” you waved goodbye at your classmates, and then unchained your bike. “See you tomorrow,” other students chattered around you.

Right when you got done unchaining your bicycle, you turned around and walked into someone’s chest.

“Sorry!” You immediately apologized, and bowed multiple times. “No, no! I’m sorry,” you recognized the voice, and looked up to find Huang ZiTao standing in front of you.

“Hi,” you greeted him with a small smile, and he too, gave you a smile in return. “Hey…” he rubs the back of his neck. 

Silence fell upon you both quickly, and found the aura getting awkward.

“So, are you here to get your bike too?” You questioned the giant kid, and he gave you a shocking look. “Ha?” He was confused for a sec, and then picked up on what you meant.

“Ah, yes,” Tao answered, and then moved aside to look around the bikes on the rack. “I didn’t know that you ride a bike to school too,” you decided to pick up on a conversation.

Tao scratched his nape once again, and tightly squeezed his eyes shut. 

“Actually,” he opened his eyes and turned to face you, “I don’t.” You giggled at him, and shook your head. “I…uhmmm…I…” Tao kept stumbling upon and over his sentence, as he didn’t know what to say to you.

“Did you ask her out yet!?” Both Sehun and Jongin shouted aloud from the hall, which caught a couple of other students’ attention. 

Tao slapped his forehead, when your face moved towards the other two kids’ direction. Tao then started making hand motions as ‘no’ and ‘shut up’ at them. The two boys started laughing, and you turned back around to face Tao.

Immediately, Tao stopped his hand motions, and gave you an awkward smile. You chuckled at his silliness, and Tao started to scratch his head. His face was super red, and you knew it that Sehun and Jongin was talking to him all right.

“How awkward, right?” You sarcastically joke, and Tao sighed with nodding his head. “Very,” his voice had turned gruff, and felt like he had failed. 

“Well, if you’re not doing anything this Saturday, we can get some bubble tea together,” you suggested the date, and Tao glanced at you astonished. “R-R-Really?” He stuttered in surprise. “Yes, really,” you answered with a gleeful smile.

You then grabbed hold of Tao’s hand, and took out a pen. Scribbling on his hand, you then lightly slap his shoulder, and chortled.

“Call me whenever,” you tell him, and gave him a cute wink before riding off on your bike.

Tao looked at his hand, it was really your phone number scribbled on his hand. He jumped up with joy, and hugged the hand with glee.


©kpopchipmunkparody Smirksweetly, SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATE. buuuuuut, I hope this “awkward” situation MADE UP FOR THE REQUEST! XDD Did you enjoy it? Sorry if it wasn’t so awkward. I swear, I actually had a great scenario in my head the other day, and then lost it. x_x BUT THE NEXT TWO YOU HAD REQUESTED WILL BE BETTER. XDD

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OkiDokeyYo #1
Chapter 28: Can you please make a second part of this??!!! Its too good ㅋㅋ
universalkat #2
Chapter 24: whaaaaaa? daehyun ..... bad...... whaaaaaaat 0.0
universalkat #3
Chapter 12: oh god poor guk!! XD
I'd like to request
Partner : Exo Kris
Theme/one shot: When its the day of your wedding and you get all nervouse (like a traditional chinese wedding)
Chapter 68: Omg reading that with IU Only i didnt know playing in the background brought them feels home man xD
OMG do you think you could make a chap about Ryota of Generations from Exile Tribe? It's a Jpop group, I am totally in love with him! He is just so absbdjdksmshshshsjsnjsksndhhsjkskskdkdkdhkskdkdk!

Anyways, the theme I was thinking of would probably be something y, I don't know meeting in a club or fancy rich people party, I don't know, something like that? Its up to you I guess, I really don't care, I just love him^^
ExoBaekkie45 #7
Chapter 86: omo so....cute !
myungsoodaehyun36 #8
Chapter 99: Awww so cute
rilakkuma0313 #9
rilakkuma0313 #10