Kris is a Big Bully

Wonderland With Your Biases


“Go, go, go!” Your best friend Hae Rin cheered on for the basketball players. “Look, look! Captain Kris shoots, and he scores!” Hae Rin clapped along with the benched members, and you plainly rolled your eyes.

You and Hae Rin have been the golden sister pair of best friends since elementary, and you always had her back. She was clearly the shining star, and you were more of the stinking trash in local dumps. However, Hae Rin is just a soft and innocent kid, as you were the aggressive and overly protective one.

Throughout the friendship you both had, Hae Rin was always the one to get bullied. As for you, you’re the hero to her story. It’s just…you’re not exactly a guy. Just a girl best friend of Hae Rin’s, who became this basketball manager. You didn’t quite get basketball, and didn’t like the school’s team captain, Kris Wu Fan.

He was always bullying Hae Rin around, and is clearly taking advantage of his “duizhang” nickname. Though you’ve stood up to him multiple times, Kris just gives you his blank stare, or what you call it, his face.

“I have to clean up first, and then we’re all going to Kris’ house for a grill out. Just wait up on me,” Hae Rin alerts you, and you nodded your head in silence. “Great,” you mumbled with raising both eyebrows, and then sighing back down on the bleachers.

Soo enough, you were kicked out by the janitors to wait outside of the gym, and that’s what you did. You sat alone playing with your pencil, as you patiently waited for Hae Rin.

“Sup buddy! Why are you here alone?” Your hyperactive and giddy up guy friend Chanyeol questioned, as he spots you. “Waiting on Hae Rin,” you answered. “Are you sure it’s not Kris instead?” Chanyeol teased, and you jabbed his stomach with your pencil. “I was kidding!” He pouted, and now covers his pained tummy.

“Let’s go!” Hae Rin pokes her head out of the gym doors. “Wait, are you guys going to Kris’ grill out?” Chanyeol asked, and you nodded your head. “Of course, he invited the entire team,” Hae Rin giggled aloud, and you rolled your eyes. “Nice, I’ll see you both later then,” he high fived you and waved Hae Rin goodbye.


“I didn’t see the point of why you had to change,” you weren’t thrilled to see Hae Rin dressed up girly, as this isn’t her first time. “I didn’t want to smell like basketball, or be covered in sweat,” Hae Rin replied cockily, and you snickered.

Finally reaching upon your destination, Hae Rin quickly runs up to Kris’ porch and rings the doorbell. After another ring, the door flew open and there stood Kris. He looked past Hae Rin over at you, and gave you a smirk.

“Ewgh,” you gave out a gag, and then followed Hae Rin inside quickly. “Hi Kris! Congratulations,” Hae Rin took out a white envelope from her purse, and handed it to Kris. “Yeah,” he murmured, and walked off without taking the card. “,” you whispered, and then quickly gave out a smile when Chanyeol walked up to you.

“The meat is great! You have to eat it,” his huge eyes were really advertising, and you laughed. “Sure,” you replied, and took a piece from Chanyeol’s plate and ate it. “I bought it,” Baekhyun shrieked from outside, as he entered inside through the sliding door.

“It’s beef after all,” you teased, and Baekhyun stuck his tongue out at you. “Hey Hae Rin,” Baekhyun greets her, and she sighed utterly. “What’s wrong with her?” Chanyeol questioned you. “I don’t know, but I think she likes her bully,” you answered.

“Kris is not a bully!” Hae Rin defended the face monster you dislike. “Sure he’s not, because he’s the captain who can tell you what to do,” you sarcastically said, and Hae Rin pouted. “Kris is a really nice guy with a kind and warm heart. You should learn to spend time with them instead of judge them,” Hae Rin spat out.

You just laughed at how hard she was really defending for this guy. Hae Rin was really into the guy, and you couldn’t really say or do anything about it. 

“Anyone wants to drink?” Minseok the tiny shrimp, walked in with a tray of shot cups. “Nice!” Chanyeol bellowed, and you shook your head at his act. “Drink, drink, drink!” The guys shouted, as you went to hang by Hae Rin’s side.

“And here is the college life,” you muttered, and Hae Rin giggled. “Do you think Kris is into me?” Hae Rin questioned. “What? That was very out of the blue,” you replied, and Hae Rin chuckled. “I’m just asking, because you know what they say. If he’s mean to you, he likes you,” Hae Rin said, and you almost choked on your punch.

“Hae Rin-ah, you’re 21 years old, not seven. Please,” you tried to knock her out of the kiddy world. “I’m being serious,” she pouted. “I am too!” You responded back with seriousness, and Hae Rin crossed her arms. “You don’t happen to like Kris too, do you?” She asked, and you literally choked on your drink this time.

“Towel! Towel! Does anyone have a towel?” Hae Rin shouted aloud, and Kris came running towards your way. “I’ll take you to my bathroom,” his husky voice spoke up, and you then followed him to the bathroom. 

“Here you go,” he handed you a dark charcoal colored towel. “Thanks,” you took the towel from his hands, and started to wipe yourself. “Need a new t-shirt?” Kris asked, and you raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m fine, thank you very much,” you replied with irritation, and then walked out.

“Hae Rin-ah, I’m going home,” you tell her, and she pouted her duck lips at you. “Why?” She didn’t want to be left alone. “I’m all sticky now, and would like to change. So I’ll see you tomorrow,” you answered, and then placed Kris’ towel on the dining table before leaving.


“No, no, no! You got the schedule mixed up with another sports schedule!” You walked inside the gym to witness Kris yelling at Hae Rin. “I’m sorry,” she bowed continuously. “Sorry won’t change it!” He yelled louder, and Hae Rin bowed again.

“Yah! If you’re done yelling at her, then go talk with the coach. She’s not your slave, alright?” You spoke up aloud, and Kris raised his head up to stare you down. “Go away,” Hae Rin mouthed, and you crossed your arms.

Kris can give you all the face and dirty glares all he wants. You weren’t afraid of him, and there’s just never going to be a day where you’ll like him. Look at him, being the awesome duizhang and all. You felt disgusted at how he treated Hae Rin.

“Are you trying to say that you can do a better job?” Kris questioned, and you scoffed. “I don’t want the job of slavering after something your  can’t even do. Now if you’ll excuse Hae Rin, she has a lunch date with me,” you responded without fear, and tugged onto Hae Rin’s hand.

“She’s busy, can’t you see?” Kris pulled her other arm with force, and Hae Rin let out a yelp. “Busy? It’s lunch time,” you tell him, but he doesn’t care. “Hae Rin has business with me right now. She can always eat lunch later,” he bickered back.

“Why you-“

“Stop it!” Hae Rin stopped you, as she knew you were ready to punch Kris on the face. “Hae Rin-ah,” you looked at her, and she motioned for you to just leave. “This isn’t over!” You glared at Kris, and then took your leave.


A couple of days after the incident, you’ve done nothing but plot ideas inside your head about how to kill Kris. He was bullying Hae Rin, and purposely trying to get on your last nerve. You didn’t even understand why Hae Rin would like such a guy too.

Though, he did have a nice smile when he handed you his towel the grill out night. Shaking your head profusely, you told yourself to not like this guy, or even fall for him!

“I don’t know why you hate Kris so much. He’s a very charming prince,” Hae Rin blabbered on about him. “I don’t hate him, Hae Rin. I dislike him. Dislike and hate have two completely different meanings, and I dislike him,” you explained.

“Well, maybe I should try showing you some pictures of him. Perhaps video clips, as his smiles are just dashing!” Hae Rin continued on, and ignored your ‘hate’ and ‘dislike’ theory.

For the past two hours of supposedly studying for the upcoming exams, Hae Rin spazzed about Kris to you nonstop.

“Look at his side shot here! His smile, isn’t it cute?” She squealed, and you rolled your eyes. “His other Chinese friend looks better,” you mumbled, as you pointed at the dark haired one. “That’s Huang ZiTao. They’re best friends like you and I,” Hae Rin replied, and you rubbed your eyes from feeling tired.

“So much for studying,” you changed the subject, and looked at the closed textbooks. “Look at this picture. Isn’t Kris just perfect here?” You sighed, and took a look at the picture to satisfied the needs of Hae Rin.

Instead of grinning widely and having his creases showing, or a regular normal face, Kris just smiled. It was a nice and plain smile. Almost like the one he had given you in the bathroom, and you gave Hae Rin a quick glance.

“If I say I’ll try to be friends with him, will you stop and study?” You tried to shake the thought of Kris. “Fine,” she replied in defeat, and shut off her laptop.

After the short session of studying with Hae Rin, you head home to sleep. Tossing and turning in bed, as you weren’t comfortable at all. That image of Kris’ sweet and warm smile just flashed before your closed eyes, and you were getting angry.

“I don’t like him, I don’t like him, I don’t like him,” you muttered continuously, until you finally slept.

©kpopchipmunkparody i hope you liked this one like i did, foxy_fox! i wrote it JUST THE WAY i had written it inside my head. hahaha. i get bored at work, and always find myself writing and thinking about scenarios. dnw, as there will be part two! it’ll come out tomorrow, and along with a couple of sweet ‘birthday’ scenarios, as IT’S MY BIRTHDAY RIGHT NOW. sleepy time, and bye. LOL

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OkiDokeyYo #1
Chapter 28: Can you please make a second part of this??!!! Its too good ㅋㅋ
universalkat #2
Chapter 24: whaaaaaa? daehyun ..... bad...... whaaaaaaat 0.0
universalkat #3
Chapter 12: oh god poor guk!! XD
I'd like to request
Partner : Exo Kris
Theme/one shot: When its the day of your wedding and you get all nervouse (like a traditional chinese wedding)
Chapter 68: Omg reading that with IU Only i didnt know playing in the background brought them feels home man xD
OMG do you think you could make a chap about Ryota of Generations from Exile Tribe? It's a Jpop group, I am totally in love with him! He is just so absbdjdksmshshshsjsnjsksndhhsjkskskdkdkdhkskdkdk!

Anyways, the theme I was thinking of would probably be something y, I don't know meeting in a club or fancy rich people party, I don't know, something like that? Its up to you I guess, I really don't care, I just love him^^
ExoBaekkie45 #7
Chapter 86: omo so....cute !
myungsoodaehyun36 #8
Chapter 99: Awww so cute
rilakkuma0313 #9
rilakkuma0313 #10