Finally Caught

Love in Disguise



Krystal is with Hyung right now, and I know that she is safe. My plan really worked, using of sleeping gas then turning off the light. I needed to hold my breath until Yuri handed me a face mask so that U can't inhale any of the gas. I waited for those men to wake up. The gas isn't that concentrated so the effect of it is just a short time. I can feel my blood is boiling. I stare at the man who shoot me. The two other man with him are the men who also shoot my family. The man is the first one who wake up. He slowly got up and he saw surprised that Krystal is isn't there and I am the one who is sitting on the chair.


"Having sweet dreams?"I asked him.


"You bastard!"he tried to pull out his gun but then he realized it isn't tuck on his side anymore.


"Looking dor this?" I asked him as I showed to him his gun.


I pointed his gun to him. I can see on his face that he is terrrified. I remember that I was looking the same way at him when he pointed his gun to me. I slowly go near to him, I really wanted to kill him. My hand is itching to pull the trigger.


"Why did you do that to my family? Why did all od you kill all of them?"I asked him.


"We are just following orders, kid."he answered nervously.


"Whose orders?" I asked him.


He keep his mouth shot. Then I poited the gun closer to his head, then he kneeled down to me. He is shaking, I think this guy is coward without his gun. I inserted the tip of the gun into his mouth.


"I asked you again, who ordered you to kill my family and to kill me? Or if you want me to blow your head."I said to him. I pulled the gun out of his mouth so he can talk.


"I--It's Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee Soo Man."he answered.


The name is familiar to me. I didn't know where I'v heard it. I think hard so that I may be able to remember. Then, I realized that, that is the name of my real Dad's rumored half brother. My grandfather married again into another woman after my grandma died. He thought that that girl is carrying his son only to find out that it is not his. He decided to throw them out of the house after he divorce her. This was the story I've heard from the others before. I drop the gun on the ground and turn my back to the man to sit on the chair. His allies is also waking up. When I turn my back, he quickly grab the gun and point at me. He pulled the trigger but there is no shot he heard.


"I give you a chance but still, you wanted to kill me."I said to him as I drop the bullets of his gun on the ground.


I quickly go near him and quickly give him a one fatal blow. He immediately become unconscious. I did the same to others and the police came. The police put a shuckle on their hands. I promise myself to find Lee Soo Man and kill him myself. What he did to my whole family is unforgivable.




When the police came, I went back to the warehouse. I saw Amber standing there. I go near him but when I see him, I got scared bu the looks in his eyes. I saw that he is ready to kill someone. I didn't want to see him like that. I embrace him, warmly as I could. I wanted him to feel that I am here for him. When I look at again in his eyes, it is now back to normal.


"Amber, promise me you will not do things that you know that it is wong."I said to him.


"I'm sorry,Krys, but.."I cut him off.


"Please." I pleaded to him. He look at me in the eye. I can see that he is in pain and in extreme sadness.


"If they tried to hurt you again, can I break that promise then?"he said to me. I nodded. "Okay. I promise."


"I don't want you to be like them."I said to him then I rest my head on his chest as I hug him.


"I won't."he answered.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
Chapter 70: My fiance...
Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!