
Love in Disguise



We have a lot of fun today. My friends were all tired of swimming and surfing. I offered my help to Tae-nuna. She is the only one who prepared our dinner becuase Luna, Sully and Krystal are all exhausted and taking a rest in their room so did Onew and Key. She told me to wash the vegetables the she needed while she is preparing the rest.


"Amber, do you want to go fishing with me tomorrow?"Tae-nuna asked.


"Yes Nuna!"I answered enthusiastically. I love fishing even though others find it boring.


"Good, I've got a fine fishing rods and I know a place where we can get so many fish too."she replied. "Your girlfriend might come too, so make sure to ask her." she added.


"Okay."I answered to her.




Amber asked me after our dinner to go fishing with him and Tae-unnie tomorrow. I saw that Unnie glance at me with a sly smile on her place. I think she's planning something if I am not going to come with them.


"Sorry Amber, Krystal already promise to us that she would come with us tomorrow to buy something in the town."Luna said to him.


"Oh."he sounded disappointed, then he looked at me. "Well, I guess it will be just me and Nuna."he said to me with his dorky smile.


"Have you asked Key and Onew too?" I asked him.


"No, Nuna said that she will be the one who will ask them."he replied.


"Amber, catch for me a clown fish, I really love to have one."Sully said to him with a sparkling eyes.


"I'll try Sull."he replied.


"Thanks, Am."Sulli answered with happiness and hug him. I glared at her then she let go. Luna laugh at us while Amber looked confuse.


Meanwhile, I was sitting alone on the terrace of the house. I was admiring the beautiful view af the beach and stary sky. This place is really relaxing. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me, I turn to see who it belongs to, I thought it belongs to Amber but I kinda feel disappointed when I saw that it was just Tae-unnie. She sit om the chair opposite to mine.


"Are you expecting for Amber to come here?"she said then chuckled.


"No Unnie, why would you say that?"I denied. But I know she didn't buy it.


"Well, just guessing."she answered. "Amber is with the rest, I think they are playing something. You should join them."she said to me.


"Maybe later, I want to stay a little longer here. It is peace and quiet."I replied.




I went to find Krystal when I notice that she is not with her friends. I found her on the terrace sitting alone while admiring the beautiful view outside. I think she expect that I am Amber because she looked disappointed when she saw that it is just me. She denied when I asked her that. I got confused of what she really feels about him. I decided to a little.


"Oh, I remember now. I think they are playing truth or dare."I said to her with a grin.


"I bet they are having fun right now."she answered.


"Yeah, maybe one of them will dare Amber to kiss either Luna or Sully. My brother always dare someone to do that when he is playing that game."she said.


I can see that her eyes widened and rushed to go inside the house. She is really a strange girl and I feel that she does love him too. I'm hoping that what I am thinking now is right.




I was having fun playing spin the bottle. It is my first time playing this game. The bottle always point to either Key and Onew. Sully always have them do funny things everytime the choose the word dare and if they choose truth, well it is like Luna is trying to discover your deepest darkest secret by her questions. We are in the middle of the game when suddenly, Krystal approached us and the bottle was pointed to me. She sit beside me.


"Yes! It is Amber's turn now."Key exclaimed.


"So what is it bro, truth or dare?"Onew asked me.


"Truth."I answered.


"Ow, that's boring."Key said with disappointment.


"Have you two already kissed each other?Not just a peck on the lips."Luna asked with a grin on her face. She is referring to me and Krystal.


"Yes."I answered. Krystal hit me on my head. "What?" I turned to face her. Her face is red. Our friends are teasing us.


"Stupid!"she said and left. I think she got mad of what I did. I just tell the truth.


"Go after her bro."Onew said to me then laugh again.


"I think your girlfriend got embarrass."Sully said while holding her laughter. I then excuse myself.




I feel embarrass in front of our friends when Amber admitted without hesitation that we already kiss. That guy should learn how to deny sometimes. I went outside the house and the cold air is blowing.  I hug myself, I looked up the sky, the moonlight is shining brightly. Then I feel someone hug me from behind. I know it's him because I feel his warmth.


"You shouldn't tell them the truth."I said to him.


"Well I choose the truth,didn't I?"he answered. He got a point.






"I think I'm inlove with you again."I said to him. It's good that I am not facing him because I don't want him to see me blushing.


"I am extremely  happy to hear that. I will always love you too."he answered cheerfully and kiss me on my cheek.


This is what I feel right now, I feel that I'm inlove with him again and I know it's the truth. I feel more warmer when he hug me tightly.



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