Love in Disguise



I watch Yoona's swimming competition with Vic-nuna, Key and Onew. The two looked like a dog drooling over a food when they saw the girls in swimming attire. Yoona looked in our direction and we all waved at her. She smiled at us then put her goggles on and position herself on the platform. She will be competing for 50m freestyle, backstrokes and butterfly .


"Wow, Yoona have a great body figure too just like Vic-nuna."Key said.


"Key, you are here to cheer Yoona not to look on her body."Vic-nuna reminded him. Me and Onew laugh while Key felt embarassed.


"Krystal is competing too right now, aren't you going to watch her?"Onew asked me.


"Nah, I promised Yoona that I will cheer for her." I replied. Vic-nuna looked at me then she smiled.




Almost all of my schoolmates are here to watch me compete in high jump. I can see Minho, Sulli and Luna are there to cheer me. I guess Amber is with Onew, Vic-unnie and Key to cheer for Yoona. I wonder what he is thinking right now seeing Yoona only wear a swimming attire.


"Good luck, Krys."Minho said to me then he kissed me on the cheek. The crowd teased us.


"Thank you, Oppa." I said to him with a smile.


"Wow, how sweet."Luna said then giggled with Sulli.


"Aim for the first place, we will cheer for you."Sulli said to me then give me a hug then Luna followed.


"Don't worry guys, I will definitely win the first place."I answered with assurance.




I was extremely happy when I saw Amber is here to watch and cheer for me. I noticed that my opponents become his fan girls already. I put on my googles and positioned my self. As I heard the gun shot I jump into the pool and swim. I can hear them cheering my name. For how many cycles swimming in freestyle, I came first place. I felt happy about it. My coach allowed me to take a rest first for the next event. They came towards me.


"I didn't expect that you can swim that fast."Amber said jokingly.


"Ofcourse, haven't I told you that I am a mermaid in my past life." I answered to him then I giggled. He also laugh.


"Congratulations Yoona, for winning your first place in your first game."Vic-unnie said with a smile.


"Thank you, Unnie." I answered.


"Key was admiring your body earlier."Onew said with a grin on his face.


"Yoona really got a nice figure, right Am?"Key said then he elbowed Amber.


Amber looked at me. "Yeah!" he agreed and flash his dorky smile. My face feels hot then I looked down. I notice Vic-unnie giggled. I feel embarrass.




Yoona came first place again in the backstroke competition. She is indeed a really good swimmer. Her coach always let her take a rest every after game. Well swimming is really a tiring sports. Then she ready again herself for her last game, the butterfly competition. I noticed that she looked uneasy when she positioned herself in the platform. I notice that her one leg is shaking. When she hear the gun shot, she jump into the pool and just in the middle of it, she stop, she then slowly sinking at the bottom. That's then I realize that something is wrong. I rushed towards the pool and jump in it to rescue Yoona. She is now unconscious when I grab her and surface up, I drag her out of the pool, and lay  her on the side of the pool. Vic-unnie and the rest came toward us. I check her breathing, I tilt her head up, I pinch her nose and open then I give her two breaths and start to pump on the center of her chest. I give her CPR until she coughs out the water and regain consciousness again. I didn't notice that there are students taking pictures while I am rescuing Yoona.


"Are you okay?" I asked.


"Yeah."she answered weakly.


"Am, bring her to the infirmary."Vic-nuna said then I carried Yoona.


"I didn't see that coming."Key said.


"Well, atleast she finished her two game."Onew said and they both followed us.




In the middle of my last competition, in the middle of the pool, my right feet starts to feel hurt. The next thing I new, I am slowly sinking at the bottom. Before I completely lost my consciousness, I saw Amber swimming towards me. He reached his hand to rescue me and I feel very happy. I dreamed that I kissed him. I cough the water out when I regained my cosciousness back. When I open my eyes, the firs face I saw was Amber's worried face. I felt safe in his arms when he carried me going into the infirmary. Even if I am soaked in water, I didn't feel cold because his body gives me enough warmth. Then when we reached the infirmary, I notice he stopped at the door. I saw Minho-oppa carrying Krystal on his arms I think she got injured. Amber enter the infirmary first without saying a word to them.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
Chapter 70: My fiance...
Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!