Yoona's Perfect Night

Love in Disguise



Amber is always gloomy since he heard about Yoona's leaving. He only looked cheerful when he is with her. One afternoon, I went to the school garden to get some fresh air. I didn't expect to see him there since the last time his fan girls followed him here he didn't come here anymore. He is lying on the bench just like the first time I saw him here.


"Your fans will be happy to see you here." I said to him when I approach him. He turn his head to looked at me.


"I don't care."he answered in a flat tone as he looked away. I sit on the next bench.


"I didn't expect that Yoona will be leaving."I said.


"Me neither."he answered and let out a deep sigh.


"Will you miss her?"


"So much."


"Do you love her?"


"Very much."He answered.


Then I stop asking those kind of questions. "She's lucky, huh?" I said, trying to sound it cheerfully.




I think Yoona did win Amber's heart right now. The challenge that I have failed. I leaned my back on the bench and clear my thoughts.




Yoona's schedule date of leaving is getting near. Amber looks more gloomy. The last time I saw him this way is when Hyung was leaving to America to study too. I think he really didn't like to be away to the person that is already very close to him.


"Amber, do you want to throw a farewell party for Yoona?" I told him when we are eating our meal in our house.


"Farewell party,huh?"he answered then let out a deep sigh.


"Oh come on, don't be like this. Let's throw a very cool farewell party for Yoona, a party that she can't forget."I said to him with a smile.


"Okay. I'll tell the others about it."he replied.


"Don't let Yoona to know about it. Let's make Yoona happy before she leave."He looked at me then his dorky smile showed up.




I told the others about throwing a farewell party for Yoona. They all agreed to it and wanted to help. A night before Yoona's scheduled day to leave, we throw here a farewell party. We held it in the beach where there is a good view of the full moon's light reflecting on the seawater. We gather around on a very big bon fire which gives us warm to a very cold night. Vic-nuna prepared so many foods and drinks. We chat, talk about happy memories and everything. Then, I invited Yoona to have a walk with me on the shore and she agreed.


"Amber, can I hold your hand while walking?"she asked me with a smile on her face.


"Okay."I answered and hold her hand. It is cold, but the warm of my hand will give her hand enough warmth.


"I wish we can walk like this forever."she said. She sounded so sad.


"I'll walk with you like this always, if you wanted to."I answered with a smile to also cheer her up. She smile at me then she keep quiet.


I notice that she tighten her grip on my hand before she let go and walk in front of me and turn to face me. She looked into my eyes. It seems that she has something very important to say to me. Our attention was shifted to the fireworks that painted the dark sky. We prepared it for her. She was admiring by looking at it. I stare at her happy face. Then she looked at me again.




My last night in Korea is perfect. I am walking with Amber holding hands on the shore. The fireworks that they prepared for me was so beautiful. I looked at Amber and I see him already staring at me. I looked at his eyes. I gather my courage to finally confess to him.


"Amber!" I called him.




"I love you!" I said to him. He smiled at me and I know he is thinking that I love him as a friend so I make it clear. "I love you more than a friend." I said to him. He looked at me, his eyes widened.


"I love you too, but I don't know if.."I cut him off.


"I know your love is different from mine. But I just wanted to let you know that I really, really love you. You are my first love and you will always be."I said to him with a smile.


He come closer to me and he hug me. His embrace is so warm. My tears began to flow from my eyes.


"Thank you for loving me more than a friend. I will always love you too no matter where you go."he said to me and it makes me very happy.



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