Yoona's Move

Love in Disguise



I've notice that Krystal and Amber is getting more closer than before. I think that Krystal finally make her move, so I better make mine too.After our morning class, I ask Amber to accompany to the down town because I have something to buy and he agreed. I asked my driver to take us there and let him drop us off in a restaurant where Amber and I eat when we went on a date.


"Am, do you like Krystal more than me?"I asked him during our lunch.


"Just the same."he answered.


"Who do you love most?"I asked him again then he stop eating and look at me. I can see that he is thinking.


"Honestly, I don't know what I feel for Krystal. Even she told me that she love me, I haven't feel any unusual feeling."he answered.


"Krystal told you that she love you?"I asked him with my eyes widened. He nodded.


"She even told me that we dated before."he added.


My jaw drop, I admired her courage. She is really brave in confessing to Amber everything.


"Why are you asking anyway?"he asked, looking straight at me.


"Well,I just notice you're getting more closer to Krystal than to me and it's making me feel jealous about it."I said to him then I puff my cheek. He lean his head a little close to me then suddenly poked my cheek.


"You are always special to me, Yoon."he said then flash his dorky smile. I smile back at him and pinch his nose.


"You are really sweet."I said to him. "But Amber, I don't really want you to fall again for her. She hurt you once and there is no guarantee that she will not do it again."I said to him.


"Yeah, I know. But she had a reason why she did it, right?"he answered. I let go of his nose.


"But that reason is not an excuse for her to hurt you."I said to him and look down. Then I look at him again. "But if your heart still choose her , I will still support you."


"You are really kind. Just a little more, I might fall for you."he answered jokingly and show his dorky smile to me.


"Yeah?Then fall for me then."I answered to him and laugh.


"You are really acting strange. Stop pretending, okay?"he replied. I just laugh on his annoyed face.




Yoona is really strange. She almost convince me always that she is interested in me but I know it's not possible. We enjoyed chating to each other. We didn't even notice the time anymore. I really have fun everytime I'm with her. I think she is a goddess on her past life.


"Yoon, it's almost time of our class to start, what do you want to buy, anyway?"I ask as we go out from the restaurant.


"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I just really wanted to eat lunch with you, alone."she replied to me with a big grin on her face.


"We can do it in our school."I said to her.


"I want to be special."she answered.


"You are already special."I replied. Her cheeks were red and I .





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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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