Family Is Home

Love in Disguise



It is now our winter break, our brother Yuri is coming home with my dad. Amber is lying lazily on the couch. He is staring on the ceiling. It seems that he is thinking deeply. He didn't even hear me that I have been calling his name. I louder my voice, he got startled and stood up. He let out a deep sigh when he saw that it was just me.


"What's bothering you?"I asked him.


"I was thinking about my feelings."he answered then sit back on the couch.


"Why?"I asked,confused.


"When Yoona kissed me, I did not feel the same when Krystal and I kissed."he said, looking confused. "Nuna, what do you think the reason of that?"he asked.


"I don't know. Is Krystal more special to you than Yoona?" I asked. Pretending not to know the answer of his problem.


He thinks for a while. "They are both special to me."he answered.


I let out a very deep sigh. I want him to figure it out himself that he is inlove with Krystal. Well, atleast he's starting it now.


"Try to figure that out yourself."I said to him.




Since Yoona kissed me, I have been thinking why I feel during Krystal and I kissed is different from ours. I asked Nuna but I got nothing from her. I decided to set aside that thought and deal with it later. Uncle Song and Hyung is coming home and I feel excited on it. It's been a year since I last saw them. They only comes home during christmas and go back to America after New Year. Hyung and I are very close, he was with me since I was adopted by Song family. I was working out when I heard a very familiar voice calling me. I stop what I was doing and take a look on who is calling me.


"Long time no see, Hyung!"Yuri greet me with a grin on his face.


"Hyung."I whispered looking surprised.


"Here is my youngest son."Uncle Song in. He then come closer to me and give me a hug even if I am sweaty.


We talk for a long time, trying to catch up with one another. Vic-nuna is the only girl in the family so we didn't talk guys stuff if she is with us. We don't want her to feel left out. My brother has changed a lot, he looked more mature but he loves to fool around. He is much taller than me and all the girls like him and he like them too. He is so sociable, especially to girls.




After the a whole month of being alone, finally, my family came back home. Unnie who had been studying abroad came back with Umma and Appa who always go on business trips. I feel lonely in our house even if the maids are with me. I feel very happy when they finally arrive. Unnie will be staying until New Year. Even though if sometimes we didn't get along too well, I still love her.


"Soojungie, invite your boyfriend over christmas. I want to meet him."my sister said to me.


"I'll ask him,Unnie."I answered.


"Is he handsome?"she asked. "If he is not, nevermind bringing him here."she said then laugh.


"Your jaw will drop if you will see him Unnie."I answer with a smirk. "How about you, have you met someone in States?"


"I have met this one guy, he is also a Korean and we are classmate in one subject. I thought we two can get along with each other since we are both asian but I was wrong."she said.




"Well, this guy is really annoying. He always ruined my day."Unnie answered. She now feels irritated thinking about that guy.


"Is he handsome?"I asked.


"Yeah."she answered.


"Do you like him?"


"Ofcourse not! I will never,ever gonna like him!"she exclaimed.


I laugh at her and . I just stop when she throw me her death glare. I always get scared by that and sometimes she used that to take advantage on me.


"Soojungie, let's go to the club tonight."She said to me with a grin on her face.


"I am still underage Unnie, I can't  enter in that kind of place."I answered.


"That is not a problem."she said then she showed me a fake i.d.  My sister is really something.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
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Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!