
Love in Disguise



I really have fun dancing with Krystal in the club last night. She is a good dancer too. Every guys is staring at her. I think we became the center of attention that night. Especially when Hyung and Jess-nuna joined us. Vic-nuna didn't find out about what we did. I feel guilty about it so I told her. Hyung and I both receive a very long sermon to her. I feel sometimes, Vic-nuna is our Umma. I thought Hyung will get mad but he said that he kinda expecting for it. He then invited me to spar with him. I always lose when I fight with him. Well, he has a lot of fighting experience than me.


"Bro, do you love Krystal?"he asked. "Not friendly love but ually. I mean, guy attracted to a girl love."he explained.


"I don't know."I answered. He then looked at me, puzzled.


"What do you mean you don't know?"


"How do you know if what you feel about that girl is not a friendly love?"I asked. He looked at me for a while then let a deep sigh.


"Wait here." he said.


He left me in the training room.When he came back. I see him carrying a book. He then handed it to me.


"What is this?"I asked.


"Read it, it's a romance novel. It will make you understand and know on what and how do you feel about the person your inlove with."he said to me with a smile. "Oh, and take note on pages 112, 145 and 178. You can learn a lot in that page."he added and I saw his erted grin.


"Okay, I'll read it if I have time."I answered.


"Do you want to know one of my secret?"he said.


"No." I answer.


"I love Jessica Jung, not as a friend."he said with a wide grin on his face.




I had fun in the club last night. My sister keeps on talking about Yuri-oppa. I think she likes him. I just listen to her talking and sometimes when I got bored I just pretended that I am listening to her. She keeps on seeing him and sometimes they go on a date. I'm happy for my sister, I think she finally found the right one for her. I called Minho-oppa for christmas, but he said that his family want him to stay in their house to celebrate christmas with them. I feel disappointed then he promised me that we will be together in New Year.


"Soojungie, does Amber have a girlfriend?"Unnie asked.


"None."I answered.


"Oh. I bet there are a lot of girls after him in your school."she said.


"Yeah, he had a lot of fan girls."I answered then chuckled.


"You are not one of them?"Unnie asked with a grin on her face.


"Well, I was once one of them. But I decided to get serious with someone."I answered with a smile.


"Why? Does Amber didn't confess to you?"she aksed, raising her brows.


"He didn't. How can he confess, he didn't even love me."I replied. She mumbled something but I didn't hear it well.




"I said, too bad for you."she said then chuckled.I looked at her, confused. "Hey Soojungie, what if Amber confess to you? What will you do?"


"It's simple, I will reject him because I got Minho-oppa already. I already love him and it's too late for Amber."I answered.


I saw that my sister looked disappointed but she managed to smile. I wonder if my sister knows something.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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