Being with You

Love in Disguise



Since I arrive at our school, I've been hearing Krystal's name being mentioned by everybody. I walked with Vic-nuna, as usual, their eyes followed us as we passed by. I kinda got used to it. They greet Nuna with a smile and I'm happy everytime I see her smile too. Then, out of nowhere, a very familiar voice called me. And yeah, it is Krystal Jung.


"Amber!"she called then approach us. I noticed all the eyes that surround her we're mesmerized. "Hi Vic-unnie."she greet her with smile.


"Hi Krystal." Vic-nuna replied and smile too.


"Can I walk with you too?"she asked looking at me.


"No!" I answered. "Let's go, Nuna." I said as I walked ahead.


"Sorry for your classmate's behavior."Vic-nuna said to her. "You can come if you want."


"Thank you, Unnie!"she answered with a smile.




First thing in the morning, Amber already pissed me off. He is still cold to me even if we agreed to become friends. I should be the one who should be cold to him. He is just a dork and I am the every guys dream girl. I already planned everything how to win his heart, and my first step is to become his friend which already succedded.


"Amber, you should treat Krystal more kinder now since you two become friends."Vic-nuna said to him before she enter their classroom. Amber just nodded like an obedient child. I think their relationship is just like an Umma and a son.


"Let's  go." Amber said then he walked ahead of me.


I speed up my pace so that I can catch up with him but he speed up his too if he notice that I am walking beside him. This guy is the most irritating person I've ever knew.


"Yah!" I yelled at him as I snap out. "I thought we are already friends, why are you treating me like this!?"


He then turn to me. He only glance at me and never looked at me in the eyes. "I'm not used of you being around me, so be patient until I feel comfortable around you just like Vic-nuna."he answered then start to walk again.


This guy is really weird. I always feel stressed because of him. I start to regret why did I take that challenge.




Krystal is really a persistent type of person. I know she have a reason why she always bug me. I enter into our classroom first, then she followed. I sit on my chair, flippin my book pages. Then this two guys approach me.


"Hey genius dork, you finally attend our class."one of them told me. "Anyway, I'm Onew and he is Key."


"Yo!"the guy named Key said while raising his right hand.


"My name is Amber not genius dork." I replied. They both laugh at me.


"Whatever man, let's hang out sometime." Onew said and left with Key. I think I just made a guy friends.


After our first period subject, I got bored. I went outside, I decided to skip my next class. I went to the rooftop to take some rest. I lie on one of the bench and close my eyes.


"Amber, go back to the classroom!"


I heard Krystal's voice again. I released a deep sigh then I got up and turn to her. Seriously, this girl can't stop bothering me.


"Will you please leave me alone and don't bother me?" I pleaded to her. She just raised her brows. I looked away.


"Do you know that you might get expelled if you continue slacking off?"she said.


"But our class is boring. I know all the teacher is teaching."I answered.


"Then sleep in the class then, atleast your presence is there."she insisted.


"I can't sleep there, I'm not comfortable around many people and it's noisy."then I lay down again.




This dork is behaving like a child. I didn't expect him to be this childish. He is so anti-social. I wonder what makes him being unsociable. He just make friends with those two clowns earlier.


"Okay, if you'll stay here, I'll stay too." I said to him.


"Don't be unreasonable."he answered. "You go back to class."


"You told me earlier that you feel uncomfortable when I am around, so I just want you to being used with me. If I stick to you all the time, you will become comfortable around me, isn't it?" I said to him.


"Fine, do whatever you want."he surrendered.


I walk in front of him and lift up his head, I sat on the bench and lay his head on my lap. I thought he would protest but to my surprise, he didn't. As I looked at him, he looked like an innocent child, sleeping on my lap. I stared on his face, looking at every detail. If only he would take off his thick glasses so I can see his face completely. I focused my gazed on his lips. He has a red and very y lips.


"Krystal."he said. I was startled to hear him suddenly call me.




"I can feel your warmth, I like it."he said then I saw his dorky smile again. I didn't realized that it made me smile too.




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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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