Just In Time

Love in Disguise



We all got startled when Amber shouted in the middle of our class. We all looked at him. Then I saw that he headed into my direction. I was so surprised when he hold my hand. He is asking me if it is not a dream. I just nodded, then he let out a deep sigh feeling relived. What he said next makes my heart beat faster. I looked down so he can't see me that I blushed. I wonder what did he dreamed about. Our classmates started to tease us then he let go of my hand and went back to his seat when Mr. Hand told him.


"I think it is a new start."Luna said with a grin in her face as we are taking our lunch in the cafeteria.


"He is just half awake that time."I answered to her.


"I think he is dreaming about you, Krys."Sulli said with a smile.


"Not you too, Sull. Guys, please stop teasing me."I told them. They just both laugh at me.




Onew and Key can't stop teasing me about what I did in the middle of the class. I felt really stupid of mixing my fream into reality but it felt so real. I kinda see it as a vision. It feels like there is something bad is gonna happen to her. Fate is getting cruel to her. I decided to look after her in secret, so I kinda like going to stalk her.


"Bro, you just talk to Krystal earlier , right?"Onew said.




"Just befriend her already."Key said.


"I'll think about it." I answered. The two looked at each other then looked to me.


"I am amazed that you can bear this long without talking to her and completely ignoring her that in fact you deeply care for her."Onew said.


"You should really make up to her bro, life is too short, you wouldn't know what will happen tomorrow so better fixed everything as long as you have still your time."Key said.


"I know."I answered in a flat tone.




I was having an afternoon tea when Joon, my trusted man appear. I take a sip of my tea before I allowed him to speak again.


"So what did you find out?"I asked him.


"The boy is an adopted son of Chen Song, Sir."he answered.




"Yes Sir, and I haven't found any records of the boy about his previous family."Joon said. I take a sip of my tea again and put my cup down.


"That boy is the one we have been searching for. He is Yiyun Liu, the boy that you failed to kill. So, Chen took him in, huh?"I said then grinned.


"What do you want me to do, Sir? Should we take care of him now?"


"Be patient Joon, I want him to live miserably and taste the pain of life, Take care of the person he valued most."I said to him.


"Okay, Sir."Joon said and left.


"Let's start the game right now boy, let's see if you will be able to survive this time." I said to myself.




Since I dreamed that nightmare about Krystal, I've been keeping my eye on her from afar. I feel like I am a crazy stalker. One day, I feel uneasy. I felt that something bad is going to happen. I got annoyed when Krystal didn't get in on their car that is always waiting for her outside the campus. and decided to walk her way home. I followed her, but I got separated to her when I came across with an Ajumma who needed a help. I help the old lady carried her things and it takes me for a while. I then run fast as I can to catch up with Krystal.  I find her waiting for the signal to switch to walk. When the walk sign was lighten she then crossed the street, but out of nowhere, a very fast car is wuickly approaching her. Maybe she went into panic because it seems that she can't move her legs. I then run as quickly as I can and take a high leap just to pushed her on the side. I thought I couldn't make it because I was a little bit far from here but I made it in time. I managed to pushed her off the road but instead, I am the one who got hit.


"Oh !"


I close my eyes as I waited for the impact. I heared the tire of the car screech but then run away again when I was lying on the ground. I used my remaining strength to check if Krystal is okay, then I feel relieved when I saw that she is. I feel pathetic of myself.


"Atleast I will die because of saving her."


I feel my head is light and my eyes becomes blurry. I wanted to stay awake but my eyes just closed and I block out.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
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