Yoona's Goodbyes

Love in Disguise



It is the day that Yoona is leaving. Vic-nuna forgot to wake me up. I knock on her door to wake her up too. We will be going to the airport to see Yoona off. We both were in a hurry to take a bath, eat breakfast and fix ourselves. I let out a deep sigh when we finally get in the car. I look at my watch and we still have enough time.


"I'm sorry if I woke up late."Vic-nuna said to me.


"It's okay Nuna. I know you got tired in preparing the party."I said to her with a smile.


"Do you think everyone is already there?"she asked.


"I guess so, Onew has been calling me. Key also texted me, asking where we are."I answered.




Everyone is in the airport, Amber and Vic-nuna is not yet here. We are all waiting for them to arrive. I can see that Yoona is already worried. Maybe she's worried of not seeing Amber's face before she left the country. Our attention was shifted to Onew when Amber finally answer his calls.


"They are on their way."Onew said to us with a smile after he talked to Amber on his phone. All of us feel relieved, especially Yoona.


"What take them so long?"Sully asked.


"They said they both overslept."Onew answered then chuckled.


Yoona came closer to me while the others is busy chatting. "I confessed to him last night."she said to me. I was surprised.


"Re..Really? What does he said."I asked.


"He said that he love me too."Yoona said with a big smile.


"You are the perfect one for him."I said with a faint smile.


"I maybe the perfect one but I am not the right one for him."she answered.




I decided to tease Krystal. I want to know if she really doesn't have feelings for Amber anymore. When I told her about my confession, she looked surprised and when I told her what is Amber's response her eyes saddened but she managed to smile and congratulate me. Our conversation was cut when finally, Amber and Vic-unnie arrived. I only got a few minutes left before going into the departure area.


"I thought you don't want to see me off." I said to him pretending to sulk.


"I'm sorry if I didn't come here early."he answered. I smiled at him.


I look at him, we both stare at each other. It feels like we are the only people in that moment. Then I walk closer to him then hug him very tight and he also hug me back. He has a warmer hug than before. Our hug was broken when my dad already called me. My friends said their goodbyes.


"Don't forget to call us when you arrive there." Vic-unnie said.


"Yes, Unnie."I answered.


"Yoona, don't forget your handsome friend, Key."Key said.


"And Onew."Onew followed.


"Ofcourse."I answered then chuckled.


"We are glad that you become our friend."Luna said with a teary eye.


"Me too. I will never forget you, Yoona."Sully said.


"I will never forget you too and I'm glad that I know you and become my very good friend."I answered.


Then I turn to Krystal she smiled at me then I smile back. I turned to Amber, he looked sad again but he force himself to smile. I can see that somewhat his eyes becomes teary. My emotion become unstable, then I got carried away by it. I suddenly kissed him on his lips, with all my love. Then I take a step back and glance at Krystal. She looked so surprise, well, all of them, even Amber.


"If when we see each other again and we are both single, let's go out?"I said to him with a smile, holding my tears inside.


"Okay."he answered with a smile. "Take good care of yourself." 


"You too."I answered.We stare at each other's eyes.



"This is hot!"Key exclaimed and he looked so happy. I think he ship us.


I said my goodbye for the last time and take a good look at Amber before I enter  the departure area. I somehow knew that,what I said to him isn't gonna happen. The girl he love is just standing right beside him and he didn't know that yet. I wonder what will happen to the lovestory of that two.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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