Liu Family

Love in Disguise



He come closer to me. I said to Yiyun to play with Soeri then he listened. He looked at me and the man first, before he left to play with Soeri. I don't want to think that the man standing in front of me is Amber. We both stare at each other. The way he looked at me is like the way Amber looked at me.


"Long time no see."


Upon hearing what he said, my eyes were widened. I felt happy as well as angry. I walk closer to him then slap him, slap him really hard. I can see that he got hurt because of his reaction and his cheek is so red. Then I hug him tightly, too tight because I thought that if I won't hold him tight, he might disappear. I began to cry, I felt so happy and my heart start to race.


"Krys, I can't breath."he said to me.


Then I went snap back to my senses and let him go. He is rubbing the side of his cheek that I slap. Then he wipe my tears.


"We all thought that you were dead."I said to him.


"I thought that I died too."he answered and smile. "You have a very handsome son."he said to me.


"Stupid, it's our son."I answered to him.


His eyes were widened. I think he got surprised. He turn to looked at Yiyun who is having plan playing with Soeri.


"The little girl is Jess-unnie and Yuri-oppa's daughter."I added.


"It means that...I am already a father?"he said to me then he look extremely happy.


"Amber, you owe an explaination to all of us."I said to him.


"I know."he answered.




Today I arrived in Korea. I know my family will be surprised to see me again. It's been five years since I lost contact with them. I managed to get out of Mr. Lee's house before it exploded. I really wanted to help him to get out but he told me to just save myself. I was surprised to see that there is an old man there. I think he is Mr. Lee's real father. I can see that he is happy when I went back to save him. He asked for my forgiveness and made me promised to bring back the legacy of my family. I was thrown on thr gound due to the explosion of the house. I hit my head on one of the rock. I thought I will really die that time but there was this man who save me. When I woke up, I can't remember anything. And I learned that I have been unconscious for one week. It took me five years to recover all of my memories. By the day that I remember everything I rushed to go back to Korea. I decided to go to the park first, because I want to prepare myself. I know they will all be surprised when they will see me. As I was sitting on the bench, this little boy caught my attention. I felt something strange when I saw him. It feels like we are connected. I approach them.


"Hey, can I play with you guys?"I asked them. The boy stared at me for a minute. It is like he is studying my face.


"Wow, you really look like my Appa."he said to me with a grin on his face.


"Your Appa must be handsome then."I said to him. I shifted my gaze to the little girl. "You looked very pretty."I said to her. The way she glare is very familiar to me.


"Umma is very beautiful and Appa is very handsome that is why I am pretty."she answered to me.


"Oh, so that's explain everything."I replied to her and smile her.


As we are playing. The little boy run away. I hear him called his Umma. I turn to looked what she looked like but when I saw who it is, my eyes widened. I stare at her and she stared at me too. Krystal is really beautiful and didn't change at all. I don;t want to assume that the little boy is our because I don't want to get hurt and be disappointed at the end. She then let her son play with the little girl. I kinda see it coming that she will slap me. But I didn't expect to hit me so hard. It is more painful by being punch on the face. Then she hug me very tightly to the point that I finf it hard to breath. She then let me go and I saw her crying. I wipe her tears. I thought she got married, I kinda forgot what the ring that I give to her look like. Then when she said that the little boy is our son, I was extremely happy. I hug Krystal, I want to kiss her because I missed her so much but I hesitated. I'm afraid to ask if she is already married, but I gather my courage.


"Krys, are you now..married?" I asked her. She looked at me.


"My stupid boyfriend left me five years ago with our son. So I didn't got married."she answered to me with a smile. I blink my eyes many times just to make sure that I am not dreaming.


"Then, will you still marry me?"I asked her.


"I've been waiting for you to marry me, ofcourse I will marry you."she said. I hug her and kissed her. But then, someone kicked my leg.


"What are you doing to my Umma?"Yiyun asked then glared at me. I think he is also a protective type of person.


"Oh, your Appa just asked your Umma to marry him."I answered to him. He looked at me, confused. Then his face lighten up.


"I knew it, you are my Appa!"he exclaimed then he hug me. I carried him. "Appa, don't leave Umma again."he added.


"Don't worry, I promise I won't leave Umma neither Yiyun anymore."I answered to him.


Then Jess-nuna and Yuri came. As expected, they looked very surprised when they saw me. I explained to everyone what happened to me. They all asked so many questions and I aswered them all. My friend were happy to see me. I feel happy to see them again too. Then Krystal and I got married a week after. Ofcourse Yoona is present in our wedding. I don't want my bestfriend to miss my wedding. Anyway I got slap three times, first Krystal, second is Vic-nuna, and third is Yoona. Maybe this is what the girls always do when they got really surprised. Luckily, my face is not swollen during my wedding. Krystal really looked perfect during our wedding. I can see our son is extremely happy about us. We went to Jeju island for our honeymoon. We lie to our bed side by side when we wake up one morning after our first night.


"Krys, you know that I am the only Liu left,right?"I said to her.


"Yeah, so?"she answered.


"Let's have many children."I said to her.


"Okay, let's have three then."she said.


"That's too few, let's have ten."I said to her.


"We are just human Amber, we are not dogs who can bear many puppies in one pregnancy, I only want three, and that's final."she said and glared at me.


"Okay, let's make it four. Let's have twins."I said to her then before she can say anything I kissed her.


After nine months, Krystal delivered a healthy twins. A boy and a girl, they both looked perfect, Yiyun wa extemely happy about it. Then after two years, our last child was born, our daughter. She really look like Krystal. We have a big happy family and Yiyun has the same problem with me, the crazy girl fans.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
Chapter 70: My fiance...
Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!