Distinguishing Love

Love in Disguise



I walk ahead of him. I can feel his eyes from my back. I think he is staring at me and it makes me smile. Then he speed up his pace and walk beside me.  I walk side by side silently. From the corner of my eye I can see him looking straight with a smile on his face. I wonder what is he thinking right now and what made him smile.


"Amber."I called his name.




"Do you love Yoona, like romantically love?"I asked.


"I love her differently, more than I love Sully and Luna and..."he pause then he turn his head to me and stop walking. I stop too.


"And?" I asked waiting for him to finished his words.


"I can't distinguish my love for you."he answered looking confused.


When I heard what he said, many questions appear into my mind. I just stare at him who is now trying to figure out what he feels for me. I feel afraid and sad that his hatred for me might stayed in his heart.




I don't know why but I can't figure out what I feel for Krystal. I so feel something for her but it different from others. I don't know what it is but it makes my heart feel different. I looked at her when I notice that she's staring at me. I can see the sadness in her eyes then she look away. It makes me feel bad when I saw her sad eyes. Then we start walking again.


"I'm sorry."I told her.


"Sorry for what?"she asked without looking at me.


"That I make you sad."I answered.


"You didn't do anything, so don't be sorry. And I am not sad."she replied.


"Someday, I'll figure out what kind of love do I I feel for you."I said to her but she didn't answer.




I was walking with Amber on the hallway. Then we saw Krystal from the distance that is carrying two very thick books. I notice Amber looked at her for a while. Then, he quickly approach her. I just followed him from behind. Krystal looks surprise when Amber come closer to her. She glance at me before she turn to face Amber. Amber took the books Krystal is carrying.


"It's okay, you don't have to carry that for me."Krystal said to him trying to retrieve her books.


"I am not doing this in your favor. I just forgot to lift my dumbbell earlier so I think these two are perfect alternative to lift some weight."Amber answered to her then he walk ahead.


Krystal just stood there and look at Amber that getting farther away from her. I catch up with Amber and Krystal followed me behind.


"Reasons."I whispered to him then chuckled.


"I am really telling the truth."he answered to me, looking serious.


"Okay, if you say so."I said to him then lock my arms to his.


I can see his fan girls looking at me with a narrowed eyes when we passed them on the hallway. I just ignore them. Any girl will be lucky to have him as a boyfriend. I wonder why Krystal let him slip to her hands and choose to hurt him. I really love the warmth of his body, it makes me feel safe and at ease. I didn't notice that I smile.


"Yoona, what are you thinking?"he asked.


"Nothing. Why?"


"Because your smiling."he answered then chuckled.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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