
Love in Disguise



Our midterm week is coming, everyone were busy studying their lessons, well except him. Me and Minho-oppa always go to the library to study together. Sometimes, Sully and Luna come with us. In the cafeteria, I spotted Amber, with Vic-unnie, Onew, Key and Yoona. They are having fun while talking to each other, maybe because the two clowns are with them.


"Krys, I think you should talk to him rather than just look at him." Luna said to me. I suddenly look away at Amber and face my two friends.


"What are you talking about, I didn't look at him, I look at them." I denied.


"I think Yoona like Amber." Sully said while looking at them, then she shifted her gaze at me, maybe she wants to see my reaction.


"Well, I think she has a bad taste." I answered as I rolled my eyes. The two both grinned. They really love to tease me with Amber. 'Hello girls, I'm dating Minho-oppa now!' 




Key, Onew and Yoona are fun to be with. I enjoyed being with them. They are my first close friend except for Vic-nuna and I think Krystal before. Yeah, Krystal and I didn't make up yet, well I stay away from her because Minho told me not to come closer to her because of what happen. 


"Midterm week is fast approaching, you guys should start to study hard."Vic-nuna said, while we are eating our lunch in the cafeteria.


"Vic-nuna, don't worry, we will still get high scores even if we don't study." Key said boastfully.


"Shut up Key, you almost always fail in all of our exams." Onew said then laugh.


"Why don't we study with Amber, he always get the high scores, right?" Yoona suggested and they all looked at me.


"No." I answered.


"Amber, it's a good idea. Studying is more fun when you do it with your friends." Vic-nuna agreed.


"Okay, I'm in!" Onew said then Key followed.


"I'll rather study with Yoona, not with you two. You will just keep talking the whole time rather than read your books." I said to them and they just both laugh.


"You just wanted to be alone with Yoona." Key teased me. I didn't respond to him, I notice that Yoona got shy about what he had said.


"This weekend,you guys come over to our house, you study there."Vic-nuna said with a big smile. I think she was really happy about it so I didn't protest anymore.




I am very happy to see that Amber is socializing now. He even have friends and I want him to be closer to them. Too bad he hasn't make up with Krystal yet. He told me that Minho told him to stay away from her. So I stopped bugging him to make-up with her. I hope someday they will talk to each other again. He walked me into our classroom just like what he always do.


"Amber, you should be a good friend to Key, Onew and Yoona, okay?" I said to him.


"Okay, Nuna."he answered. Then he looked at me. "Are you going to study with us too?" he asked.


"Yeah, if you want me to." I answered then he flash his dorky smile.


"Ofcourse!"he exclaimed.


"Anyway, don't skip your classes from now on. Dad will not be happy if he knows you keep slacking off and isolating yourself from others." I said to him. He hesitated to agree first then he just nod.




I was so surprised when Amber came to our class again, well, it is not only me but all of our classmates. Onew and Key came close to him. I can hear them talking about studying together. Yeah, I am eavesdropping. I stop when Luna and Sully came to me. I don't want them to tease me again if they will catch me listening to Amber and his friends conversation.


"I'm so stressed in reading so many books." Sully said.


"If only we can ask some of Amber's neurons, I will really do it." Luna  followed.


"Yeah, me too."Sully agreed.


"You two are smart enough, you don't need to ask any of his neurons." I answered. Then I see Key is approaching us.


"Hey girls." he greet us with a smile.


"What do you want, clown?" I said to him coldly.


"Just wondering, do you want to study with us in Amber's house?"he asked.


Luna and Sully quickly answered yes to him. They looked at me, waiting for my answer. I looked at Amber's direction and I see that he is looking at me too. Our eyes met for a while then he looked away. I always get annoyed everytime he do that. 

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
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