Perfect Date

Love in Disguise



It is now weekend, it is the day where I and Yoona will go on a date. I decided to take her to the movie then have a lunch in a fancy restaurant then take her again to the place wherever she wanted to go. This is what Vic-nuna advice me to do. I pick up Yoona in her place. She really look beautiful and it always amazed me. I opened the door car for her and let her in first. I asked the driver to bring us to the theater. I let her choose what she likes to watch then she choose the romance type.


"Is it your first time go to the theater?"she asked me.


"Yeah." I answered.


"Me too."she said then giggled.


I find it funny when the guy from the movie said that his heart beat faster everytime he hold the hands,hug and kiss the girl. I mean it is so unrealistic. Then in the drama part, I think it is the part of the movie, I heard Yoona is sniffing. I turn to face her then I was surprise when I see her crying. I never thought she is this emotional and sensitive. I grab my hanky on my pocket and wipe her tears.


"It is just a movie Yoon, don't get carried away."I said to her then chuckled.


"Shut up, Am."she answered then get the hanky on my hand.


"Girls are really emotionally weak."I mumble as I lean back on my chair then watch the movie again. "Don't cry to much. I don't want people will think that I am the one who made you cry."I said to her jokingly. She slap me on my arm and we both giggled silently.




Amber is a gentleman and a sweet guy. He always opens the door for me and let me get in first. He brought me in a fancy restaurant after we watch the movie. He pulled the chair for me  before I sit. I think ever girl in that room got jealous of me. He give me the menu and let me order first.


"So where do you wanna go next?"he asked me after we eat our lunch.


"Anywhere you wanna take me."I answered to him. His brows furrowed.


"You don't have a place where you wanna go?"he asked.


"As long as I'm with you, everywhere is fine."I answered to him with a smile.


"Do girls are always like this during dates?"he ask.


"I don't know."I replied. He looked at me with a confused face then I giggled.


"Yoona, you're getting strang lately."he said to me. I just shrug my shoulder.


After our dinner, we went outside the town and brought me on the seaside. It is very quiet there and very relaxing. The onlynoise you can hear is the noise of the wave crushing on the shore. The air is so fresh and it makes you feel so much alive. I sat down on the side, beside him. We are both staring at the beautiful and vast sea. I lean my head on his shoulder.


"I hope we can stay like this forever."I said to him.


"We can always do this if you want to."he asnwered.


"Amber, if you got a girlfriend, will you still treat me like this?"I asked him.


"Ofcoarse, nothing will change even if I get married. You will always be my bestfriend and I will always love you."he answered.


"Yeah, bestfriend."I said to him with a faint smile then close my eyes.


"Yoona, introduce me to your boyfriend later on. I want to meet him and make sure he is a good guy."he said to me.


"I already choose the very good one."I answered.


We stayed there and we watch the sunset together. I know it is just a simple date but for me it is the perfect date I ever have with him.


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