Lost And New Life

Love in Disguise



As soon as we arrive in the America. Amber then start to planned everything. We found out that Mr. Lee is hiding into one of his resthouse. I never see, Amber this serious. He always come up into a brilliant plan that's why I always trust him in this. After everything was set, we decided to infiltrate Mr. Lee's rest house. It is night and we saw so many guards guarding outside his house. Jonghyun and I distract the guards outside while Amber get in into the house. In the middle of our fight, the house was caught on fire. Jonghyun and I manage to bring all of those unconscious men outside the house.


"Is Amber didn't come out yet?" I asked Jonghyun.


"I haven't seen him.Sir."he answered.


I called Amber but he isn't answering. I started to feel worried, then I feel relieved when I saw him came out from the house.


"Did you get everyone out?"he asked.


"Yeah."I answered with a big smile.


He looked at on all the people lying on the ground. "Mr. Lee is still inside!"he exclaimed. When he was about to go back, I grab his wrist.


"What are you doing? It is already dangerous to go back there."I said to him.


"No one tried to save him before in our family,Hyung, and I don't want that to happen to him again."he said then pulled his hand out of my grip. He tossed to me the recorder that he brought then run away into the house.


I run after him but as I was to enter the house, a burned log fell off,blocking the way. Jonghyun pulled me away from the house and a minute later, we heard a loud explosion. The house wa burn down into ashes and we haven't saw him came out. The police found two burnt bodies after the fire was put out. I don't want to believe that one of it was his.




When I heard that Yuri-oppa is coming back to Korea, I feel excited because I know that Amber will be coming with him. It has been two months since the last time I saw him. I did not expect that they will be coming back earlier from the date they said to us. When I was on my way to the Song's house, i began to feel nervous. I can't explain why I felt this way. I felt that there is something bad that happened. When I got there, Vic-unnie is crying, then she hug me as soon as she saw me. I looked at Yuri-oppa and Uncle Song, their both looked very sad and in pain.


"What happened, Unnie? Where's Amber?"I asked them. They all just keep silent. My tears just fall from my eyes.


"I'm sorry Krystal, it is all my fault."Yuri-oppa said and he looked angry at his self.


"What do you mean,Oppa?"I said to him. "Where is Amber?"I asked again. Vic-unnie let go of me and looked at me.


"Krys,Amber is...Amber is gone."Vic-unnie said to me the she sob again.


"What do you mean, Unnie?"I asked. My chest starts to feel heavy.


"He died,Krys."Vic-unnie said.


I can feel my knees weakened when I heard it. My mind went blank, and I started to find it is harder to breath.My heart and my mind can't accept the reality and the next thing I knew, I collapse. When I opened my eyes, I am in the hospital room. I saw Vic-unnie beside me.


"How are your feeling,Krys?"she asked me.


"I feel fine now,Unnie. I just felt, a little bit tired."I answer to her. "What happened to me?"I asked.


"You passed out yesterday. You've been asleep the whole time."she answered.


"So, it wasn't a dream,huh? Amber really is gone." I said to her and I started to sob.


"Be strong Krys."Vic-unnie said as she hug me. "You should stay strong for yourself and for your baby." she added. I look up to her and furrowed my brows.


"My baby?"I asked her,looking confused.


"Yes, Krys. You are two months pregnant."Vic-unnie said and smiled at me.


I was so surprised on what I have learned. I put my hand on my belly. My and Amber's baby is growing inside me. I feel very happy as well as sad. I feel happy because I am carrying his baby and I feel sad because they will not be able to meet each other.


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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
Chapter 70: My fiance...
Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!