Time Schedules

Love in Disguise



I notice Krystal was frequently teased by everyone about my condition, well except Yoona. It made me happy that Yoona didn't laugh about it. Our sportsfest is coming. I decided to join the basketball, volleyball and soccer competition. Onew and Key joined too. Our class will be against the other classes and years. Yoona will compete in swimming. Krystal on the other hand will compete on high jump and track and field. I think she likes to run a lot. Luna and Sulli joined the girls volleyball. Vic-nuna joined the gymnastics competition. Her body is really flexible.


"Am, you should come and watch me in my swimming competition."Yoona said to me.


"Ofcourse, I will not miss it. I will go and cheer for you. Well, except if our schedules will be on the same time."I replied.


"I already checked it, and fortunately, your schedule is not conflict with mine."she answered with a big smile.


"Okay then."I answered to her then I smile at her.


"I'll be expecting to see you in the audience bench."she said.




I was walking with Minho-oppa in the hallway. I spotted Amber talking to Yoona. They always looked happy together whenever they are talking. I locked my arms to Minho-oppa's arm as we come closer to them. I didn't expect my boyfriend to call Amber, then we come face to face. Amber take a glimpse on my arm with Minho-oppa then he looked at my boyfriend with a smile.


"Yeah?"Amber respond.


"I heard you will be playing basketball in our sportfest?"Minho-oppa asked him.


"Yeah, I will be playing with Onew and Key."he answered.


"We will become opponent then."Minho-oppa said then chuckled. "We won't go easy on you guys."


"Nor do we."he smiled.


"Well my girlfriend her is a good cheerer."Minho-oppa brag as he turned to me and smiled at me.


"I'm not that really good."I answered and smile at him.


"Well, I hope Yoona will cheer for us too."Amber said jokingly to Yoona and she elbowed him.


"Ofcourse I will, silly!"Yoona answered then giggled.  I can see that they are really close and it makes me feel uncomfortable.


"Let's go, Oppa."  I said to my boyfriend as I drag him away.


"See you around guys."Minho-oppa said and the two just nodded.


I looked back, hoping for Amber to look at me too but his eyes was fixed to Yoona. They were busy chatting to each other.




I lie down on my desk, I wanted to take a nap but it is raining outside. Onew and Key weren't in our room yet and my girl friends isn't around either. I can hear my classmates, talking about our coming school event. They are all excited, and hoping that it will not rain in that day. Then someone tap me on my shoulder. I got up to see who it is. I was surprised to see Krystal standing right in front of me.


"What is it?" I asked her.


"Well, I was just wondering if you are going to cheer for me on my games next week."she said. I think she got shy because her face turned red.


"I will, if it is not conflict with my schedule and Yoona's schedule, I guess." I answered. I can see that her brows furrowed.


"Why do you consider Yoona's schedule?"she asked with a raise voice.


"I promise that I will cheer for her in her swimming competition."I replied. I can see that her forehead wrinkled and she's breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" I asked.


"Shut up! Go cheer for her then!" she yelled then walk away. 


I really find Krystal a very strange girl. I went to our school bulletin board to check the schedules for the games. Her games is conflict to Yoona and mine. I let out a deep sigh. Honestly, I want to cheer for her too. As I turn to head back to our classroom, I saw Yoona standing behind me.


"Checking for schedules?"she asked.


"Yeah." I answered. "Krystal asked me to cheer for her in her games but the time schedule is conflict to yours and some to mine."she keep quiet for a while.


"Well, you can go cheer for her,it's okay for me, besides I have my classmates to cheer for me."Yoona said. Even though she's smiling, I can see the sadness in her eyes and it troubled me.


"Nah, Minho and the whole school will cheer for her. I will cheer for you. So you better win."I said then wink at her. 


Yoona's big smile was drawn on her face then the sadness in her eyes disappeared. She giggled as she nod her head. I then feel relieved. 

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