Slacking Off

Love in Disguise



I got annoyed when our homeroom teacher asked me to search for Amber Liu this time. From the first day of our class until now, he only comes just to take the test and always got the highest score. I am absolutely sure that he is cheating. He always slacked off, and as their class president it's my job to bring him back to our classroom. I asked Vic-unnie about his whereabouts, she suspected that I will find him at the school garden. I went there, and I spotted him, taking a nap while lying on one of the benches.


"Yah! Wake up!" I yelled at him. He lifted his hand that he rest on his forehead then slowly open his eyes. He took a glance at me for a while then he got up. This is the first time I see him close.


"What do you want?"he asked with a stern voice.


"Our teacher wants you to attend his class, now!"I replied with a bossy tone.


"Who are you to command me? I don't know you so stay away from me!"he said then walked away.


I was left there, dumbfounded. The last thing that he said keeps replaying on my head. 'I don't know you so stay away from me!' What the hell! Now I am sure that he is really a stupid. All the students here know who I am, even the employees. I can't believe that, that dork, doesn't know me at all, or did he just pretended that he doesn't know me at all?




That girl is very annoying, I didn't even know her and she dares to disturb me while I'm taking a nap. Who is she to command me to come into class. If she is Vic-nuna I will definitely listen to her. I went at the back of our school where there is no one who can find me. To my surprise, I notice three other guys, beating up this smaller guy. I looked at them, the smaller guy's nose is bleeding and his cheeks are slightly swollen and red.


"What are you looking at, dork?!"one of the guy said.


"Siwon, isn't that guy who dated your crush, Victoria?"the other guy said.


"You are right Kai, that is him!"the other one added.


I didn't understand what they are talking about. The guy called Siwon came close to me. He is taller than me, and the two guy followed, living the guy that they beat up fall on the ground.


"Hey kid! Do you think your tough?!"he said while grabbing my collar and lifted me. He looked at me with a stressed forehead and intense glare. Well his expression doesn't give me even a slight scare instead, I feel irritated looking at him.


I grab his hand and hold his wrist as strong as I can. "Get off your dirty hand away from me!" I said with a stern voice. I know he was hurt because of his facial expression. Then I let it go.


"Kris, Kai, beat up this punk until he can no longer stand!"Siwon commanded the two while holding his wrist that was hurt from my tight gripped.


The two attacked me. They start throwing punches and kick at me but it only hits on the air. Seriously, these jerks doesn't know how to fight for real. I hit them really hard on ther abdomen which instantly make them unconscious. "Pathetic!" I mumbled. I shift my gaze to Siwon, I can see that he is now trembling.He close his eyes as he thought I was coming for him. "Coward!" I whispered before I pass him and went to the kid that they beat up.


"If I knew you beat him up again, you two will switch places but yours is the worst version." I said as I carried the guy and left.




I witnessed everything that happened. I followed him after he walked away from me at the garden. When I reached at the back of our school, I saw one of the senior grabbing his collar. I noticed  one kid who got beaten up. I wanted to intervene to stop them but my legs won't move. I felt scared of the situation. The next thing I know, Amber knock down the two guys who attacked him. He then left carrying that beaten up kid.


"Krys, where did you go? Our class already ended." Luna said to me.


"Did you find him?" Sulli followed. They both surrounded me.


"Yeah, I did."I answered then lie my head on top of my desk.


"So what happen?"Luna asked. "Why he is not with you?"


"I think he is in the infirmary." I answered.


"OMG Krys, don't tell me you beat him up?!" Luna exclaimed.


"Yah!" I yelled at her as I raised my head and glared. "I'm not that kind of person! He is!" I see Luna and Sully grinned. "What?!" I asked,annoyed.


"What do you mean by, he is?"Sully asked with suspicion in her voice.


"Oh you two, will you please stop that and shut up!" I yelled then I lie my head again back on my desk.


"Oh, it's Amber!" Luna suddenly blurted out.


"Where?!" I quickly got up and roam my gaze around the room.


"Just kidding!" Luna said and she and Sully laugh out loud.


"LLLLUUUUNNNNAAAA!!" I growled in anger. She then started to run away from me with Sully.


I ran after them but as soon as I step out at the door, I bumped into someone. Because of the strong impact, I feel that my body is falling on the floor, I close my eyes waiting for myself to hit on the ground but it didn't happened. I felt that there's a hands wrap around my body. One hand around my waist and the other hand is around my shoulder supporting my neck and head. I can feel his warm body from my left side.


"Are you,okay?"


I heard a gentle and sweet voice that then makes my heart skip a beat.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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