
Love in Disguise



We enjoyed our last days in the beach house. Sully named the two clown fish after me and Amber. Luna and her didn't mention to Amber about Minho-oppa. We bid our goodbye to Tae-unnie. Days have passed and our class is fast approaching. I was still bothered about what Minho-oppa had said to me. I was lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. Tomorrow is going to be his birthday and I haven't made up my mind yet if I will go or not to attend his party. Then I receive a call, it's from him. He persuaded me to go and I don't know why I agreed to him. I bought him a gift the next day then attend the party. I haven't mention this to Amber.


"Wow Krys, you look beautiful."he said to me as soon as he see me.


"Thank you, Oppa."I answered with a smile. "Happy birthday!"I greet him and give my gift to him.


"Thank you Krys."he said with a big smile as soon as he received my gift. "I am really happy that you've come."he added. I just smiled at him.


I met our friends and we chat with them. We have a long talk. They are all happy to see us together. I feel happy too to be with Minho-oppa but I feel guilty for Amber. Later on they start to drink with alcohol since it's Minho-oppa's 18th birthday. They insisted to me to drink too and due to peer pressure, I did but just a little. Just enough not to make me drunk.




I've been calling Krystal for the whole time but she is nit picking up. It is my birthday tomorrow and I wanted to clebrate it with her this midnight. I texted her but I've got no response.


"Maybe she is busy right now, just celebrate your birthday with her tomorrow."Vic-nuna said.


"Well, I guess that's my only choice."I said to her with disappointment.


"I will celebrate youe birthday with you this midnight, how's that?"Vic-nuna said with a smile. I know she's trying to cheer me up.


"Okay Nuna. Thank you."I answered with a faint smile.


"I don't like that smile, I like the other one."She said and then I show her my dorky smile. "That's what I like."she then pinch my cheek.




When I grab my phone from my bag, I see Amber's messages and calls. I read them all. He ask me to celebrate his birthday with him this midnight. I stuff my phone back into my bag and find Minho-oppa to say my goodbye to him. One of his maid told me that he is in his room. I didn't wait for him to come down on the party because I am now in a hurry. I knock on his door. He was surprised when he opened the door and saw me.


"Oppa, thank you for inviting me but I need to go now."I said to him. As I was about to leave, he grab my hand.


"Krystal, you haven't give your answer to me."he said. "I really still love you Krys, I really do. Please come back to me."




"I promise, I won't hurt you ever again. Just please come back to me. I know you are just using Amber to forget me. Do you still love me?"he said while looking deeply into my eyes.


I looked at him. I searched the answer in my head. I've got overwhelmed by my emotion. "I still love you, Oppa." I answered.


A big smile was drawn to his face when he heard that I utter that words. He then hug me tightly and kiss me. His kiss is still the same. I didn't realize that our kiss become intimate, maybe because I miss each other so much and due to the influence of the alcohol that we drank earlier. He then slowly pulled me in his room, I never had a strength to resist him anymore. My heart is beating so fast and I feel hot right know. Then, the next thing I know is am lying on his bed next to him. We did the thing that we should never do in the first place. I feel asleep due to exhaustion.I woke up and it was already morning. I was so surprised when I realize that I am sleeping beside Minho-oppa. When I saw myself, I don't have any clothes on. I saw them scattering on the floor. Minho-oppa then wake up and give me a peck on my lips.




It is my birthday today but I don't know why I feel restless. I tried to call Krystal again but she isn't answering her phone. I started to get worry. Then after a few hours she finally called me and it made me feel relieved. She said that she can't come to my birthday because she got something to do. I feel disappointed and sad. All of my friends are coming but the most important to me can't come. Before I can ask what is that important thing, she already hang up. Then, I receive a call, coming from an international number.




"Who is this?"I asked.


"Oow, you already forget me?"she answered.




"Yes, Amber?"


"So it is you."I said then chuckled.


"Hmm, yeah."she answered then giggled.


I have a fun talking to her. Our other friends talk to her also. She said that she really miss us and wanted to see us. She wants to study in our school again but she hadn't get the permission of her parents yet. She is still persuading them. We have fun in my birthday, how I wish Krystal was with me today.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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