Jung's Bankruptcy

Love in Disguise



I followed what Amber asked me to do. He didn't hate me but he treat me like I did not exist in his life. His eyes alway pass through me. He never look at me nor even glance at me. He get farther away from me. I know it's all my fault and I understand him. When we pass by each other, I feel like I am just a wind. He always completely ignores me. His girl fans were so happy when they knew that he is single again. When I'm with Minho-oppa, I always find myself thinking about Amber. Then my worst nightmare happened. Our company got bankrupt. Somebody stole all of our company's money. My Appa is in great debt right now and all of our investors withdraw. We are completely broke. I thought that I wouldn't be able to go to S.M Academy but my father already paid my tuition until I graduated. By the time my family fall down, I discovered my fake friends, I only got Sully, Luna , Vic-nuna, Key, and Onew. I wished that I can include Amber but I know it is impossible. I also lost my popularity but I really didn't care.


"What is Uncle's plan?"Luna asked referring to my father.


"I think he is planning to sell our company." I answered.


"Oh, Uncle worked hard to established that company."Sully said.


"Well, I think we can't do anything about it. We need to give it up."I answered. I feel sad thinking about it.


"Too bad, I hope you will catch that bastard who took away your company's money."Key said.


"Yeah me too. If I am the one who will catch him, I will really amputate his hands."Onew said with annoyance.


Their attention was shifted to Amber who just entered the room. Key called him, I just look down to avoid his eyes even if I know that he will not look at me I still don't want to see his.


"Bro, Krystal is having a big problem right now."Key said.


I waited for him to answer but I haven't hear a single word from him. It makes me feel that he really did not care for me anymore. Then the next few days I've heard that our company was bought by someone. They hire my dad but put him in a lower position.




When I heard that Krystal's family company was down, I feel worried. She become the center of the gossips in our school. Those people who admire her before is now talking behind her back. I pitied her. I asked Uncle Song to come back home and he listened to me.


"What do you want, my youngest son?"he told me.


"Uncle, please buy the Jung's company." I said to him. He looked surprised when I said it to him.


"Why do you want me to buy that bankrupt company?"he asked,looking at me confused.


"His daughter is my classmates. I pitied her."I answered. He raise his brows.


"Oh really? Okay then."he answered with a grin and with this I know that there is condition.


"What is your condition?"I asked him.


"Call me Dad."he said.


"No! I've got only one dad."I answered.


"Appa then?"he said with a bright smile. I pause to think. "Come on, son, call me Appa, if you call me that, I'll buy that Jung company.


"A--A."It's really hard for me to call him that because for me it is weird. I think because he didn't behave like one.


"Come on."he said.


He really wants me to call him Dad or Appa even before I was a kid but I didn't call him that. I always call him Uncle. So this day, I think I'm gonna  get used of calling him that. I take a deep breath.


"A--App--a."I said stuttering.


"What is it?"


"Appa!"I exclaimed then he chuckled.


"Okay son, I'll buy that company and you will take responsible on it."he said.


"I change my mind, have an agreement to Mr. Jung, just invest a lot of money on his company and pay all their debts and make it known to everyone that you bought his company."I said to him.


"Whoa! That's too much kid!"he said.


"I promise, I pay you double all the money you have spent on it."I said to him with assurance.


"Hmm, promise me too to call me Appa, as long as you live?"


"I promised!" I answered.


"Amber, are you sure that his daughter is just your classmate and not your lover?"he asked.


"Yes. Her sister though is Yuri's girlfriend."I answered.


"So that's why Yuri also asked me to invest in Jung's company in U.S. He is also the one managing there. I think my sons are entering the business world now."he said.




I was so surprised when my dad bought the Jung's company and even asigned Amber to manage it. I stormed to his office.


"Dad, what are you thinking? You let Amber run a company?"I told him.


"Don't worry honey, he can managed that. To be honest, I am just also testing him."he answered with a grin.


"Testing for what?"I asked him,looking confused.


"If he inherited the talent that only a Liu possess."my dad answered.


"What are you talking about, dad?"


"A Liu can either make a company boom in one snap and make other company down."he answered.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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