Innocent Indirect Confession

Love in Disguise



I got too carried away by what happened that I didn't notice that Krystal wasn't there anymore. I asked our friends and Yoona pointed me where she headed. I went to look for her. She is not in the classroom. I think she is with Minho. I decided to go to the school garden to take a rest. I want to skip my first class this afternoon because I feel tired. When I got there, I didn't expect to see Krystal, sitting on the bench where I always lie. She kinda looked sad.


"You're in my bench." I told her. She looked surprised when she saw me.


"You don't have your name on it."she answered and pout. I sit beside her.


"Why did you suddenly left?"I asked.


"Well, I have nothing to do back there anymore."she answered. She looked annoyed.


"Can I rest my head on your lap just like before?" I asked with an innocent smile. She looked at me, then she nodded.




I think Amber is flirting to me unconsciously. As he rested his head on my lap he immediately close his eyes. His smile never fade on his face. I stared on his face, I felt so happy in this moment. I realized that I really do love Amber. I got jealous everytime I see him getting more closer to Yoona than in me.


"Amber, I love you!" I suddenly said. I got carried away by my emotion. I was surprised by my self. He open his eyes, our eyes locked for a while.


"I love you too."he answered and flash his dorky smile.


"Really?" I replied enthusiastically with a big smile on my face. I didn't expect for him to respond in the same way.


"Ofcourse."he asnwered and close his eyes again. "Just like Vic-nuna, Yoona, Sully, Luna, Key and Onew."he added.


And just like that, my happiness just disappear like a bubble that was popped. I pushed him off the bench. He got annoyed of what I did.


"Why did you do that?"he asked as he stand up.


"You lie on the other bench, you stupid!" I yelled at him. He looked surprise.


"You are really strange."He answered then walk to the next bench and lie down.


"I don't care!" I exclaimed. He keep quiet for a while. I even hear the wind blowing around us.


"My stomach feels funny when you said that you love me and my heart start to beat faster when I said I love you."he said.


I was so surprised when I heard it. I looked at him but he is closing his eyes with the back of the palm of his right hand resting on top of it.  My heart was filled with happiness. I stand up and go close to him. I sit on the little space of the bench beside him and hug him. I rest my head on his chest and it really feels warm. I can hear his heart beats rapidly just like mine.


"I think Minho will get angry if he see us like this."he said then chuckled.


When he mention the name of Minho-oppa, I sit up. My conscience is making me feel guilty. Minho-oppa is very kind and good to me. He really loved me and I don't want to hurt him and break his heart. He doesn't deserve that. I looked at Amber's eyes, I regret that I realized my feelings for him, too late.




Krystal's eyes looked so sad. I don't know why, and it brings pain in my chest. I caress her cheek and fix her hair. Her eye's becomes teary when I did that so I lay my hand down.


"Don't worry, I will love you and never leave you no matter what happen. I will always make you happy, so don't be sad, okay?"I said to her with an assurance and smile at her. She leaned closer and kiss me on my cheek.


"You are really stupid."she said to me with a smile and she rested her head again on my chest.


I can feel my face feels hot. I think maybe because Krystal is hugging me. Then he got up and stand beside me. She now looks happy and there is no more sadness in her eyes. I feel happy when I see it.






"I really do love you!"she said with a smile and then left.


Krystal really makes my heart beats faster. I don't know why, and I feel something strange in my chest. It's not pain, but an unusual feeling that I never felt even before. I never felt it to others, just only to her. I think I need to tell Vic-nuna about it so that she can tell me why I am feeling like this.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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