New Haircut

Love in Disguise



It's been a month since Amber and I starts to go out. His girl fans got mad at me becuase they felt that I took the most popular guys away from them. First is Minho-oppa and now, I am dating Amber. Little did they know that Amber is only helping me to forget my ex-boyfriend. I am also learning to fall inlove with him again. He always makes me smile whenever I am sad, let me feel that I am love and not alone. He take good care of me but sometimes I still think of Minho-oppa. I also feel that I miss him too. We haven't seen each other since I broke up with him.


"Guys, let's have a vacation in our private resort. The beach is very beautiful and we can even surf there because of the big waves."Key said as we were waiting for our class to start. We gather around in circle.


"Wow, I like that idea. We can totally relax in that place."Sully said with an excitement in her eyes.


"Summer is a perfect time to go to the beach too."Luna said.


"Well, if you all decided to go, I'll go too."Onew said. They then turn to me.


"Uhm, I guess it's a perfect place for us to stay in the entire summer."I said with a smile.


"Great!"Key exclaimed in excitement. "I hope Amber had no other plans this summer so he can come with us too."he added.


"If Krystal is going, I know he will come too."Luna said with a grin on her face.


"He is indeed my boyfriend but it doesn't mean that he will also go where I wanted to go."I said to her.


Our attention were shifted to Amber as soon as he enter our classroom. He was panting and quickly closed the door and even lock it. He then let out a deep sigh before he turned to us. I was so surprised when I saw him with his new haircut. He cut his hair shorter, and he even dyed it in blond. Our girl classmates squeal as soon as they saw him.




The girls in our school didn't come after me anymore as soon as the news about Krystal and I spread out. But today, when they saw me, they start to bother me again so I run away from them. When I entered our classroom, I quickly close the door and feel relieved as I let out a deep sigh. Then I heard my girl classmates started to squeal. Krystal walk her way to me. I then feel an ice cold aura in our room and the girls stop their squealing and mind their other businesses.


"Good morning."I greet her with a smile. She didn't answer.


She stare at me then looked at my hair. She then tried to fix it.


"Why did you cut your hair?"she then asked.


"It is already too long for me. It's keep getting into my eyes and bothers me."I answered. "Why, you didn't like it?"I asked.


"I like it and as well as don't like it."she answered while pouting.


"What do you mean?"I asked her, looking confused.


"Well, I like it because it suits and looks good on you. I didn't like it because it makes other girls more attracted to you."she said.


I don't know why but what she said draws a smile on my face. I looked at her in the eye. Her eyes were lock on mine.


"Your eyes are sparkling. Don't look at me like that. You look stupid."she said to me then chuckled.


"Krys."I said to her.




"Your making my heart beat faster right now."I said to her. I notice that her face turned red.


She lowered her head, trying to  hide her face from me. "Don't say that to me casually, stupid!"she said then giggled. I smiled at her.


"Guys, it's early in the morning, stop being lovey-dovey!"Onew yelled at us. I noticed that all our classmates were looking at us with a grin on their faces.


"Shut up Onew, you are just jealous about them. Go find a girlfriend so that you can have a lovey-dovey too." Luna said to him.


"Date me then!"Onew quickly asnswered. The two look both at each other.


"Well, I think LuNew is coming soon."Krystal mumbled then giggled.


"The two will look good together though." I answered.


We tease Luna and Onew, both of them are blushing. I think they already like each other before. I turn to Krystal. I can see that she's having fun and it makes me feel happy. I wonder if she already forgot about Minho now.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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