Amber Without His Disguise

Love in Disguise



It is our sportfest week. Whole week, everyone will be competing in all types of sports. I watch Vic-nuna's competition with Onew and Key. She did really well. Everyone's attention was focused to her when she perform. Even the judges were so impress. All applauded when she finished her performance. I really admire her, even Key and Onew can't take their eyes off her.


"Nuna, you are really amazing!"Key said to her.


"Well, thank you Key."Vic-nuna answered with a smile. "What time will you guys play basketball?"she asked.


"It's on 2 p.m, Nuna."Onew answered.


"I'll watch and cheer for you guys. You should give your best."She said then she looked at me. "Am, you should take off your glasses everytime you play."


I blink my eyes several times. I just realize now that it's hard for me to play with this glasses on. I looked at her again, I think she saw that I didn't think about it before I decided to join to play.


"Don't worry, I guess you can't hide your face forever."she said to me with a smile.


"But Nuna.."she cut me.


"No more buts, it's too late for that. You will be used to it. I'm affraid that your eyes will be damaged if you keep wearing that."she said jokingly then giggled.


"What are you two talking about?"Onew asked, with a puzzled look together with Key.


"You guys will found out later."Vic-nuna said then wink at them.


It is really against my will to blow off my disguise. I don't want to be surrounded by girls just like the first time I went outside to Nuna's house without wearing a cap or anything to hide my face. Many crazy girls just surrounded me and they were all pushing towards me. I find it troublesome, but what Nuna said is true, I can't be like this forever. I let out a deep sigh and followed what Nuna had told me to do. In the boys locker room, Key and Onew's jaw drop when they finally saw what I really look like. They pretended that thet become gays for me. I pushed them both away when they hug me and the just laugh out loud.




Minho-oppa's class will be against our class in basketball. It is the first game. We were all in the school gym. When Minho-oppa's team sit on their benches, all the girls screamed and cheering for them. They we're screaming his name too. My boyfriend just wave at them just like a celebrity to his fans. I didn't feel jealous at all. Then, our class basketball team where Amber, Onew and Key belonged came. Key and Onew's arms was around on some guy's shoulder while they enter the court going to their benches. I take a closer looked, my eyes widened when I saw Amber without his glasses on and tied back his hair that almost cover's his face before. He is totally exposing his whole face to the crowd now.


"Who is that guy with Onew and Key? He did not belong to our class,right?"Luna said.


"Your right, and where is Amber?"Sulli asked while desperately searching for him.


I did not utter a word. I got confused. Then Vic-unnie and Yoona came towards us. They sit with us. I saw that Unnie wasn't surprise about Amber taking off his glasses. I think she already know it.


"Amber is really handsome even from afar."Yoona said, causing for Sully and Luna to turn to her.


"That guy with Key and Onew is Amber?!" Luna and Sully said in unison with eyes widened. Yoona nod her head. The two looked at each other then to me.


"I already know that he is handsome for a long time now."I said to them and smile awkwardly.


"AAAAAMMMMMMBBBBBEEEERRRRR!" Luna and Sully cheered his name with a very loud voice like a die hard fangirls causing for everyone to turn into our direction. I felt embarrass about what these two did.


Amber waved at them and smiled. I notice that the other girls jaw were drop open. I think they couldn't believe their eyes that the dork Amber they knew is one handsome and a hot guy. And in just one snap, they all cheered for our class and cheered for Amber.


"I guess Amber will really find this troublesome."Vic-unnie said and then chuckled.


"He will really never like this."Yoona said.


I watch Amber, he is listening to their coach instruction. I look at Minho-oppa, I already decided before to give my full support to him. Then the game started.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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