Not A Dream

Love in Disguise



A middle aged man is sittiong on his office chair behind his desk. He is busy reading every documents on top of his desk. His attention was shifted to the person who just entered the room. The man is carrying a brown envelope, he handed it to him.


"Mr. Lee, I now found out who is responsible for bringing up the Jung's company to become number one in Asia."the person who just enter the office said.


"Who is this boy?"Mr. Lee asked as he looked at the picture from the envelope.


"It's Amber Joseph Song, Sir."the man quickly replied.


"Amber Joseph Song? Have you checked his family background?"Mr. Lee asked.


"Not yet, Sir."


"Then, check it and report immediately to me. Send some of your men to keep an eye of this kid."Mr. Lee said.


"Yes Sir!"the man said then he go out to the office.


"Amber Joseph Song, you reminded me of someone, a very good friend that I already taken good care of."Mr. Lee said with a devious smile on his face.




I was lying on my desk when someone poke me on my forehead. When I got up to see who it is. My eyes widened when I saw that it was Krystal. She smiled at me.


"No sleeping on the class, stupid!"she said to me.


"Krys.."My brows furrowed. I was asking myself why is it that she's talking to me.


I looked around but it was just only us in the classroom. I got confused of her action. I stand up to walk away from her but I notice that her smile disappear and she became sad.


"You really don't want to talk to me, huh?"she said.


I feel guilty so I sat down. "What do you want?"I asked her pretending to be annoyed.


"Thank you for all the things you've done for me."she said with a big smile.


"What are you talking about?"I asked her.


"I know now, that it is you who helped me and my family all along."she said to me with with a sparkling eyes.


"Who told you? I bet it is Key. That guy really didn't know how to shut up..."


I was cut off on what I was saying when she suddenly kiss me. I was so surprised, my heart start to beat faster again just like the first time. I kiss her back, my stomach feels that there are butterflies inside. Everything feels so good when suddenly there is this one man who grab her. He pointed his gun to me.


"Don't move if you don't want her to die first."the man said to me while shifting his gun to point towards her.


I got scared, my feet is trembling. I wanted to save her but my feet won't just move. I calm myself, I need to think straight.  When he heared that the other students are coming he got distracted, now it is the time for me to fight him and save Krystal. I snatch Krystal away from him and started to fight him, he drop his gun on the floor. When I knock him down, I turn to check Krystal.


"Are you okay?" I asked her.


I didn't notice that the man got up and pick up his gun. I heard him pulled the trigger and shot the gun. I was shocked when Krystal come to cover me. She was hit on her chest. The man then quickly run away. Her lifeless body was lying on the floor and there are many blood flowing out on her body. I stood there, stunned. My body is trembling, it was just like before.


"NNNOOOO!"I shouted as I got up.


Then I realize that I am still in the classroom and in the middle of my class. I looked around and everyone is looking at me, puzzled. I looked at Krystal,I walked towards her. She looked surprised.


"I am not dreaming right now, aren't I?"I asked her as I hold her hand. She just nodded her head. I then let out a deep sigh, feeling relieved. "I'm glad that it is just a dream, I thought I had lost you."


"Mr. Liu, go back to your seat. Miss Jung will not go somewhere else so don't worry."Mr. Han said to me.


My classmates start to tease us, then I realize that I am not suppose to talk to her. She looked down, I notice that her cheeks are red. I then let go of her hand then went back to my seat. I can see that my friends are grinning. My face feels hot and I feel embarrassed to the class and especially to her.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
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Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!