The Painful Discovery

Love in Disguise



I already miss Krystal so much. The last time I saw her is when we came back from our vacation. Everytime I ask her to go out with me, she always declines. Today, is our first day in school. I am so excited to see her again and I hope that we will be going to be classmates again. As soon as I arrive to school, I've got to run away from those girls again. I asked Nuna to check what class I am belonged to and if I am still belong to the same class with my friends. I was so happy to know from Nuna that we still do. I entered the room, and all of them are already there. I greet them.


"Atlast, the prince have arrive!"Key exclaimed.


"I'm not a prince."I answered to them. I choose to sit on the desk beside Krystal. I greet her with a smile and she smile back with a faint smile.


"Oh, Am. Somebody wants to give this to you."Onew said and he handed me this small envelope.


"Who is this from?"I asked.


"The guy from other class asked me to give it to you."Onew answered.


"Wow, I think there are already guys who turned gay because of you."Luna said and chuckled.


"Nah, it's impossible."I answered. I stuff the enveloped on my bag.


"Amber, Krystal is pregnant."Sully suddenly said.


"What?!"Krystal exclaimed and got up from her chair.


They all were surprised from what Sully had said but I am not. I know she is referring to the fishes that I have given to her.


"It's not you Krystal, it's my fish."Sully said then chuckled. Krystal let out a deep sigh then sat down on her chair.


"Then it is good right? They will be having a family right now."I answered and smile to her I turn to face Krystal but she's spacing out.




I am now dating Amber and Minho-oppa. I want to break-up with Amber right now because I already feel very guilty about cheating on him. I decided to end our relationship to him today and I am planning to do it after our class this morning. He asked me to have lunch with him but I decline. I need to gather up my courage and I can't do that if I am with him. After I ate my lunch, I went back to our classroom but he isn't there. I clearly told him to meet me this time in our classroom. I went my way on the rooftop, hoping to see him there. When I entered the rooftop, I spotted him, sitting on the bench where he used to lie down. I felt a very heavy atmosphere. Amber is holding the envelope that Onew give to him this morning. I felt scared to go to him, but I need to.


"Hey?"I greet him but he didn't looked at me. There was a silence between us. "I thought I told you to meet me in the classroom earlier."


"How long have you've been cheating on me?"he said with a stern voice.


"Wh--What?"I stuttered. I never felt this scared before.


"Answer me!"he said with a loud voice. He looked at me, I can see that he is very angry by the look on his eyes. I then realized that he already know that I am cheating on him.


"Amber, I'm so sorry!" I said to him and the tears start to fall in my eyes.


He looked away from me.He keep quiet for a long time. He never face me anymore. I waited for him to talked again.


"Don't be sorry, it is also my fault. I knew all along that you still love him. It just took me a long time to accept it."he said with a calm voice.


"Amber I'm sorry, but I really do love you too."


"But your love for him is greater than mine."he said then let out a deep sigh. "If you are happy with him, I am happy for you."


When he stuff the envelop back into his bag, one picture fell off. My eyes widened when I saw it and he quickly pick it up. I grab the envelope out of his back pack. I can't believe on what I have seen. I looked at Amber and I see in his eyes that he is in deep pain even without looking at me.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
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Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!