Sleeping Together

Love in Disguise



I think Krystal felt better after we jogged. When we got home, everyone is already having breakfast. I saw that my friends were grinning at us. Well, Key and Onew's grin is different from others.


"Wow, you are both sweaty, what did you do?"Onew asked.


"We went for a jog."I answered to him.


"You two,have breakfast now." Tae-unnie said.


"I'll go get a shower, first."Krystal answered and headed upstairs.


"Me too."I said.


"Don't shower together."Key said then laugh.


"We have separate bathroom, Key."I answered.


This day, we decided to go to the beach. Me, Onew and Key went surfing. They both laugh at me everytime I fell off on my board. It is my first time to surf. The girls were on the shore, preparing the food and then they go for a swim.


"They really got a nice body."Key said, admiring the girls from afar while we are sitting on our board.


"Yeah, especially Krystal."Onew said.


"What did you say?"I glared at him.


"Ah, no, don't take it wrong."he said to me while waving his hands together and smile nervously. Key just laugh at him.


"Hey Amber, what if Krystal already forgot Minho  but still didn't fall for you but instead fall for someone else?"Key asked.


"I don't know, maybe I will just accept it. I want her to be happy even if it is not with me."I answered. They both looked at each other then looked at me.


"We admire you, bro."Key said with a big smile.


"We will always be right behind you."Onew said.




Amber always fell off on his board. Onew and Key always laugh at him. I enjoy swimming with Sully and Luna, while Tae-unnie is having a sunbathing. I really have fun with them. The three guys went back on the shore when we called them to have lunch. Amber really got a well shaped body. The other girls are admiring him. I glared at them then they stop staring at him. We eat our lunch together, everything taste delicious and we all have fun. After we take our rest from eating, Onew and Key went back to surf and Luna and Sully decided to swim. Tae-unnie went back to the house to get something.


"Aren't you coming with them?" I asked Amber who is now lying under the big beach umbrella.


"Later, I want to take a nap first."he answered.


"Maybe I'll do the same too."I said to him and I lie beside him.


I can feel his warm body beside me. I can even hear him breathing. I feel at ease when he is beside me. I didn't notice that I fall asleep. I was awaken when I heard giggles around me. I slowly open my eyes and then I realize that I am hugging Amber. I can see that his face is all red. I wonder when did he wake up and why he didn't wake me. We are surrounded by everyone. I quickly got up and everyone went laughing out loud. I hid my face when it felt hot. Amber got up too.


"Hey guys, stop laughing."Amber said to them while covering his face with the back of his palm.


"So you two finally sleep together."Key said. I know he has  a double meaning about it.


"Shut up, Key!"I told him.


"Oh, don't be shy Krys. You sleep soundly beside him."Luna teased me.


"Amber's face is really red by the time he realized you are hugging him."Sully said then chuckled.


"How long did we sleep anyway?"I asked.


"Don't worry, it is just two hours."Tae-unnie said.


"Bro, good progress."Onew said and wink at Amber.





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