Pretty Krystal

Love in Disguise



I often see Amber and Yoona always together. The whole school is thinking that they are going out. Amber really treat Yoona well, just like the way he treat me when we are still dating. I really feel envious about Yoona, just like Amber's fan girls. I just watch them from a distance and keep my emotions inside. It really feels heavy on my chest. Most of the time, the two is always talking to each other even they are hanging with us. They feel like they are just the only people existing on the planet. I really want to express my love for Amber too but I don't know why I am holding back. Maybe because I am thinking that Yoona deserve him more then me. I am just the girl who only hate him and Yoona is the girl who truly love her. I let out a deep sigh to ease my frustration.


"Are you okay, Krys?"Luna asked me.


"I don't know, Lun."I answered her.


"Is there something bothering you?"Sully asked, worried.


"No Sull."I lied.


"Krystal, do you have feelings for Amber again?"Luna asked.


"Yeah."I answered. "I'm pathetic, right? I just hurt him when he love me and now that he doesn't love me anymore, I want him again." I said with a faint smile. I just want to express myself to make me feel better. Luna and Sully patted me on my shoulder.




I wonder if Krystal has a problem because I saw Luna and Sully are somewhat comforting her. It makes me feel curious about what she is going through right now. After our morning class, I approach her. Luna is having lunch with Onew and Key and Sully is having lunch together too. Yoona decided to eat with her previous classmates. So basically, I just want to ask Krystal to eat lunch with me then she agreed. We eat our lunch in our school garden. It is really relaxing to eat there. She eat silently, without talking or looking at me.


"So, how are you today?" I asked just to break the silence between us.


"Fine."she answered in a flat tone.


"Liar."I answered. Then she look at me with her brows beng furrowed.


"What did you say?"she said sounding annoyed.


"I said, you are a LIAR."I answered stressing out the last word to make it clear to her.


She didn't answer anymore and go back on eating. I just watch her, I think she got more annoyed then she put down her chopstick and glared at me.


"What?!"she exclaimed.


"Whoa! Chill."I said to her then chuckled. I stare at her. "You really look scary right now."I said to her.


"So what if I look scary? That I don't look pretty? That she look more beautiful compared to me?!"




Because of Amber making me annoyed, I snapped. I began to talk things that I shouldn't said to him. When I realized what I have been saying to him I shut my mouth and covered it with my hand. I can see him looking straight to me. He looked surprised then he smiled.


"Stupid."he said then chuckled.


"I am not stupid, you are!" I answered back.


"Your stupid. Who told you that you are not pretty? Only a blind man will say that. You are pretty, Krys."he said and flash his dorky smile.


"Don't say that to me, stupid."I said to him while lowering my face for him not to see me blush.


"Even if you lowered your head I can still see your face is red."he said then laugh. "Anyway Krys, who are you referring when you said SHE?"


"No one. Will you stop asking questions!"I said to him without facing him.


"Okay. But I just want you to know, I don't compare your beauty to that whoever SHE is."he said then he continued eating.


I can feel my heart beat is racing right now. My annoyance was overcome by my happiness. I look at him and he is now busy munching his food. I quickly avoided his eyes when he looked at me.


"You are really strange."he said then chuckled as he shook his head lightly.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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