Rival's Talk

Love in Disguise



I didn't expect to see Krystal and Minho in the infirmary. Krystal also got injured in her game. I am soaking wet, the nurse told me to change my clothes before I get sick. Vic-nuna came with Yoona's uniform. When I came back, I saw Minho attending Krystal, he looked worried for her. Yoona's bed is beside Krystal's. When Krystal saw me she turn her back to Yoona's bed and face Minho.


"I didn't expect to see two of my friends here." I told them. I grab a chair and sat beside Yoona where I can also see Krystal.


"Well, I think we got the bad luck at the same time."Krystal answered without changing her position.


"She's right."Yoona agreed and sighed.


"Don't say that, atleast you have enjoyed today."I replied with a smile.


"Amber, your photo with Yoona is spreading in the whole campus."Minho said and showed me the picture in his phone. "Check yours."he added.


I grab my phone in my pocket. It is a photo of me giving breathes to Yoona. I didn't know what's in it. I am just saving a life.


"Can I see?"Yoona said and I showed it to her. Her face turns red then looked away.


"What's up with this?"I asked, confused.


"Everyone thinks that your kissing her. Stupid!"Krystal answered.




Amber is sometimes really annoying. I also got a picture of him with his mouth in Yoona's mouth. When I see this, I can not concentrate in my last game and I got injured. I twisted my ankle, fortunately it is not that bad though. I turned my back at Yoona's bed because I don't wanna see him taking care of her.


"Krys, I'm going now, I still got a game to play. I'll come back after, okay?"Minho-oppa said.


"Okay."I answered in a flat tone. I was disappointed, I don't want him to leave me with these two with me. He leaned and kiss me on my forehead.


"Guys, I'm going ahead."He said to the two and then left.


I feel uncomfortable. I feel that I am alone in the room. Then I heard footsteps coming near me. The next thing I knew, Amber is standing beside me.


"What do you want?" I asked him.


"Just checking up."he answered with a smile on his face. I feels Yoona's eyes in my back.


"I'm fine, don't worry."I answered. I closed my eyes.


"Good."he said then walk away from my side. "I'm going ahead, I still have a game to play too. You two should take a rest."




Krystal and I was left in the room. I feel uncomfortable because of the silence between us. Then, she finally rest her back on the bed facing the ceiling of the infirmary. I feel awkwardness between us, maybe this is the feeling between the two rivals. I close my eyes to take a rest but I heard her voice.


"How do you see Amber?"she asked.


"I see him as my very good friend." I answered.




I look at her and our eyes meet. "How do you see Amber?"


She looked at me then look away. "I see him only just a friend."she answered.


But I know she is lying because her eyes is telling different. I decided to and make her admit her feelings for him.


"I'm going to confess my feelings to him." I said. She then looked at me with her eyes wide open. I smiled to her.


"Th..Then, I think that dork will be happy."she answered as she looked away. I can see sadness in her eyes.. Then I confirmed that she really do have a feelings for him.


"But I think he is inlove with you, he hasn't realize his feelings yet." I told her.


"Because he is stupid and I am stupid too."she answered then chuckled.


"Yeah, your both stupid, really, really stupid."I agreed with a smile and close my eyes. "You can't have Minho-oppa and him both so I'll make him mine." I added.


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