New Classmate

Love in Disguise



Everything went back to normal. Amber took a rehab treatment because he can't walk well but he quickly recover. He went back to school and everyone of his fan girls welcome him. He greet them with smile for the first time. Our classmates are so happy to see him again. They all give him a warm welcome, especially the girls. Just like before we first become friends, he treat me the same way. But atleast he is not ignoring me and doesn't treat me like I am invisible. I exist in his life again and it made me happy.


"I heard we have a new classmate coming."Luna said.


"Is it possible that it is Yoona?"Sully asked.


"She is scheduled to arrive this weekend, right?"I said to them.


"Yeah. I think Onew asked Amber to call her to confirm when is the exact day she will come back here."Luna answered.


"I can't wait to see her."Sully said with excitement.


"All of us does."Luna replied with a big smile.


Luna is wrong, not all of us are excited to see her again. I am not excited at all, I remember what she said to Amber before she left and I know Amber clearly remember it. It makes me feel down everytime I think about it.




I am having lunch with Key and Onew in our school garden. I called Yoona to confirm when will she arrive in Korea because we are planning to throw a welcome party for her. She answered that she will be coming this weekend.


"If it is not Yoona, who will be our new classmate?"Key asked while munching his food.


"We will know it tomorrow."Onew answered.


"I hope she is a girl and not a guy."Key said with a grin in his face.


"We are outnumbered already by the girls in our class, so I think it is better if it is a guy."I said to him.


"Having more girls in our class are way more better than having more guys."Key answered. I just shook my head and smile at him.


I decided to stay in the school garden after we eat our lunch. Key and Onew went ahead. I lay on the bench where I usually do. I stare at the sky, it is so clear. I think today is a perfect and beautiful day. I close my eyes and decided to sleep. I was going to enter into my deep sleep when I suddenly heard a voice.


"Yah! Wake up! Class is had already started."a girl's voice said to me.


I don't know why but I felt it happened to me before. I lazily got up and looked at the person who wake me up. When I saw it was just Krystal, I lie back.


"Just a minute, I am still sleepy. Go ahead without me."I answered to her. She then came close to me and stand beside me.


"Amber Joseph Liu, you still have to take a make up test so you need to go back to the class. now!"she said.


"I can answer my test in just fifteen minutes so don't worry."


I was so surprised when she hold my hand and pulled me to got up. To be honest, I guess she is so weak. So before she drained all her strength because of pulling me, I got up. She then let go of me. I rub the back of my head.


"Man, you are so persistent."I said to her. Then she looked at me with smile.


"Yes I am."she answered.


I answer all my exams. I feel like I become more genius that the last time. I think the more I hit my head, the more my IQ went higher. I hope I will not become crazy someday because of this. Then the next day, all of my classmates become excited, well they always do everytime they heard that we will be having a new member in our class. Mr. Han, our homeroom teacher entered first then he called the new student to come in. A very beautiful girl entered in the room. She is so demure and modest and she looks like a goddess. Our eyes is fixed to her and we follow all her movement while she walk on the front and stand in front of us. She roam her eyes around the room and when our eyes meet, I notice that her cheeks turns to red. I fint it cute though and I can't help to smile upon seeing that.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
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