
Love in Disguise



Five years has passed, many things have happened. Vic-unnie got married to Nickhun-oppa and they are now expecting a baby. My Unnie got married to Yuri-oppa four years ago and I already have a three year old niece. Luna got engaged to Onew, well unexpectedly, Sully and Key is now dating for two years. Yoona went back to America and is also now engage to her boyfriend. Me, I already have a five year old handsome son. I want to name him Amber Joseph too but I found out that Amber's real name is Yiyun so I decided to call him Yiyun. He really resembles him. He is really a very smart kid and also very protective. He is also sweet and gentle. I still wear my ring and the necklace that Amber gave to me. I always stare at it everytime I think of him. Somewhere in my heart, I still believe that he is still alive.Maybe because it is just really hard for me to accept that he is really gone.


"Umma, do you miss Appa again?"Yiyun said to me when he saw me looking at my ring again.


"I always miss your Appa,baby."I answer to him then hug him.


"Yiyun is always here for you,Umma. "he said to me then kiss me on my cheek. He really remind me of Amber.


"And Umma is always here for Yiyun."I answered him then give a quick peck on his lips then he flash his dorky smile.


"Oh, Umma, I will be going to the park with Soeri today. I promise to her that I will play with her."he said. Soeri is my neice.


"Okay, I'll ask your aunt Jess to pick you up." I said to him.


Jess-unnie pick him up and brought him to the park. I decided to visit Chen-appa and Vic-unnie. I always go to their house because I want to visit Amber's room too. When I'm in his room, it makes me feel that he is with me. I can still smell his scent in that room.


"I think it is the right time for you to find a husband, Krys."Vic-unnie said to me.


"I agree with Vic, Yiyun needs a father right now, and it is hard for you to raise him alone. You need someone to take care of you too."Chen-appa said.


"I will think about it,Appa."I answered to them. All of them is telling the same things to me.


"Yiyun really looks like Amber when he is just a kid."Chen-appa said with a smile as he reminisce the memories.


"I'm lucky to have a son like him."I said to him proudly.


"Amber will be proud and happy to see you and on how you raised your son. You are a really great mother."Vic-unnie said.


"And I know, you will be too, Unnie." I answered to her.


After we talk, I went to Amber's room. Nothing has changed since the last time he left it. His pillow has still his scent. Tears came falling from my eyes again. I really missed him so much. I yearn to see him for a very long time now. I miss his touch, his hugs, his kissed, his voice, his laughter and his smile. I missed everything about him. I hug his pillow, thinking that I was hugging him.


"Your so unfair,Amber. You leave me behind. I thought you didn't like to leave me behind. You even break your promise!" I said then I sob.


I look at his room again, before I closed the door and left. I said my goodbye to Vic-unnie and Chen-appa. I have to pick up Yiyun on the park. When I got there, I saw them playing with this man. I can see from afar that Yiyun really enjoyed playing with him as well as Soeri. I approach them, then I was stunned when I saw the man's face. He stare at me too, then he flash his dorky smile.


"Umma."Yiyun said as he run to hug me.


"Hi."he greet me.


"Umma,he looks like Appa,isn't he?"Yiyun said to me. My eyes was still fixed on him.


"Amber."I mumbled.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
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Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!