Math Test

Love in Disguise



I didn't expect that Amber will visit me in our house. He told me about our math exam tomorrow. I feel worried, I think he got reckless of making his decision. I don't want him to be expelled too because of me.


"Don't worry, every math problem is the same. Just trust your wit."he said to me, trying to comfort me.


"Okay then, since your sake is in line too, I'll do my best."I answered.


"Just apply all that you learn and don't over analyze the problem. You already know how to check if your answer is correct or wrong, right? I put it in the notes too."he reminded me.


"Yeah." I answer cheerfully. "Goodluck for us, tomorrow." I said then we both laugh in the situation we are into.




I ask Amber if I can see the exam he prepared for Mr. Park. I wonder why he only give a simple problem to solve and it is only just one number. I think he got lazy to add some more.


"Your question is just so simple."I said to him and I saw a smirk on his face.


"Yeah, I really did that on purpose."he answered.


"I hope you and Yoona will do well tomorrow."


"Don't worry Nuna, we will both get a high score."he answered confidently.




I notice that Yoona got nervous before we enter the testing room. I hold her hand and it is cold. I gently squeeze it to make her feel relax. She looked at me and I smiled at her, and she did the same. She take a deep breath, then we enter the room. Inside, we saw Mr. Park and Mr. Han is already waiting for us. We greet them both. I don't really want to greet Mr. Park though. It is a big room so we seated I think approximately five meters away from each other. Mr. Park is in the middle. Mr. Han handed the test papers that Mr. Park made for me and Yoona, and Mr. Park got the test paper I made. Then we have given one hour to solve everything.




We are all worried about Amber and Yoona. We are all waiting for them outside the testing room. I feel anxious. There are many thoughts running in my head. I feel restless, I keep walking to and fro then stop and walk again.


"Krys, stop that, you're making me feel dizzy on what you are doing." Luna siad.


"I'm sorry." I said and I stayed on one side. I take a deep breath to calm myself.


"Do you guys think that Amber and Yoona will do well in Mr. Park's exam. I heard his exams are really difficult." Sully said with a worried tone of voice.


"Ofcourse they will!"I exclaimed. They all looked at me. "Amber is a genius right, and he taught Yoona too."I added.


"Krystal is right, we need to trust them. I know they will both get a high scores."Key said with a grin on his face.


"I didn't expect Amber to go this far, he must really love her." Onew said.


Thinking about what Onew said makes me feel sad. Maybe Yoona did win his heart. I let out a deep sigh after I got rid of that thought.




Amber and I finished the exam before the time ended. He finished answering the test paper 30 minutes before and I finished it 15 minutes before one hour. I wonder why Mr. Park isn't finished yet. Only 5 minutes remain. I think Amber give him a very difficult problem to solve. We waited for the time to end. Mr. Park looked disappointed. Mr. Han checked our papers and we waited for him to finished it. His brows raised when he saw Mr. Park's paper. Mr. Park just looked down. I looked at Amber, he is lying down on his desk.


"Alright." Mr. Han said as he stand up, holding our papers.


I feel my heart is pumping so hard because of nervousness. I looked at Amber, and to my surprise he doesn't looked nervous at all, he rather looked bored.


"Mr. Han, we got a perfect score, didn't we?"Amber asked. He seems sure that we got a perfect score. Mr. Han smiled at him.


"Only you got a perfect score Mr. Liu, Miss Im got one mistake, actually her answer is correct but she forgot to place the decimal point."Mr. Han said.


"Impossible!" Mr. Park exclaimed and he walk towards Mr. Han to see our papers. He reviewed everything.


"Yah Yoona! Don't be so careless. Don't forget to place decimal point!"Amber yelled at me. He looked annoyed of my mistake. We are both on the opposite side of the room.


"Sorry." I apologize to him,then he just smile. His smile cause me to smile too.


"Mr. Han, did Mr. Park answer my question correctly?"he asked.


"Unfortunately, he got the wrong answer."Mr. Han replied. I was so surprised when I heard this.


"Then can you let Yoona solve it on the board for him?"


"Don't get too cocky kid!"Mr. Park said, he looked really angry at Amber.


"Do you want to solve Amber's question, Miss Im?"Mr. Han asked me.


I looked at Amber and he nod his head, telling me to do it. I took a big gulp before I turn to face Mr. Han. "I'll try Mr. Han." I walk in the front.


Mr. Han write the problem on the board. To my surprise, it is just a very simple problem but a bit tricky one. I solve it in less than 5 minutes, I even write the checking of the answer. Mr. Park's jaw drop open. Amber just giggled. Then Mr. Han dismissed us. Mr. Park apologize to me, he admit that he is wrong and he said that my expulsion will be cancelled and he will say his public apology. I walked together with Amber. When we got outside, I immidiately hug him out of extreme happiness. He tap my back and I can see that he is happy too. Our friends surrounded us and they all are happy when we told them the result. They somewhat feel relieved too.


"Amber, I wonder why Mr. Park arrive in the wrong answer in that simple problem."I told him.


"Well, let's just say, people always arrive in the wrong answer if they over analyze simple things no matter how smart they are."he answered. "That man should change."he added then chuckled.


"You are indeed a genius."I said and then pinch his cheek. He just laugh. Then I notice that Krystal walk away from us. 



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