Krystal's Discovery

Love in Disguise



"You're Amber, aren't you?" Krystal said to me. My heart start to race when our eyes meet for the first time. She sounded so sure.


"Your funny." I said to her as I tried to change the way that I usually talk. I make my voice become more gentler and kinder to hear. I think she got embarrassed because she blushed then take a step back.


"We gotta get going, we still have to go to somewhere else." Vic-nuna said as she and Minho done talking


We go to opposite direction than Krystal and Minho's direction. As we passed them by, I smiled at her because I saw that she glance at me from the corner of my eye. I think I really made her confused. I was impressed by Krystal Jung's sharpness today.




I glanced at him as they passed by. I saw that dorky smile again. I am now absolutely sure that he is Amber. The dork is indeed a very handsome one. Why does he hide his true appearance? This Amber Joseph Liu is really mysterious. I will definitely uncover everything about him. I waited for that pretending dork to come into the school Monday morning. I know I should be waiting for Minho-oppa but that dork intrigue me. I frowned when I only saw Vic-unnie arrived. I greet her and she do the same.


"Where is Amber, Unnie?" I asked her.


"He will be late today, I left one of my book in our house and he voluntered to get it for me."Vic-unnie answered.


"Ah." I answered, feeling disappointed or somewhat more than disappointed.


I didn't wait for him anymore because our class is about to start already. As usual, his seat is empty. After our first period, I quickly run into the rooftop to check if he is there. And just what I have expected, he is there, lying on his favorite bench. I walked closer to him, he noticed my presence because he got up.


"A.J Song, why you didn't go to class?" I said to him.




My eyes widened when she called me A.J Song. She really did recognized me yesterday. I looked at her as she's standing in front of me. Her arms crossed and she was tapping her left foot on the floor.


"Take off your glasses."she said. She really loves to order people around.


"Why would I do that?" I answered to her and lay back on the bench.


"Refusal to do it means I am right!"she said joyfully. "Amber Joseph Liu, I now know your secret."


"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" I asked. She keep silent for a while, I guess she's thinking.


"I could tell your secret and made it known to the whole campus or I would keep it between us, except Vic-unnie."she answered.


"I like the second option."


"Okay, I'll do that. In one condition."she replied.


This girl is really smart. I opened my eyes, thinking if I should continue making a deal with her. I don't want her to blow off my disguise. I don't want to be surrounded by many people just like the first time I went out in Vic-nuna's house.


"What is it?"I asked. I can see that she grinned from the corner of my eye. I kinda feel scared of that grin.




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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
Chapter 70: My fiance...
Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!