
Love in Disguise



I can't believe what Tae-unnie had said. I was right, she does like Amber. I think that she is really serious about asking me to be with Amber. 


"No!" I blurted out. She looked surprise by my answer so did I.


"No?? Why?"she whined. I'm starting to think that she's immature.


"Amber is my boyfriend, I don't want to share him to others."I answered.


"But you don't love him, right?"she said to me.


What she said made me to realize what I feel for Amber right now. I wanted to answer that I love him straight to her eyes but my mouth won't utter the words. I know that it's a lie when I will say that because I  feel that I still have feelings for Minho-oppa. I avoided her eyes and looked down. I love Amber right now but not as much as he love me and I love Minho-oppa.




Krystal is not yet sure if she love her current boyfriend. She even can't answer my simple question, instead she just looked down and avoided my eyes. I look at Amber, I feel pity for him. I can see that he really loved her from the way he looked at her. Kids this days really make simple things complicated. I hope Krystal will love him as much as he love her sooner or later.




I got up early in the morning to jog. I think everyone is still sleeping. When I got downstairs, I was surprised to see Krystal in the living room. She is sitting alone and in deep thoughts. She didn't even notice me. It seems that there is something bothering her.


"Good morning."I greet her with a smile.


"Oh, good morning."she replied with a faint smile.


"I didn't know, you wake up so early."I said to her and take a sit beside her.


"I am like this if I sleep in a new house."she answered. "Are you going for a jog?"she asked.


"Yeah, do you want to come? It will help you clear your mind."I said to her. She look at me for a while.


"Okay."she answered.




I went for a jog with Amber. He is faster than me but everytime he realize that I am not beside him anymore, he always looked back at me and wait for me to catch up with him. He was smiling while looking at me going nearer to him. 


"You can go ahead, don't mind me."I told him.


"Nah, I don't want to leave you behind. Besided I don't want others to see that my girlfriend look like chasing after me."he said then flash his dorky smile. I smile back at him.






"You know that I haven't forgotten Minho-oppa until now, right?"I said. He look at me.


"I know."he answered with a faint smile.


"Can you really wait for me to love you again?"


"Yeah, so take your time. But don't force yourself to love me, it's okay for me if you really doesn't love me back, just tell me though."he answered.


"Thank you."I replied.


I feel lucky to be loved by him. I don't want to hurt him but I am doing it right now. I was surprised when he hold my hand.


"I just want to make sure that I wouldn't leave you behind."he said to me, I can see that his cheeks are red.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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