Vic and Amber's Relationship

Love in Disguise



I was only five years old when my whole Family was massacred. We all gathered together when there is a group of armed men suddenly barge in. I remembered the faces of those who shoot us one by one. I was trembling when one man point his gun at me then shoot me on my head. It was a miracle that I survive. From being so dumb, I became a genius. I am Amber Joseph Liu, the only heir left of the one of the richest family in America. The criminals weren't caught by the police.I didn't know what's the motive of the killings even until now. My godfather took care of me. He kept my identity because he felt that those criminals will come after me if they found out that I am still alive. He kept me hinding in one of their family's private place, in an remote island. There, I was home schooled then he taught me how to fight, everything I needed to know on how to defend myself and how to survive without any means for ten years. Now, I am almost 16 years old, he then decided to sent me in a formal school but not in America but in one of the Asian country, Korea.




Everyone in our school always greet me with smile everytime they see me. Me and my friends are the most popular students here, Luna and Sulli, well there is the other one popular student which is not one of my close friend, Victoria Song. She is older than us so I kinda look up to her. But her popularity drop when everybody saw that she's always with this dork, Amber Joseph Liu. There is a rumor that they are dating and living under in the same roof.


"They are seriously, a mismatched!" I exclaimed. "How can she date with that kind of guy? Wearing thick glasses, always have a messy hair and even doesn't have a good attitude. Is he even taking a bath or brushing his teeth everyday?!"


"Whoa Krys, calm down."Luna said then chuckled.


"Maybe she saw something to him that she liked." Sulli said.


"What is good about him anyway?"I said with sarcasm on my voice.


"Why won't you date him so that you will know what did Vic-unnie see in him too."Luna said.


"Never!"I shouted. The two giggled.




I know everyone is thinking that I am dating Amber and my popularity rate drop because of it. I don't really care if I am popular or not. I hate to be always surrounded by people and being confessed to almost everyday. I don't want to hurt people's feelings so when the rumor about us started, I didn't clarify it because for all the years of my school life, now is the most peaceful and quiet one, which is the way I wanted to be. Besides, Amber didn't care about those rumors. I always see him as my little brother since my father is his godfather and he is living in our house.


"Am, you wait for me at the front gate after our class."I said to him as we headed to the canteen. I always lock my arm in his arm so we're basically look like a couple in the eyes of others.


"Okay,Nuna."he answered. Amber is not a talker so his answers are always short. I notice Krystal and her friends looked at us as we pass them by. Her eyes is fixed at Amber.


"Is Krystal Jung your classmate?"I asked. He looked at me with his brows furrowed and shake his head. "You know, you should talked a lot."I added then sighed.


"Yes,Nuna."he just answered.


He is really annoying sometimes but I understand him. He feels uneasy when there are many people around. He is not used to be around with many people because he grow up in an remote island that we own. I don't know why father brought him there. All I know is, he is father's bestfriend's son and his godson.




I walked Vic-nuna into her class after our lunch together. I always do that because I want to accompany her. I feel at ease everytime I'm with her. If we don't have a test, I didn't go to my class, instead, I go to our school garden which is situated at the rooftop of our school. This is one of my favorite place, I can be alone here and have a quiet environment. I lie at the bench and stared at the blue sky. The big clouds are slowly moving, covering the sun. I close  my eyes, feeling the tranquility of my surroundings, I feel asleep.


"Yah! Wake up!" I suddenly hear a girl's voice.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
Chapter 76: Its daebak!!!!
Chapter 75: Like father like son hahaha
Chapter 74: Shocking!! Hhaha
Chapter 73: Congratulations. You are the father!!
Chapter 71: Their first time is pretty gentle... That our ambro!! Nice one!
Chapter 70: My fiance...
Chapter 69: Awww still sweet...
Chapter 68: Yulber to the rescue
Chapter 67: Oh no pls tell me everything's fine!!