
Love in Disguise



I was so surprised when Vic-unnie asked me if I love Amber. I look at Amber and our eyes meet. Then I notice that Yoona is looking at me too, she looked puzzled, maybe she's wondering why I am looking at Amber, I shifted my gaze to Vic-unnie. She is waiting for my answer and base on the look of her eyes, she doesn't want me to lie.


"I love Minho-oppa,Unnie." I answered. I know it's irrelevant to her question.


"I'll take it as a no to my question."she answered. She look disappointed but she still smiled at me.



I only know that I love Minho-oppa. That is what my mind telling me. But I feel my heart is telling different.My feelings makes me confused and question myself if I really do love Amber and not Minho-oppa. It feels like I'm cheating on my boyfriend so before anything get serious, I decided to kill what I feel for Amber. I suppressed the feelings that I have for him and keep it inside.


It is now our midterm week, Amber's notes really help us a lot. He made everything simple and easy to understand. Amber is always the first one who pass the test papers. I didn't find the exams that hard, thanks to him.


"Finally, it is over."Luna said as she stretch up her body.


"Thanks to Amber, I find our exams easy. I think I will get a better score."Sully said.


"He is really a genius." I said before smiling then I saw the two grinning. I already know what they are thinking so I glared at them they just both laugh.




Our midterm week is finally over. Everyone felt relieved. Onew and Key asked me to join them play in the arcade station. I decided to go with them since they always asked me before and I always turned them down. I informed Nuna about it and she let me go with them. It is really fun. There are other students from our school who are also playing in there. Well, it is not just a simple arcade station that's why, kids from our school play here. Then we overheard someone say something about Yoona. We are all surprised when we heard it. I stop from playing and I approached the guy who said something about her.


"What did you say about Yoona?" I aked him with a stern voice.


"Yoona Im was accused of cheating on her math exam."the guy answered.


"Whoa! Who thought that she is cheating?"Key asked.


"Our professor, he can't believe that she almost got perfect. Well, he really give us a hard exams."the guy said.


"Your professor should be happy that his student get a high score in his hard exams instead of accusing her of cheating."Onew said.


"Who is your professor?" I asked.


"Mr. Park."


I feel  worried about Yoona.  Cheating is a great offense in our school. You can be expelled if you get caught doing it. Yoona is only accused but the teacher's words is stronger than the student's words. That rumor spreads in our school, Yoona is very depressed about it. She didn't come into the school the next day. I decided to talk to our school director about Yoona's case. The director called Mr. Park, and Mr. Han was also there.


"Mr. Liu, do you have proof that Yoona Im didn't really cheat on her math exam?"the director asked.


"No. But did Mr. Park had a proof that Yoona did it during her math exam?" I replied.


"Miss Im had always got a low grade or an average garde in my exams. And suddenly she got a high score, higher than the top students in their class. How can you explain that? I will understand if she will get just above the average or average grade but an almost perfect grade, it's impossible!"Mr. Park said.


I looked at him. I really find him annoying and he also looked annoyed to me. "Okay, let's make a deal, let her take another of your exam, if  she still pass and get an almost perfect score you will cancel her expulsion and say a public apology to her."I told him.


"And if she fail?"Mr. Park asked.


"You can expel me together with her." I answered. I saw that the director was surprised so did Mr. Han.


"Alright then,it seems that  you really have a high confidence that she will get an almost perfect score again." Mr. Park answered with a grinned.


"Ofcourse, I'm the one who taught her how to be a math genius." I answered him with a smirk. I saw that he got irritated.


"Oh I forgot, you are the famous slacker genius, why won't you take my exam too, let's see if you can still call yourself a genius after you take my test."Mr. Park said.


"What about I'll give a math problem too for you to answer. That way, it will be just fair, right? We will answer your test and you will answer mine."


"Are you challenging me kid?!"Mr. Park raised his voice. I just shrugged my shoulder. "Alright then, I'll accept it."


"Alright, Mr. Liu, you informed Miss Im about this."the director said and I nodded, he then turn to Mr. Han. "Mr. Han, since you are a math teacher too, you will be the one who will check their papers."


"Yes, sir."Mr. Han said.


I felt relieved after that. I feel happy too because we will be able to clear Yoona's name and cancel her expulsion. I know Mr. Park was angry and irritated at me and I don't really care. All I care is my friend's sake, Yoona's sake.  Well when Vic-nuna heard what I did, she scolded me and I explain to her what I did, and she somehow understand me.





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