Thunder And Lightning

Love in Disguise



Today is sthe first day of our field trip with the seniors. Our school decided to bring us in Oedo island. We saw the very beautiful view. It has a marine western style botancial garden. There are a lots of beautiful flowers in their park. I've heard that it had been called by others as paradise. Our teachers let us to roam around the place but they set a time for us to come back in our meeting place. I kinda feel lazy to walk around so I decided to stay on the bench that I have spotted. I grab my ipod then wear the headphones and play the music. I lie down, I can smell the fragrance of the flowers. It is really relaxing and refreshing. The blue sky is so clear and there is no sign of raining. I close my eys as I listen to the music, I even hum with it.




I got disappointed when Amber decided to be a lazy bum and just stay on that stupid bench. I've been her in Oedo before when I was a little kid. I have planted a rare type of flowers here and I really wanted to show it to him. I got separated to my friends because they are heading to other direction. I went to check the flowers that I planted and see if it is still there. It is a little bit farther from the main garden though. I planted it around the gazebo because I consider it before as my little castle. A little farther from the gazebo is a pond. It is not big but the water is calm and clear. I feel happy when I saw that the flowers are still there. They are all fully bloom. I stoop down and smell one of them. It is really beautiful and fragrant. I went in the gazebo, it brings back a lot of memories to me. It draws a smile on my face. I decided to stay there and tend the flowers to make sure they will live more longer.




I got annoyed when someone take off my headphone from my ear. I quickly got up to see who it is. My annoyance was suddenly disappear when I saw Vic-nuna standing beside me with her arm cross. She looked mad, and she is scary when she got mad. I notice Nickhun is standing just a little distance behind her.


"Amber, why are you just lying there?"Vic-nuna asked with a stern voice.


"I don't want to roam around."I answered.


"You shouldn't come with us if you will just do that."she answered sarcastically. She really hate it everytime  I behave like this.


"I'm sorry, Nuna."I said to her. She then let out a big sigh.


"Go, find your friends and have fun."she said in a calmer voice.


Without hesitation, I listened to what she said. I roam around the place but I couldn't find any of them. I walk and walk and my feet hurts. I look up the sky and it slowly becoming dark. The rain clouds is starting to cover the blue sky. As I wander, the rain began to fall. I quickly find a place where I can get a shelter from the rain. Then, I spotted a gazebo just a little further from where I am. The thubder began to roar and the lightning light the sky. I run as fast as I can so that I won't get wet into the gazebo. I mess my hair to get rid of the rain water that made it slightly wet. I almost got a heart attack when I notice that there is someone there. A girl sitting in one corner like hiding herself. She is hugging her knees and burried her face between them. I can also see that she is trembling.


"Yah!"I called to her. Then she look at me.


That's when I recognize that it is Krystal. Her eyes is puffy and teary. And she looked scared. The thunder roar loudly and she got startled and bury her face again between her knees. The lightning strikes so strong to. I realize that she got scared by it. I decided to sit close to her.


"You're like a kid."I said to her then chuckled.


"Shut up, stupid!"she answered. Then she got startle again when the thunder and the lightning strikes. The rain is pouring heavily.




I feel a little bit safe when Amber sat beside me. I really hate thunder and lightning. They both scared me. It feels like, they will hit me if I make a single move. Then, I got suprised when Amber but his headphone on my ear and play the music of his ipod loudly. Loud enough that I can't hear the sound of the thunder anymore. He then put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I can feel my heart is beating faster and faster.


"Thank you, Amber." I said to him.


I didn't know if he asnwer back because I can't hear anymore sound except the music in his ipod. He just pat me on my head and play witt my hair after. I just let him. I feel so happy. When I realize that the rain stop and the bright sun again showed up, I remove the headphone on my ear. I turn to looked at him but he is sleeping soundly. I look closer to him then decided to give him a quick peck on his lips.


"Don't you know that stealing is a crime?"he said to me as he open his eyes after I kiss him.


"When--."the only word that I utter, I feel that my face is so hot, then I quickly burry my face again between my knees because of embarrassment.






"My heart is beating faster right now."he said to me.



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