
Love in Disguise



I finally asked Minho-oppa if he would allow me to go to Vic-unnie and Amber's house for a group study. I was surprised when he agreed. I really didn't expect it but I was hoping for it.  I didn't show him that I was happy because I don't want him to misunderstood. I wonder why did my boyfriend agreed.


"Oppa, I was wondering why did you agree?" I asked him.


"Well, I've been thinking lately. You and Amber used to be good friends and I don't want you to end your friendship because of me."he explained. "Besides, Vic already explained to me about what really happen before."he added.


"I also explained it to you." I told him.


"Well, my brain can't process well that time because I was upset."he answered then smile awkwardly. 


"Thank you for being understanding, Oppa." I said to him and hug him.




It is already weekend. Vic-nuna already prepared some snacks and foods for us to eat. I feel happy when I heard that Krystal is coming with them. They all arrive together. Key and Onew immidiately roam around the house and admiring all that they see while the girls just stayed in the living room. This time, Krystal finally smile at me. I handed the notes I write to Yoona, Key and Onew ask a copy for it when they have seen that it is much easier to understand. Well I really did write an easy way to come up with the write answer even without using the formula.


"Am, maybe you should write a notes in all our subjects." Onew said then he chuckled.


"Onew is right, I'm sure we can all get a highschore if it is from Amber." Luna agreed.


"Why won't you do that for them Am, since you didn't need to review your lessons anyway."Vic-nuna said.


"Okay." I said and left them to make a notes in all subjects. I only wrote what I knew. It serves for me as a review somehow.




I notice that Amber always obey what Vic-unnie will say to him. I am starting to think that he likes her. I feel jealous of her because she is living with him and even make him follow her. I know that Amber now is his stepbrother since his father adopted him. She just only told us about it. She didn't tell it to others in our school so that no one will be bothering her if everybody finds out that she is not really dating Amber. I admire her though, she doesn't care about popularity. Well, I am with the most popular students right now, Luna, Sully and especially our campus princess, Krystal. I study Amber's notes first, and I easily understand everything. I didn't expect that the subject that I hate can actually be this easy.  We stayed on their study room.


"I feel I am a math genius now." Key said after he studied the notes Amber had made. They all have copies of it.


"You are exaggerating, Key."Sulli said then laugh.


"Nuna, how did Amber become this genius?" Onew asked.


"I don't know, maybe it's a God's gift to him." Vic-unnie replied.


"He is sure is gifted." I said. I notice that Krystal look at me when I said it.


"Is it okay for Amber to write such many notes?" Luna asked.


"I'll go check up on him." Krystal said then left.


"I think she is planning to make up with him."Vic-unnie said with a smile and we all look at her until she exit on the door.




I spotted Amber, in the living room. He is busy writing the notes on top of the center table. He glance at me when he saw me coming towards him. I feel the awkwardness between us when I sit on the chair beside the sofa where he is sitting. I think he is just writing everything he knows because there are no books beside him.


"So you are really a genius, huh?" I said to break the silence between us.


"Maybe."he answered without looking at me. He just continue what he is doing.


"I'm sorry about the last time. I know you didn't mean to do it."


"It's okay. I understand."he answered, still without looking at me. I'm starting to get irritated.


"Will you look at me, while I'm talking to you?" I told him. He stop writing and look at me. He can now looked straight at me in the eye.


"Sorry." He said then he leaned back to relax his back.


We both keep silent, I don't know what to say anymore. I'm waiting for him to say a word but he didn't. So I decided to go back into the study room. I stand up, and as I was about to leave, he called my name which cause me to stop.


"What?" I said to him while looking down at him.


"I am really happy that you came here."he said to me and flash his dorky smile.


"Stupid!" I replied then I smiled at him.


"I'm a genius, everyone say so."he replied. "So can I, not stay away fom you now?"he asked.


I nodded and turn away from him. He really looked happy when I nodded my head and it makes me happy to see him like that. After I left, he continue what he was doing. As I was on my way back to the study room, I meet Yoona.


"Are you going to where is Amber?" I asked her.


"Yeah."she answered with a smile and walked pass me.



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