Krystal's Condition

Love in Disguise



"What is it?"

"Treat me like how you treat Vic-unnie." I answered to him. I saw his dorky smile when I said this.


"Okay then."he answered then close his eyes again.




"Yeah, promise!"he answered.


I feel very happy when he agreed to my condition. A wide grin was drawn to my face. I felt much happier than when Minho-oppa ask me to go out with him. I start to think what could possibly happen after this.


"Krys."he suddenly called.




"If somebody else knows my secret,we  will automatically become strangers again."he said coldly.


And just like a snap, my happiness went out. I feel irritated of what he said. I went closer to him and suddenly take off his glasses. He was surprised of what I did.


"Yah! Give it back!"he said as he got up.


"It's that how you talk to Vic-unnie?"I reminded him. After I said it, he calmed himself.


"Please give it back to me."he said in a softer voice.


"If only you promise to attend the class, whole day!" I asnwered to him and smiled at him. I can see that he is annoyed at me right now.




Krystal is really weird. One moment she's happy then the next she's in the bad mood. Is she a bipolar or something? I agreed to her to come in our classes so that she will give me back my glasses. I sit on my chair and lie on my desk, grumbling. Now, I have to sit here and listen to my teacher's boring discussions. I shouldn't have agreed to her condition.It seems that she can control me because of it.


"Hey Amber!" Key called as he approach me with Onew.


"Huh?" I answered without lifting my head.


"We will planning to go to the arcade later, do you want to come with us?"he asked.


"Come with us, it's fun to play there."Onew said.


"I have to take Vic-nuna  home."I answered.


"That's how you call your girlfriend?"Key asked with a surprised tone of his voice.


I got up to face the two. I furrowed my brows upon hearing of what they just said. "What girlfriend?"


"The whole school thought that you are dating Vic-nuna." Onew said.


I wanted to say something but I decided not to utter any single word. I was surprised when I hear it. I thought they see us as close siblings and not misunderstood us as a couple. Then I suddenly think about Krystal, I remembered what we have agreed on. I decided to treat her almost like Vic-nuna, I don't want others to see us like a couple too. I looked at her and our eyes meet. I stared for a while then looked away. I lied down on my desk again, grumbling.




I wonder why he looked at me. It seems like he want to say something to me. I didn't notice that Luna is already calling my attention.


"Krys!" she called in a louder voice.


"Wha--What?" I answered, looking back at her.


"I called you for many times, you just keep looking at that dork. What are you thinking?" Luna asked, then she giggled with Sully.


"Nothing." I answered.


"Anyway Krys, what's your status with Amber?" Sully asked. "Is there any progress?"


"Well, there will be a big progess, soon." I answered then grinned. The two looked at each other. Since Amber is now going to treat me well, I'll used that to get closer to him and make him fall inlove with me. I hope it will not go the other way around.


In our class, he was just leaning on his hand looking outside the window. He is obviously doesn't paying his attention to the teacher. I think he really doesn't want to attended our classes. I can see that he is in a deep thought. I began to wonder what he is thinking right now. After our morning classes, I decided to eat lunch with him, but Minho-oppa is already waiting outside in our classroom. He wanted to eat lunch with me. The whole school already knew that I am going out with him and they all give their support to us.




As I was walking on my way to Vic-nuna's classroom, this girl suddenly bumped into me. She fall down and the books that she's carrying scattered on the floor. She kinda looked nice.


"Are you okaY?" I asked her as I stretch my hand to her to help her to get up. She just stared at me, our eyes is lock into each other.


"Amber."she mumbled.



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