Last Goodbyes

Love in Disguise



I uneasy today. Today is the day that Amber and Yuri-oppa will be going to the States. All of us went to the airport to see them off. All of Amber's friends went there. They all look sad and it feels like, Amber isn't gonna come back. I feel strange of the thought of him, leaving. It feels like, I should not let him go because I may not be see him again if I do.


"Amber."I called him.


"Yes, Nuna?"he answered and look at me. He walk closer to me.


"I feel there is something isn't right."I told him. He stare at me for a seconds then he flash his dorky smile.


"It is just your imagination, Nuna. I will be fine, we will."he answered. But my feelings isn't convince yet.


"I don't know Am."I said to him.


"Don't worry, Nuna."he said then hug me.




Amber is saying his goodbye to our friends. I can see that Vic-unnie is worried to him too just like me. I look at him and it made me feel that I am looking at him for the last time. I don't know our friends felt it too. There is really some force that making me to stop him from leaving.


"Amber, come back as soon as possible. We will be waiting for you."Yoona said to him with a sad smile then hug him.


"I will, don't worry."he answered.


"Don't take it too long or else, Krystal will find someone new."Key said jokingly.


"I know, she will wait for me, Key."he answered then grin.


"Don't be too confident, bro."Onew said, then Luna elbowed him and glare at him.


"Don't listen to this two, Am. They are just talking nonesense."Luna said. "Take good care of yourself there."she added and hug him.


"We will gonna miss you,Amber."Sully said while holfing herself not to cry and hug him tightly.


"I will gonna miss all of you too,Sul."Amber answered.




I look at Krystal and come closer to her to say my goodbye. It saddened me to see that she is very sad. I can see in her eyes that she is just holding her tears back. I hug embrace her, and her hug his so warm. I plant a quick peck on her lips. Our friends are teasing us then they left us to be alone and talk privately.


"Please wait for me until I come back."I said to her.


"I will surely wait for you."she answered with a faint smile. "Am, I really don't want you to leave."she added.


"I'm sorry Krys, I can't cancel this anymore. Don't worry, nothing will happen to me there."I said to her.


"Okay. Just remember your promise to me, okay?"


"Okay." I answered. "Oh, Krys."




"Tell me if Minho keeps bothering you while I'm going because I will surely kick his ."I said to her. She managed to smile.


"Okay, I will."she answered. She then looked deeply into my eyes. "I love you, Amber Joseph Liu. I will love you for the rest of my life."


"I love you too, Krys. I will love you for eternity."I answered and kiss her.


I bid my farewell to them. I take a looked  to all of them for the last time. I felt happy as well as thankful to see that there are so many persons who care for me and I care about. 

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
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